Nothing like flogging a dead horse..

but I just couldn’t resist

Okay. That’s funny.

We’ll forgive you this time. :slight_smile:

That’s it, gimme that hemlock.

::Climbs up that clocktower, rifle in hand::

Ah, I was wondering where “All your base are belong to us” came from. Is this it?

Nope, the catchphrase that annoyed us so and died a mercifully quick death comes from the old video game, Gundam Wing.

I think.

Aw, come on guys. It’s funny!

Did you look at the rest of that site? It’s hysterical!

I decided to click on it just for the halibut.

OK, so it’s a lame joke. I’m sorry…it’s just that I have a terrible haddock, and I feel quite eel. Maybe it’s just a fluke thing, I don’t know.

Do a search for that phrase. You’ll find plenty of threads to give you all the information you’d ever want on the subject.

And Dire Wolf? Just for that, when the revolution comes, I’ll see to it that you’ll be one of the first up against the wall.