So this is it. the final countdown.
What rumors have you heard?
I think it is common knowledge that the first episode will be mostly Tony, Carmella, Bobby and Janice.
I have also heard a major character gets killed in episode two, but I have no idea who it might be.
I have also heard that later in the season…
Paulie gets pissed at Tony and somehow ends up killing Meadow!
…who saw that coming?! Unless it is BS.
I think Chris gets his movie “Cleaver” screened soon as well. Any other predictions before it gets underway?
I think the character who dies in episode two is Johnny Sack.
Bobby lost his cherry, eh? Messy. The victim took part of Bobby’s shirt off when he died and Bobby didn’t get it from the guy’s hand. Wonder if they’re going to get him for this.
There must be a reason they started the season like this. Bad blood between Bobby and Tony has to go somewhere. Obviously Tony is still mad at Christophah. Wonder if he’s still with the Julianna Margolies character?
What WAS Janice trying to say? That Tony is passive-aggressive and vicious like their mother rather than hot-headed and ultimately ineffectual like their father? If so, I’d have to agree with her. Carmela’s reading, that she was accusing Tony of domestic violence, was way off.
Is Tony going to go down for that lame gun charge? Not with a bang (sic) but a whimper. That’d be ironically anti-climactic and kind of appropriate, like Al Capone going down for tax evasion.
On an artistic level, the lake was well-used as a source of unknown dread and the death of innocence.
Good start. I look forward to this season.
Poor Bobby, with that wife, and that brother-in-law. I hope Tony’s satisfied. Are they even now? What happened to all that maturity Tony was supposed to have gotten from his experience last season? Fucker.
And Tony proved her right by going out of his way to make Bobby kill that guy, just for the damage it would cause.
Lots of random comments made that may be foreboding
The mention of DNA evidence
Hollow-point bullets
Fear of the Lake
There also seemed to be something odd going on around the dock with the boat rocking and the bubbles rising to the surface
Did Tony set Bobby up knowing that he would screw the hit up? torn shirt left behind, bullet in the dryer drum, tossing the gun down outside…
I think this hits the nail on the head. It definitely fits with Tony’s actions in this episode. He had every “right” (from a mafia perspective, anyway) to kill Bobby. Bobby seriously crossed the line. Instead, he used Bobby in a clever way.
If he had killed Bobby, there would have been complications with Janice and Carmela. Plus, Bobby is at least occassionally useful to have around. By having Bobby kill the Canadian, Tony not only makes Bobby “grow up” (again, from a mafia perspective) but also ensures that Bobby will be haunted with the same kinds of memories that Tony wishes he could forget. And he can get lots of mileage out of Bobby having attacked him. Why blow all his political capital in one shot? He can milk it for years.
Tony gets his revenge without losing a soldier. Very passive aggressive.
I want to see Cleaver. I hope they show it pretty soon.
How is it possible that A.J. had a party at the house while Tony and Carm were away and didn’t leave a huge mess when they came back? When I saw all his friends coming in at the beginning of the episode, I was sure the payoff at the end would be a completely trashed house. I was shocked that nothing was amiss.
But clearly A.J. is still a completely spoiled asshole. I was hoping Tony’s tough love at the end of last season would change him, but apparently not. I say that if someone’s got to die this season, let it be A.J.
Slow episode with a big payoff. Poor Bobby, he screwed up big time.
I don’t care about AJ, the less AJ the better. It was sad to see Christopher in only one quick “phone in” scene.
I am looking forward to the Phil plot line. This would seem to be where the meat of the final story arc should be.
Bobby should have at least tried to make the hit look like a robbery. It shouldn’t be too hard to connect the victim’s ex with her criminal relatives, and they’d give Tony and Bobby up. Expired Fosamax, indeed. As an old lady, I’m offended.
I’m assuming the gun was untraceable, but the kid could have gotten some skin or hair from Bobby when he grabbed him, or maybe a piece of his shirt with DNA on it.
The lake/pool thing – funny how Janice and Carmela worry about that. Haven’t they seen The Godfather? Bullets through the bedroom windows? Guns in the house? Enemies everywhere?
Was there a duck? I was pretty sure I heard a duck. Did Tony hear the duck?
Do you think Tony was defensive with Bobby starting with the bow and arrow comment? Shooting deer with an automatic weapon is so trashy. Maybe Tony was jealous of the cabin getaway too. Tony and Carm don’t have a vacation home.
There was definitely a duck. Happened while Tony was sitting on the dock by himself.
Good episode. I know it’s way too far-fetched (and impossible, given the conversation of the two Canadian guys), but I couldn’t help wondering if the guy Bobby wacked was really
To DtC, I believe Cleaver is premiered in the next episode. (I missed the previews for next week. That may have been made clear.)
To be accurate, this episode is the resumption of season 6, and not a new season.
Can anyone name the instrumental music that was playing during the Monopoly game, right before the fight? It sounds very familiar, and I feel as if I should know the title, but I just can’t seem to recall it.
Wasn’t it Take 5 by the Dave Brubeck Quartet?