So Rita requested a transfer and Tony got shot in the chest. Does anyone know the status of Obradors’ and Morales’ contracts with the show? Are they coming back next year?
I read somewhere that Morales had some kind of deal with ABC in development, but they seemed to downplay the seriousness of his injury, so it sounds like he’s coming back. Obradors, on the other hand, hasn’t been getting much story time lately. She needs something to do besides be John’s girlfriend/ex.
Of course, not having much story time has never hurt Detective - 2nd grade Medavoy, so you never know.
Also, I predict that young doctor that John is boinking gets killed by the fifth episode next season.
I was so shocked, my mouth literally dropped open! I really thought the episode was going to end with Sipowicz’ and Connies’ wedding! I don’t know where either of their contracts stand for next season (I like Morales, couldn’t care less about Obradors), but the ending certainly took me by surprise!
Well, I didn’t see it going there from the beginning, but once the disgruntled, drunken Internal guy started demanding to see Sipowitz and accusing them both of snitching on him, I couldn’t see it going anywhere else.
The ex-girlfriend/transfer cop capping him through the glass was somewhat surprising.
I was watching it expecting it to end differently. When I saw that it was a quarter to eleven and we still hadn’t gotten to the real nitty-gritty of Fraker’s case, I was sure it was going to end with a cliffhanger where Sipowicz and Tony hand in their shields and guns under suspension.
Actually, right up until Fraker shot Tony, what I thought was going to happen was that Tony was gonna kick the shit out of him, as he had threatened (his character doesn’t seem like the “empty threat” sort of a guy), and there was going to be a cliff-hanger as to whether he would face suspension, etc.
I thought Tony was going to call the man who didn’t even know an investigation was in the work , they were going to take drunken-man away and it would have been the end of Sipowitch problems… I love Andy…
I am way to optimistic
Another vote for the 'was surprised" category — its funny that an old warhouse of a show can still surprise like that – it can be special sometimes no?
I wondered if the Kim Delaney was being paved to come back to be “the brunette” & replace Obradors after the guest shot a few weeks back …
Well, you know you gotta have SOME world-class beautiful female cops working out of that stationhouse next year. How on earth can a police station function without at least a few eye-candy unattached cops for the grotesque male detectives to hook up with? Can’t be done.
Add me to tle list of those surprised by the shooting ( but not as much as when Romano’s arm got tail-rotored off on ER).
I look for a real blood bath to start next season. Tony will probably croak from the injuries, Clark’s girlfriend will go out in some bizarre way, and you gotta believe that anybody that marries Andy is doomed, doomed, doomed. I just hope that as he raises another kid, she doesn’t turn out to be a whiny, little wimp like Theo.
No, there’s usually some eye-candy for the females (Dets. Jones, Clark, Rodriquez, etc.) but there’s usually a pretty heavy imbalance in the m/f ratio. Kim Delaney, Jacqueline Obradors, Andrea Thompson, Garcelle Beauvais, wow!!! You could spend a lifetime on the NYPD force, and never meet a woman half that good looking.
You’ll never see a regular detective to match Sipowicz, who’s gotta be the most repulsive chick-magnet I’ve ever seen. He’s the greatest inspiration for fat, balding, middleaged grouchy guys ever. Yay, Andy!
Y’know, something strange about Andy. Yeah, he’s ugly. Yeah, he’s fat. Yeah, he’s bald. And he’s grouchy. But. . .I dunno. He’s also really smart, capable of being compassionate, he’s loyal and generous. He always speaks his mind, which is one of the things I love most about my own husband. He certainly has a vulnerable side, and I can see women who get to know him being drawn to him, and loving him. If I have any gripe at all, it’s that the media (via TV shows and movies) will hook up ugly guys with gorgeous women, but would never hook up a fat, middle-aged woman with, say, excess facial hair, with a hunky guy. But, hey, that’s not Andy’s fault!
There really isn’t a female equivalent, and that’s my gripe. Further more, even “non-beautiful” actresses (like Kathy Bates, ferinstance), would never get paired up with, say, Colin Farrell.