Ice97531 RE: OP “Can a person really be obliverated?” in General Questions indicates that you should have looked the word up as the definition is for obliterated. None of the posts seemed to have picked up on the error. Just started off opining.
“Beware of the Cog”
Sheesh the guy’s only been here a month, and he only has forty posts.
I corrected him in the first reply - is this really a pittable offense?
January 2, 2004, 9:04pm
Eleusis is chopped liver now?
So, you pit the guy for misspelling “Obliterated”.
Was this before, or after you misspelled “Often” and “Definition” in the original thread?
This is not a cromulent rant.
I think the OP was aiming for “post reply” and missed.
He missed reply in GQ and hit new post in BBQ Pit?
Thought it might have spawned from a different Pit thread. That not being the case, that has got to be the weakest OP rant I’ve ever seen.
January 3, 2004, 12:00am
I think this OP’er is blatherating.
Dude, if that’s the most Pit-worthy thing you’ve read on the boards, even just today, you must be reading a nicer SDMB than I am.
Jesus Fucking Christ.
Just saw in GQ a question about Rancid Oil where the OP’er corrected themselves on it’s vs its, and the poster only had about 50 posts to their name.
Oh yeah, now I understand the question.
Lighten the fuck up
January 3, 2004, 1:31am
All this thread does is embiggen the Pit.
starts ranting, raving, throwing things, tearing her hear and gnashing her teeth, all while shrieking loudly
There ya go.
This post has been liverated by the liverator!
or at least made a liver color…
January 4, 2004, 3:25am
Did anybody, when they first saw this thread, think it looked like a word Strongbad would use?
And Trogdor the Burninator obliverated the peasants’ village …
January 4, 2004, 3:45pm
Got to agree that this is a pretty lame rant.
However, the pittee’s use of cork for quark was so wrong it made me smile…