Where do you live?

So I was having a conversation in chat (about lobster, in case you’re wondering) and I had a thought; do we have a Doper in every US state? And then I thought, “Huh. I wonder how many different countries we occupy?”

I know we’ve had location polls before, but we have some newer members now so I’m starting a new one.

I live in Minnesota. Where do you live?

I’m in Idaho (I know Tentacle Monster also lives in Idaho, and there are a few others from the northern end of the state whose names escape me at the moment).

I’m living in Kansas now. Ft Riley to be exact.

WV here. I have been giving serious consideration of gathering Doper locations so I can put them on some kind of cluster-map. See where the largest concentrations exist.

Near the Essex/Suffolk border in England.

(I work in Suffolk, live in Essex)

Springfield, Missouri here…

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

**San Diego, California, USA :slight_smile: **

There are a lot of us in Chicago or the Chicagoland area.

Western Massachusetts here. I specify western because sometimes I think we are a whole 'nother state than the Easterners.

Central London.

Two towns over from Providence, RI.

Las Cruces, New Mexico.

points at location listing.

walks away whistling.

One of many in the St. Louis metro area.

Mississippi. Northeast Mississippi, near Tupelo to be exact. There are others from the state, but I don’t think any others from this region. :wink:

Florida Doper checking in! Born and raised in Orlando, work near downtown, and currently live in Altamonte Springs.


Providence, RI. For those of you that know the city, the Fox Point area.

New Orleans, Louisiana.

A flatlander from Naperville, Illinois. Near Chicago.