Now THAT Was Fucking Helpful....

Six stinking posts, and already I can’t stand him.

I actually got some coherent posts out of Chumpsky, and then this festering heap of rat droppings gets dumped into the thread.

Clint me bucko, killing children is a bad thing. Even if you think the ethnic group their parents belonged to did really, really naughty things. And referring to children as ‘nits’ or ‘lice’ is generally considered having a lot in common with the pus oozing from a syphilitic chancre on a dead sheep’s asshole.

Not that I am hoping you are tied down and sodomized with a dildo wrapped in razor wire. Heavens, no. Nor do I entertain any fond wishes that you be hung upside down and have jalapeno pepper sauce dripped on the paper cuts on your scrotum. Not at all.

I’m just saying that a discussion about the Middle East is probably not going to be enhanced by rationalizations about child murder. Not for me at least. Of course, I can only speak on behalf of those who do NOT have unnatural relations with fresh roadkill, so YMMV.

In brief, welcome to the SDMB, and fuck off.


  1. If you believe him to be a troll, report him

  2. If you believe him to be a clueless newbie, educate him.

  3. If there’s a possibility that what he said has been misinterpreted, froth at the mouth and start a pit thread using needless swear and threat words.

So, for the record, you disagree with me…right?
BTW, those children wouldn’t be getting killed if their mommies and daddies knew how to behave like civilized human beings. You know, like NOT using kids as human shields.

Fucking terrorist cowards.

If you and your self-righteous buddies care about Palestinians so much, why don’t you get an AK-47 and help them to fight the evil Israelis?

Out of sheer and morbid curiosity, Clint, what did you think of the children that died in the Branch Davidian compound in Waco?

Oh, by the way…
I can’t believe what a fucking whiner you are.

Well, I think the OP falls closer to 2) than 3), but that’s just my opinion. What’s to misinterpret in that “nits make lice” crack?

I missed the threat in the OP, by the way. Who was threatened, and with what?

Clit in Wichita, Shodan is by no means pro-Palestinian. In fact, he and I hardly have any common ground on this subject. He is, however, able to argue in an intelligent manner, and I am sure that your support is doing his argument no favors at all.

Enderw24, I take this thread as the education this fuckflap requires.

My first interpretation of “nits make lice” was that nit was short for nitpick and the phrase was slang for saying “you’re being a bit overcritical and it doesn’t help anybody solve anything.”

That was my first interpretation. I’m starting to see that I was incorrect, however, at the time the OP was written there was still room for doubt and I think the benefit of it should have been given until there was a clarification.

You probably hate John Walker Lindh for practising the same sentiment…

And could I have a cite of Palestinians using their children as human shields please?

The phrase “nits make lice” was made famous by John Sevier, who killed Native American women and children in an attempt to eradicate the race.

In that context, Clint from Wichita’s use of the quote is pretty damning.

No. For the record, I think what you posted was a revolting display of half-witted indifference to human life. For the record, I think yours is an example of the sort of calloused indifference that the socially inferior use to rationalize their self-exclusion from the company of the decent. For the record, if I had your thoughts inside my head, I would hang by my heels and snort Drano until I thought my brain was cleansed.

The evil Israelis are not the problem here, you pathetic putz. The problem is the number of drooling cretins who care nothing for the death of the innocent, provided the innocent are the wrong color or creed or nationality.

Imbecilic fuckwads are the problem here. Mouth-breathing morons are the problem here. Suicide bombers and other depaved dolts who cannot distinguish between the innocent and the guilty, and who are too stupid to bother to care - they are the problem.

Perhaps you are too busy prying apart the semen-stained pages of your copy of The Turner Diaries to concern yourself with matters of right and wrong, but the rest of us do not share your obsessions.

I am going to have to disagree with you. We do share a common ground - the belief that the innocent should not suffer.

For God’s sake, let’s not lose that. If we do, we leave the arena open to crap like - well, you know.


I concur.

Another armchair terrorist fighter.

What’s really sad is I’m sure he thinks he’s 100% right. It all makes sense to you doesn’t it. You actually think that you can fight terrorism with more violence and win.

You can kill all the terrorists you want. You can not listen to the people who they “fight” for. You can keep your childish stupid concepts of how the world actually works. Terrorists will still be killing innocent people. Innocent people will still be harmed in the reprisals. The reprisals for the reprisals will be nasty … repeat to fade. All you end up with is a lot of hatred and dead people. That’s your way.

Never surrender. Keep fighting the just fight for your side. Fight to protect what you hold dear. Unfortunately both side believe this with the same strength.

Killing terrorists makes more terrorists.

Killing innocents makes even more.

We just need to give everyone in the middle east an unlimited supply of Ecstasy.

…and let them settle their differences with foam lightsabers.

Just an FYI–nits are lice eggs, thereby the origin of “nitpicking,” or looking for small things.

While I can’t remember the name of the author, in BlackHawk Down there are several instances where the forces fighting the americans used women and children as human shields.

Twist of Fate: it’s called research… use it. All the previous links took 30 seconds to find.

Pay special attention to the last one. It’s a report on a UN report on some of the fighting. Basically both sides are using civilians as human shields.

Most interesting is

All of Europe would be speaking German right now if we all had such an attitude.

Anyway, just for the record in this thread I was no way supporting Palestinian terrorism, however I do believe that Israeli stae-terrorism is equally abhorrent and should be condemned also.