Non stupid porn suggestions please

I’m constantly disappointed with the quality of porn that I see. I would actually like to have a couple of DVDs of actually erotic porn but I’m not willing to blindly pay for a bunch in the hopes that I hit one of the few golden ones.

Seems like a lot of what I see is just so mind-bogglingly bad that it’s a turn-off rather than a turn-on.

Things I’d like to avoid: over-emphasis on blow jobs (seems like so many are 90% bj footage… booooooring), spitting of any kind (makes me queasy to see someone spit, instantly ruins any mood), general stupidity

Anyone have any recommendations (of stuff actually available on DVD)?

Well for starters; male(s)-male(s), male(s)-female(s), or female(s)-female(s)?


For a more fleshed out answer: I’d probably default to m/f porn, but I can enjoy any configuration of genders, if it’s done well. Bisexual porn tends to have better looking guys, I’ve noticed.

You just looking for people fornicating or do you want attractive people fornicating? Straight up man and woman stuff or variations? Something a little kinky, something kinky enough to change your deeply held convictions about the fundamental goodness and /or baseness of Man?

You have to tell us what you’re after, Girl, or we can’t get the hay down where the goats can reach it. You want something with goats? Or maybe larger domestic animals?

Perhaps your difficulty comes from insisting on “porn” rather than simply erotically charged input. They can be different if you insist on it, you know.

Or not, if you don’t.

On the other hand, they can blur together if you alllow them to do so.

By “porn” are you meaning ‘the most explicit, graphic footage that you can find,’ or are you trying to find something that turns you on the most? They can be two different things, you know (at least for me).

One movie that I’ve seen, which I consider to be one of the most hotly erotic viewing experience that I’ve experienced, is The Lover.

It’s not porn in terms of showing blatant penetration and things, but it is quite…effective…in the below-the-equator department.

I don’t know if that helps, but it’s what I’ve got.

No animals, or urine/feces/vomit/blood. Or spitting, as mentioned before. To me, hocking up a big one on someone’s genitalia prior to doing your thing is just disgusting.

I’m fairly open-minded about sex. Um, to say the least. Some people would probably consider me pretty kinky. I’d prefer attractive people but if it’s done well that’s more important. I’ve enjoyed porn with all configurations of men and/or women, as I said. M/M probably comes out ahead of F/F for me, because F/F is often kinda boring because it’s some man’s fantasy of what two women would do with each other, and it looks too fake. That said, I have seen good F/F scenes before.

Note, I’ve seen porn I liked before, but I have no idea what it was, or who, or how to go about finding it, nor do I remember any of it well enough to try to describe it to someone.

Digital Playground


IIRC it’s the most expensive porn ever produced. Actually, the thing is entertaining as hell even barring the fact that it’s a porn.

Damn’d if I know, Opal, I was just curious about you!

I call it “porn” because what I’m looking for is a movie (or series of vignettes) that is primarily sexual activity. While I might enjoy a “real movie” with several great erotic scenes in it, that’s not what I’m after in this thread. If I’m going to spend some personal time in my room getting my jollies off, I don’t want to sit through 30 minutes of plot to get to the stuff I’m looking for. I’m looking for the kind of thing where I’m probably only going to watch 20-40 minutes of it at any given time, and be able to start it at any point in the video and not feel I’ve missed something, you know?

I’m not so much into the camera angles that are three inches away from some guy’s bouncing balls, but I am looking for fairly graphic footage, rather than just suggestive.

Man, Pirates was filmed right here in my hometown on the replica of the HMS Bounty. I remember there was a huge to-do because the city didn’t know it was a porn at first, but got a little suspicious about all the (extremely) scantily-clad actors.

Never seen it, although I hear it is really funny. So probably not at all what you are looking for.

Sorry for the completely useless post, but I gotta represent the Burg, yo. 727 in the house!

Ok frankly that’s a bit embarassing. my apologies.

Yeah not so much looking for funny as looking for hot.

John Leslie went from acting in porn to directing it, and his films are supposed to be pretty good (they were written up in some artsy film magazine a while back). I did find that his Chameleons was one of the few porn films I was willing to watch to the end for the plot alone.

Check out It’s mostly girl-girl stuff or solo shoots, but its scorching hot. Abby herself is gay, so it’s not so guy-oriented as most lesbian porn, plus she is (used to be?) a doper. It’s a monthly membership fee, but it’s cheaper than a DVD and gives you access to vastly more content. Totally worth it, IMO.

Thanks, but I’m not interested in a website. I don’t want to have to have my laptop with me, digging through links, or have to deal with clicking on my keyboard or mouse, etc. I just want stuff on my TV.

Today’s porn seems to be made by men who really hate women. Most of what I see is totally degrading and not at all erotic. Plus, it seems that the women have more tattoos than the men. Yuck!

Looking for this one led me to an interesting site that sold that movie and several others that sound promising… thanks for the heads up

I’d say the best porn movies were made in the early 90s. Story writing was getting better and the movies had yet to be effected by the internet.

I’d suggest “Justine: Nothing to Hide 2” as a good porno. It think that Mike Horner (wiki link) is a good actor to follow.

I don’t know from movies but try worldsex.youknowwhat. It’s free and it has a bunch of pics and a bunch of (short) films from a bunch of different sources. On a lot of different…ideas. Might be a good place to go looking.

I also like hogtied.youknowwhat and the whole hogtied family of porn. But that’s only if you’re kinky. But at least it’s real and not stupid.

Thanks for the tip Fern–will look it up.

betenoir: Not looking for web content, especially not short films as they require stopping what you’re doing to click on stuff, and the whole shebang requires putting my laptop in my bedroom, which is logistically not fun anyway.