Number of replies more than views

Hi everyone, I guess I’m gonna ask another stupid question here. I was just browsing through the Great Debates, and I saw a number of threads where the number of replies is greater than the number of views? How does this happen? I’m assuming this isn’t just because of accidental multiple posts. So is it actually possible to reply to a post without viewing it?

So is it actually possible to reply to a post without viewing it? As far as I know, the answer is no, although I suspect you could reply multiple times with one viewing, by hitting the reply button a few times.

However, what you see is a side effect of the switchover to the new board software. The old software didn’t count the number of views, so, at the time of the switchover, all threads–even those with a zillion messages posted to them–at the start were listed as having zero views. Most of these old threads that had been started before the new board software was installed have since fallen off the board, but the Great Dabate threads tend to last a long time.

This is really more a thing for About This Message Board. I’ll move the thread there for you.