Non-USA Dopers: Stand and be counted. Please.

In the new thread Which SDMB minority are you in? it has become obvious that the Doper population outside the USA is both non-trivial and poorly (at least to me) understood.

In the interest of building some numbers for where you are (if not in the USA) please respond with your country and (if you can) some sense of how many other Dopers you know of from that same country.

Even though this is non-scientific, it could help us get a better sense of where the non-USA population of Dopers really lives.


Add any comments or further criteria you see fit to.

As per my location I’m in Dublin.

Irish born and bred. There used to be a good few Irish posters here but with time and subscription that number has fallen. I think there are still about 5 of us.

I know or have met some of them. There was a time when 3 - 4 of my good friends posted here but they’ve mostly drifted away now. One still posts however, jjimm who has moved back home to the UK after spending ~8 years in Ireland.

A lot of past/current UK and Irish members post on a small board we started NADS
There’s a healthy number of Brits and Aussies on the board and a fair few from mainland Europe as well.

Sydney, Australia.

The following is utterly non-scientific personal observation.

I have often heard that Australians are very early and keen to adopt technology, and when I was first on the internet years ago, I noticed a disproportionate number of Australians, and an even more disproportionately high number of New Zealanders (this is the internet in general mind, not the SDMB). Within the Australian online population, I noticed people from the less populated states and cities were, again, seemingly overly represented. Maybe it’s our isolation that makes us love communication tech. I don’t claim to know.

In these last few years, I’d say we’velost that, and now we seem to be more or less holding a presence online which is more true to our actual population when compared to that of places like the US.

Similarly, I felt there were proportionately more Australians on the SDMB in the early days than UK Dopers. I would not say that now.

Another Aussie. Many of TLD’s points are quite true. I have been on the net since the 80s and the Ausssie presence has definitely been diluted over time.

I’m a Montrealer, and I know I’m not the only one…

(That’s Montreal, Quebec, Canada, for those from far and wide. Highly cosmopolitan and diverse city, with a population of about two million. Tech, commerce, and tourism are probably the biggest employers right now. Internet access is cheap and plentiful.)

I’m in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and there are lots of Canadian Dopers here (you can’t always tell because we don’t type “eh” as often as we say it). I would say we have, best guess, around 100 Canadians here?

Englishman in England, half-way between London and Birmingham.

There used to be a doper with the location MK UK or somthing similar who was probably from here (Milton Keynes) but I’ve not seen any of his/her posts for some time.

I think there’s someone in Oxford, someone with the location The Land of Butter is also in England I think. With all the joke locations it’s hard to know until someone posts in a Mornington Crescent thread that they’re British.

Thanks to those responding thus far.

Do any of you recall similar threads from the past that got decent response? I have this vague feeling there was even a map involved in one of them, but have forgotten the mapping resource that was used.

I do know I have seen the Location field with these entries:

Hong Kong
Saudi Arabia

Whether those people have posted recently, I’m not as sure.

Indian in India - Bangalore, to be precise; back home for the summer. I’ve been lazy and haven’t updated my location; I was in the UK until July. I seem to recall another couple of Indians (I know **Anaamika **is of Indian origin, but that doesn’t count) but I can’t remember their names offhand.

Another Canadian here, in the overheated and smoggy city of Toronto.

Another Canadian (Montrealer, too) here. I’m not sure how many are still registered, but a few years ago there were about 9 Montrealers that regularly attended Dopefests. I’m sure there are more people who have joined since then, and many who just weren’t interested in the Dopefest thing.

Someone from Norway here. I think I have seen at least two other posters with a norwegian location on the SDMB, but not frequently.

'Nother Canadian here in the presently heat-stroked city of Brampton, ON, just west of Toronto’s northern border. Sunspace has already chimed in, and I know Amazon Floozy Goddess is somewhere in a northerly direction of here. I’ve also seen at least 3-4 more Dopers mention their location as some place in Ontario (I recall one from Hamilton and maybe two more north of here).

German in Germany.

Offhand I can name tschild and Fish Cheer, but there are a few others.
We also have a number of expats living in Germany.

btw. I often wondered how many people aren’t native speakers of English. Even among the non-US population we seem to be a small minority, although for me it’s of course often hard to tell.

I’m from Holland, and as I understand the honourable **Maastricht ** is as well.

I am a US expatriate who has lived in Panama for the last 14 years. As far as I am aware, I am the only one who posts from Panama, although Paul in Saudi has lived here in the past.

As for other posters in Latin America, I am aware that there have been or are members from Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, and Argentina, though I am unsure how many of those are currently active.

Eh, 'nother Canuck here. I live in Nova Scotia though, which is considerably east of most of the other Canadian dopers. Nearest I’m aware of are those in Montreal.

Another Montrealer here. Never did the dopefest thing, because then I could never post in TMI threads anymore, knowing that some people would be able to put a face to the stories…

I’m a Unitedstatesian from Chicago who’s been living in Mexico City for the past 10 years.

another Canadian, and another Calgarian here.