Okay, no offense to anyone here from the USA/UK but I’m curious about how many dopers we have in foreign lands, particularly non-native english speaking lands. So I’d rather not get the typical list of Dopers in the US if you don’t mind. Basically I want it to be different from the usual location thread in specifically weeding out the numerous english-native lands like the USA Canada, UK and Australia, which seem to heavily outnumber the others. Nothing wrong with it, and I’m from the US, but what really piqued my interest was that I saw a list of French dopers in another thread and frankly, I had never thought that there were French dopers here. So if you know a Doper who is a native of such a land or simply lives there, let’s hear it.
Oh, and I think it would be prudent to only list another person if it is listed openly in their profile. The only reason I ask people to list other people is simply because they might not see the thread.
I know of a Spanish doper who lives in Switzerland, I forgot her name though, think it starts with an N. I also remember a few Scandinavians and Dutch, and a few Germans. Any Japanese or other Asians? How about anywhere in America south of the border? I seem to think there are a few there too. Any Africans? Obviously we see loads of people from USA/UK/Canada/Australia on a daily basis, but I wonder about other places.
I’m right here at home! It’s you guys who are the foreigners!
(Member of the Anglo Diaspora here, so I gues I don’t really count.) The “Spanish in Switzerland” Doper is Nava. There are several Dopers in Japan or China, HokkaidoBrit, ChinaGuy, and TokyoPlayer being three that I remember. Cerowen alternates between Toronto and Tokyo. There are several Dopers of Indian descent as well (Angua and Anaamika come to mind), though I think we have had surprisingly-few Dopers from India itself.
I’m from Israel – born in the US (so semi-ex-patriate) but as I’ve been living here for over 40 years (out of 43) I think I qualify
Another Israeli doper is Alessan. I think he’s also semi-ex-pat along pretty much the same lines as me, and not native Israeli-born, too, but I’m not sure.
Isn’t that guy joazito who posts the “will all this wimmens stop throwing themselves at me over the Internet” threads from Portugal? I believe so but can’t be arsed to check.
Well, I’m from Canada, but from Quebec, which I would qualify as a “non-native English speaking land”. My native language is French, for what it’s worth.
Sage Rat: I know that Charlie Tan is another Swede. Noone Special: I believe that Puzzler is also an Israeli. silenus: I know who you mean with that poster from Brazil, but his name also escapes me, unfortunately. (On edit: I believe it is Rashak Mani.)
As for Latin American dopers, I know that Martha is in the Dominican Republic (with several other posters whose names I forget), but I don’t think she’s a native.
Yes, I am, but I live in the US, so I don’t count. However, thanks for remembering me!
xash is from India, Bombay if I recall correctly. He won’t post often enough to suit me, though, I’d begged him to make an “Ask the Indian living in India” thread at one point and he hemmed and hawed and then disappered. Disappointed!
I do wish there were more India-living Dopers on the boards. Whenever I go to an Indian-centric board I always get the same crap.