Now why would a belligernt homophobe instruct me to "Suck [his] dick"?

Ya ever wonder these things, as said mullet-coiffed townie ape-man peels away in his Iroc-Z, having cut you off, been subsequently flipped the bird, and offered this request as his reply?

Durned if I can figure.

Ohhhh-ohhh, Boston, yer mah home (buh-duh-duh duh, duh-dee-duh…)

Unfulfilled wishes?

A perception that said act would be the ultimate insult?


Who knows?

Only appropriate response: “I ain’t that desperate, sweetie.”

Heh, IROC-Z. My friend used to call that the “I wanted a 'Vette, but I Ran Out of Cash - Z.” And I think you get a discount if you have a mullet.

It’s a widespread cultural saying that most anyone will understand but doesn’t require the person to believe or want what they are saying to actually happen. It’s the same reason I, as an atheist, still use “god damn”

Would an ethnic Jew athiest write that as “G-d damn” -?

Just a guess, but I wouldn’t imagine that a belligerent homophobe would be one with a keen enough intellect to gather that telling another man to blow him was ironic…

They still make Iroc-Z’s?

Because it’s not about homosexuality; it’s about dominance.

I don’t have any cites ready to hand, but you can look for studies on the culture of places like prisons, pirates, etc.

Ooh! A pirate prison! :slight_smile:
Shiver me timbres, why don’t ye? Yar!

Dunno. They still drive 'em, though.

Fuzzy dice and dashboard covered with scratch tickets are, of course, customized accessories. As are the titty mudflaps.

BTW, wtf do you need mudflaps for on a vinny-cah IROC-Z for?

Hey, what makes you think he was a homophobe? Gay people can be mullet-coiffed ape-men, too!

(It’s ironic fashion, dahhling!)

Is that a euphemism?

Cite! :wink:

The only mullets I have ever seen on gay people have been on lesbians. So, that would make them mullet-coiffed ape-women. Watch those sexist remarks, huh Jervoise? :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no 'splaining the workings of the minds of the astonishingly dim.

I learned this waay back in high school, when all the time I spent with the girls in the drama lab earned me this derisive locker-room comment from a knuckle-dragging jock/bully: “Go back and hang out with the girls, fag.”

Oh yeah, he really scored off me there. :confused:

For when you drive though mud. Duh.

I think it actually stands for: “Ignorent Redneck Out Cruising”

They don’t make the Camero at all any more. That and the Firebird have passed on. That frame was terrible.

As Larry said, there’s no accounting for the “astonishingly dim.” That’s a great phrase, so I’m going to steal it!

I thought IROC stood for I Run On Cologne. Must be a regional difference.

I’m no sort of “spelling nazi” or anything, but I think if you’re going to make fun of someone else for being “ignorant”, you should at least get that right.

And, if you’re going to make fun of someone driving a Camaro, maybe get that right too.

Good for you! Try to get the spelling correct!