Nonsmokers, what are you going to do with your $ ?

Inspired by Satan and all the others who are on the wagon and off the cigs, what I want to know is, if you are putting the actual money aside that you are saving from not buying smokes and saving it for something, what exactly are you going to splurge on once you know you are over your addiction?

Some ideas to help you stay off of smoking:

  1. Set a date that would like a six month anniversary of your last smoke. Use the money saved to buy something tangible. ( Not dinner, paying a bill, etc) Something that every time you look at it ( stereo, bike…)it will remind you and reward your pride of just how hard it was and how you over came.

  2. If you do fall off the wagon, tell yourself the money you’ve saved will be donated to a charity. The money should never go towards a bad thing like buying more smokes. It was collected because of a good thing (cessation of smoking and your strength during X amount of time. And remember, we can’t be strong 100% of the time.) and that it should go to a charity of your choice.

After acheiving the first anniversary goal for yourself, you should set another and keep putting the money aside. Then when acheived, blow it on something total frivolous and decadent for yourself.

Just some thoughts.

I’m WAY to practical for these things to be honest. Any savings I have will go towards my substantial debts. I don’t want Drain Bead to marry into a huge bill, after all, no matter how much money she might make as a lawyer.

Yer pal,

Six days, 15 hours, 20 minutes and 21 seconds.
265 cigarettes not smoked, saving $33.19.
Life saved: 22 hours, 5 minutes.

I am g-g-g-gonna n-need the d-d-dough for all the s-s-sedatives.

Well, I wish I could splurge, but I’m moving into a new place this fall. I’m trying to save as much as possible. This will most certainly help.

Thanks for asking, Shirley, and help spread the word.

BTW, Satan, you weren’t doing so hot(gotta love the puns)for awhile there. Everything okay now?
**The SDMB Smokeout continues **
Delta-9 Stats
Are on my other computer :wink:
In my 5th day

Well, I haven’t saved any yet, just been buying more food.

** Sigh. So many men, so few who can afford me ** Original by Wally

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

when my aunt quit smoking she used the money saved to take her family to disneyworld.

“Organs gross me out. That’s organs, not orgasms.”
-the wallster