A new Clinton ad seeks to tie Trump to the KKK. LINK
This is a new low even for Hillary. Lets dont talk about policy or issues. Let’s call him a clansman.
A new Clinton ad seeks to tie Trump to the KKK. LINK
This is a new low even for Hillary. Lets dont talk about policy or issues. Let’s call him a clansman.
Watch the speech she made. You don’t have to read the Mother Jones article but the video is t the bottom. She lays all his racism and ties to white nationalists step by step.
Let’s talk about the things that Trump has said, including accusing the President (with zero evidence) of falsifying his own birth records; calling Mexican immigrants rapists; saying a judge can’t do his job because of his Mexican heritage; feigning ignorance about David Duke even though he repudiated him publicly in 2000; and much more.
Does the allegation of his campaign being tied to white supremacists bother you more than him being called a racist for all the racist things he has said? As in, it is fine to call him racist, just don’t imply he allies with white supremacists?
I’m somewhat surprised she had the guts to call him out on his implicit support of racists and racism. Not with her usual caution. Good for her; it shows she’ll do what it takes to win the campaign.
I encourage everyone to view the ad at that Politico link. Here’s a direct link to the new ad about Donald Trump and how much the KKK approve of him -
I encourage everyone to give it a listen.
And please watch the video I shared. It’s one of the most powerful speeches I’ve ever seen. She not only calls him out but step by step makes the case that he is fully aligned with racists and that he’s dangerous
Actually, Trump hitched his own wagon to these people via his rhetoric. Trump often displays ignorance and an erroneous grasp of reality but he’s not an idiot. He knows what kind of audience he’s attracted and I’d suggest he’s rather proficient at telegraphing the dog whistles they recognize. It appears to me his rhetoric over the past week concerning black people bears striking similarities to that of White Citizens’ Councils of the 1950s and 60s, though it’s more nuanced. In particular, he’s given a more refined version of the “block voting” topic (misguided black people have been duped and manipulated into voting for liberals and then get nothing for it) and his erroneously referring to Clinton as a bigot is typical behavior for people who are bigots themselves. For example, civil rights activists were deemed bigots by White Citizens’ Councils for protesting segregation. Hence, this is an issue worthy of consideration.
She got pushed into it by Trump calling her a bigot. Pretty stupid of him to start the racist game.
Every candidate gets people voting for them whom they might not approve.
That is not what’s going on here.
That is what he gets for getting closer to guys that are like that or have friends that are like that. Trump is just following (what he thinks) it will be a winning tactic, just like sheriff Joe Arpaio has done in Arizona for many years.
The sheriff may get reelected again in Arizona, and that will once again make Arizona one of the laughing stocks of America. Fortunately, it looks like most of America does not want to see bigotry and autocracy to become the rule of the land. And it is too late to think that Trump will change his tune, even his recent flip flop on immigration is just empty rhetoric until he does publicly extirpate from his hip guys like racial profiler, contempt of court and very likely criminal Joe Arpaio.
Ironically, the description to this YouTube video is clearly not a Clinton supporter and calls it hypocritical because her “mentor” Robert Byrd was allegedly a grand dragon/wizard/Pokemon whatever. Where do these idiots get this info on Byrd? Brietbart perhaps?
and she kept her cool while doing , she didn’t look like a mad woman like she did when she ran against Obama . I still not a fan of her and not happy about having to pick her or Trump !
He was in the KKK. Back in the 1940s. Young and stupid.
Thank you. Looking him up, even the NAACP gave condolences on his passing, citing his long work for civil rights and his denouncement of the KKK. In the '40s, this was more mainstream than now for damn sure, I’m betting. But this isn’t that smart a move for her campaign. She’s fighting against a candidate that have no interest in researching, facts or history. No one will look up his history in politics-- Breitbart will just post a headline to reassure them. :rolleyes:
As a Hispanic I think it is a smart move, actually a bit delayed IMHO. It is good, in light of Trump’s weak sauced flip flop on immigration, to remember what Trump did and continues to do by not denouncing his bigoted personnel, because when one is dealing with a guy with zero political experience one has to realize that personnel is policy.
But Donald Trump is the one who’s actively retweeting messages from white supremacists. Donald Trump is the guy who reuses white supremacist graphics in his campaign messages. Donald Trump is the one who encouraged David Duke to come out of retirement. Donald Trump is the one that KKK wizards believe cares about their goals.
Donald Trump: The Bigot’s Choice!
That sounds like a pretty substantial “issue” to me.
She’s not going to win over Donald’s fans. His fans already know he’s a white supremacist. That’s what they like about him.
This commercial is aimed at the people who aren’t really bigots but who are maybe willing to be ignore the bigotry from Donald’s campaign if he gives them the figleaf of his “outreach” to black voters. It’s why he keeps giving that black outreach speech to rooms full of white people. He’s trying to front like he cares about the plight of the poor blacks (which is all their own fault of course, with the drugs, and the absentee fathers, and the poverty) so that voters can vote for him without feeling like a bad person for supporting a bigot.
I think it’s both smart and ballsy to just put Donald’s bigotry out on the table where people can’t pretend they don’t smell it.