By which I mean, every time I click on a thread, it opens in a new tab. Very annoying.
It’s not just on my desk top - happens on my smartphone and tablet as well. This just started happening late tonight (or rather, early this morning.) Both in Firefox and Chrome.
I’ve browsed several other sites and can navigate them normally. Anyone else having this odd issue?
Windows 7, Firefox 30.0 (haven’t updated to 31 yet). It’s working the same as always for me. I wheel-click on each thread title to intentionally open it in a new tab. Right-clicking opens the post in the same tab.
Huh, appears to have been a temporary glitch. At any rate it’s back to normal now.
Was your Ctrl key stuck? Possibly indicates that it’s time to clean your keyboard.
The issue is user-specific. It has nothing to do with the web sites you visit, with one exception. A link may be configured to open a page in a new window but the capability does not exist to open a new tab in an existing browser window.