What if members of the Straight Dope became the rulers of the world? In short all members of the Straight Dope (except banned ones, spammers and the like) are represented and have a say in a Politburo like organization but moderators and members who have been here longer have more say. Most decisions are taken by vote of the members of the Straight Dope. So how would a world government under Straight Dope turn out? Could it create a manageable state?
Ooh! I call head of the Global Dope State Secret Police!
Our motto: “Fighting ignorance . . . by any means necessary!”
Do we have a worldwide enough membership?
I don’t remember anyone saying that they were from Ghana (for one example).
Would we need to use ‘old’ national borders?
Would representation be based on a combination of tenure and geographical concentration of the area that the Doper resides?
I’m too busy taking naps to help rule the world; take my name out of the hat.
A substantial number of religious conservatives would become alienated in a day.
Insurrection, terrorism and subversion would begin a day after that.
No, but we have enough flying monkeys.
Absolute freaking chaos. I’d stock up on food and shotgun shells as fast as I could.
Every time a congressman stood up to make a claim, it would be followed by loud cries of “Cite?”
After the initial round of purges, I expect however many of you are left will fall nicely into line.
I’d expect it to work as well as Great Debates does.
Oh, and I’d expect at least one “ruler” once a day to come before the council and say “ok, but what if the girl was 17 and 11/12ths and raped by her third cousin twice removed but didn’t remember it. Could she get an abortion if she waited until month 7?” and all work would stop for the day as we discussed this brand new conundrum.
There would be no noticeable difference over the present system.
Exactly. The world is already ruled by people who believe themselves to be smarter than everybody else.
Plus a few total dipsticks.
I think in that case, the moderators would turn in their virtual banhammers for large marble gavels with brass-plated heads.
I call dibs on Ghana then.
Interminable bickering.
But isn’t the board mostly left?
No it wouldn’t.
Purges sound like fun.
How much “more say” do us geezers get?
Which ones are voted on and which ones aren’t?
Gotta answer those 2 questions before I can say anything more.
Righties have the guns. Who you gonna bet on in a purge fest…one of the usual suspects and whiny rhetoric, or one of the conservatives with the means to enforce our will? ** BG** will be the third guy put against a wall…right behind D_T and Dio, but ahead of others on my list of purgees.
Come the revolution, you will do what you’re told.