O brave new world, that has such Dopers in it

Gotta love the optimism…

Let’s see… I’ll bring a Border Collie to keep everyone herded together, a deck of cards and poker chips to keep us amused, some salt and vineger chips, a couple of cases of Coke, a guitar and an Irish whistle, two guns, and a big blackboard we can use to post messages.

I’d bring the sum of all human knowledge, optically stored, and a reading device or seven. And, as per Zebra’s suggestion, condoms. I think that about covers all the essential pastimes, since Team of Scientists is bringing the keg.

Wait! Does this New World have seasons? Is there potabel water?

Who is the recon crew to make sure we can all live there?
If the answers to the above are affirmative–I’ll bring:

Towels. What, you think we won’t use 'em?

Soap–AND deodorant. Oh, no reason, really.

First Aide kit.

Penicillin or similiar, aspirin, meds.
Sturdy boots

Pillows! (to go with the condoms, of course. Might as well be comfortable…)
iPod (have to buy one, first, I suppose)
Palm Pilot (ditto, but it can hold a lot of info, no? Like a book or two?)

Paper and pens/pencils

M&M’s–plain AND peanut. Whoever wants them must do my bidding. No, I’m not kidding…maybe I can borrow a gun, hmm…

Well, if the water is in a container that you can carry around it would be “potable”.
Regarding the Lord of the Flies references, yeah, I would also be a bit worried about the BBQ pit becoming a little too literal.

You have to own it already according to the OP. So you are stuck with downloading Wiki and whatever Encyclopedia’s you have on Disc already.

Maybe **KellyM ** has the DVD version of Wiki already.


I meant potable–in fact, I thought I had corrected my typo… :smack:

Potable water can and often is portable as well…

I wouldn’t worry 'bout the Pit unless someone names you Piggy. Do you wear glasses?

And ditch the Palm Pilot–I would bring Tampax.

[nitpick]No, if it’s in a container that you can carry around, it’s portable. If it’s safe to drink, then it’s potable. [/nitpick]

You’re right, What Exit?. I just have to acquire all human knowledge before we all move to … say, what should we call our new home? Planet Dope? The Spherical Board?

Better start soon, it could take awhile. Wait couldn’t we just bring Cecil along.


Perhaps if I had spelled it po’table?
[nitpick] If puns aren’t allowed in the Brave New World, I’m not going![/nitpick]

You bring puns of that caliber and you’re banned, sonny!


Oh yeah me too. It gets cold out and the “equipment” just goes and hides like a big ole’ turtle.


Ok, back to our task:

Let’s get some recreational activities started. I can bring some bats and softballs (and not those girly 12 inchers, but a manly, Chicago-style 16 inch Clincher), a volleyball net/ball, Scrabble, a couple footballs (and soccer balls for that OTHER football) and a gym bag full of range balls for anyone bringing the clubs.

Did we remember cat food?

And my Get Fuzzy desk calandar. We will of course establish our own calendar, but we’ll need Bucky and Satchel so we have a frame of reference as to the date back on Earth.

Seconded, thirded, and completely agreed with. To your list of equipment (snerk), Mr Bus Guy, I would add plenty of videogame systems and assorted games, and a 10 m screen on which to play them. :smiley:

How would we form a society? What an interesting question. Let’s see, we could duplicate the society we already have established on the Dope, complete with mods for policemen and administrators to look after the details, but that doesn’t seem quite right. So, the mods and admins would be just regular folk, then, as we all would. I think we would need some form of decision-making body for group effort type stuff, like building houses and planting crops and animal husbandry and stuff, but I think I basically see it as a huge Communist experiment - to each according to their need, and from each according to their ability. But we retain the right to ban trolls. People who don’t pull their own weight or are more trouble than they’re worth, banned. Kicked out of the tribe.

Now, ten things that I would bring. Hmm. Okay, I would bring a manual plow to hitch up to the bull, lots of seeds, a kiln to make pottery, an axe, a manual saw, a pack of needles and thread, a loom, a good pair of rubber boots, and a warm parka.

Where are we getting power, can anyone else bring a renewable Energy source.
My system will be good for charging batteries and running a few Hi-efficiency lights at night but and some daytime use but not a lot else. We either need to build a power system from scratch of largely live without.

Mr Bus Guy, I am ready for the Scrabble and Softball. :slight_smile:
I’ll add a 20 gallon tote of board games including Chess, Risk, Clue, Etc.

Am I pushing the definition of 10 things?


Will this world have internet access to the old world? If not, I’d bring the OED, the Columbia Encyclopedia, and Shakespeare’s complete works.

I’ll bring the rusty jarts.

Along with whatever gets brought, can we agree to ban anything and everything to do with religion? If there’s gonna be evangelicals and / fundies, there’s gonna be trouble. As for me, I’d bring my darling Marcie.

*Do my three labs count as “one unit of caninicity” or three separate items?

I’ll come as an early colonist, which means we’re still setting up for electricity and will need some basics:

One unit of dogs (depending on above classification*)
Case of writing paper (to document our history)
Gross of pencils
Piano (for the band)
Rope (for making shelters and lashing the recalcitrant)

Wait, are there wild animals or fish in this virgin wilderland? Because I can’t fish or hunt, then count me out.

I’ll bring 10 “units” of toilet paper and barter with everyone for whatever I need. :smiley: