The Straight Dope ceased to exist. What would you do?
Probably read War and Peace, save the whales, paint my toenails, and go to the gym.
But, since Straight Dope will never, ever go away… I’m here.
I’d probably get a raise at work because I’d actually get something done. As it is now I spend at least 6 hours of my 8 hour working day reading and posting to the board. Mostly reading.
I would be very sad, and probably try to resurrect it somehow with the help of many other sad members.
(I like this thread MUCH better, Grimhacker.)
I’d get back to work.
I’d go back to reading things like Design and Analysis of Experiments, Descrete-Event System Simulation, Probability and Random Process and TQM for Every Operator.
Or Dilbert. Probably get some work done, too.
Spider Woman already gave the answer I would give, so I second it.
I’m self-employed and there’s always something else I SHOULD be doing, but- hey, I’m the boss!
Good Lord, Grim!! Don’t even think that! And stop saying it out loud!!
{shudder - tremble}
:: throwing salt over shoulder ::
:: crossing fingers ::
:: knocking on wood ::
:: rubbing rabbits foot ::