Notable Quotes (Nonreligious)

I thought we could use a thread featuring quotes that offered insight or inspiration. And since this is my thread, I am prohibiting religious guff.

I’m reading John Steinbeck’s East of Eden now, and last night I came across this little nugget: “No one who is young is ever going to be old.” This nicely sums up my own point of view during my wasted youth. Back then, I was convinced I had a million years ahead of me.

"Fools names like Fools faces, always found in public places " don’t know who said it!

“Anyone can oppose, it’s fun to be against things, but there comes a time when you have to start being for things as well.” from the film The Libertine

“Stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything” I am pretty sure it is in a song, but I don’t where it originated

“The blues isn’t about feeling better; it’s about making other people feel worse! And making a few bucks while you’re at it.” – Bleeding Gums Murphy, The Simpsons

"i"before “e” except after “c”

“Make memories you can live with.” Robert Knott

(Sidenote: East of Eden was one of the best things I had to read in high school. I actually bought a copy.)

I learned three things in Zurich during the war. I wrote them down. Firstly, you’re either a revolutionary or you’re not, and if you’re not you might as well be an artist as anything else. Secondly, if you can’t be an artist, you might as well be a revolutionary… I forget the third thing.

  • Tom Stoppard

Maybe you’re thinking of this lyric from ‘Aaron Burr, Sir’ from ‘Hamilton’:

Burr, the revolution’s imminent, What do you stall for?

If you stand for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for?

The less you care, the happier you’ll be.

(generally applies to the work environment)

Well, it is definitely from an early-90s Aaron Tippin country song.

“It won’t get better if you pick it.”

From Bull Durham:

“The world is made for people who aren’t cursed with self awareness.”

“The better you look, the more you’ll see.”

I believe there are monsters born in the world to human parents. Some you can see, misshapen and horrible, with huge heads or tiny bodies. . . . And just as there are physical monsters, can there not be mental or psychic monsters born? The face and body may be perfect, but if a twisted gene or a malformed egg can produce physical monsters, may not the same process produce a malformed soul?

“Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try!”

—Homer J Simpson

“You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.”

—Alphonse Capone

“Old age is the most surprising thing that can happen to a man.”–Leon Trotsky, (although an ice pick through the head was not exactly on his to-happen-to-me-today list)

“A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.”

—Chuckles the Clown

“If I’d’a known what’s what, I’d’a gone in college.”

—Mickey Cohen