Odd License Plates

Many people have personalized plates around, and most of them at least make sense. But there are some I jes’ can’t figure.

I saw one today: LNDNDNGN

My best guess is London Dungeon. WTF??? I have no clue what it means.

Anyone else?

The Turtle Moves

He’s probably a proud member of a sex club in London, where he gets tied up and has his heinie paddled.

Here you go.

There’s a kid around here who has
LJAHBLUE on his plate.
That’s damn close to Cher’s son’s name, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t live in South Carolina. Who the hell would want this on their plate…unless maybe it’s a stalker fan? Or a kid whose parents thought Sonny & Cher had really good taste?

Well, well. Ya learn a new thing all the time around here. I didn’t know London had a dungeon.

Well, you never know about fans. There is a car in the parking lot at work that says “StevieN” on it, my guess is he’s a fan. He sure doesn’t look like Stevie Nicks. (BTW Stevie Nicks Rocks)

My all time favorite, “You’ve got to be kidding me?!?” license plate was seen on a 19-eighty something brown Corvette that was in poor condition with fading paint.

Proudly displayed on the front and rear plates was the Moniker:


The guy driving even looked like the 80’s Porn star his car reaked of…LOL!

Beat that one!

-SS :smiley:

If “knowledge is power,” why does stupidity reign?

I once saw a Ferrari on the highway with a simple plate.


Now I know this isn’t odd, but I thought it was cool

“Regarding Mount Rushmore: The Black Hills are sacred Indian ground. Imagine the creepy feeling of four leering European faces staring at your ancestors for eternity” -George Carlin

I have a friend who’s mom bought her a personalized plate as a birthday gift. Her name is Kimi and she’s really embarrased by it, but i don’t think she reads straight dope so… here it is, =)

ITSKIMI displayed on the front and back of her big SUV

“We just jumped out of a 3 story building!”

  • “Yes, it was very exciting, tomorrow we go to the zoo.”

A couple of times around town, I’ve seen a Dodge Caravan with the plate KARAVAN. A person with no imagination? An Ellington fan? I don’t know.

I’ve also seen a van with the plate PVBASS on it.


I still think one of the best was:


Makes no sense until you learn the owner of the car was a urologist.

“What we have here is failure to communicate.” – Strother Martin, anticipating the Internet.



It’s cute, but I doubt it would make it past the censors at the DMV.

One that actually made it: MWMMWWM

Imagine that you’re a cop, chasing this guy down the interstate at 100+ mph, and you’re trying to radio in the license plate.

In a similar vein: IIJIJJI


I also once saw one that said BUYABUD, and one with no other letters or numbers save for an “I,” in the dead center.

Thre’s a gal named Jane (I guess) running around L.A. with the plate: UTARZAN

there’s a cute one that i’ve seen a few times that says, ‘je tem’

“Organs gross me out. That’s organs, not orgasms.”
-the wallster

The one that I could never figure out was simply “PROOF”

It was driven by a little old man on one of those Cadillac style cars.

Liquor Salesman?
Or was the car proof of something?


Maybe he just really likes math.

I ask not what you can do for me, but what you can do for me right now.

Actaully, Elijah Blue is the son of Cher and Duane Allman.
The weirdest plate I’ve ever seen was on a cute little red convertible–“DddysGrl.” But the thing is, a middle aged man was driving it. I’ve seen it a couple of times later (must work near me) and the same guy drives it. Only conclusion I can to is that the guy bought it for his brat daughter, and she got caught driving drunk or something and got her liscense (sp) suspended.

“I need the biggest seed bell you have. . . no, that’s too big.”–Hans Moleman

oh oh, there’s another cute one right by my house that says, “GRRUMP”


“Organs gross me out. That’s organs, not orgasms.”
-the wallster

Heard the story about the people who had a car whose plates read:

3M TA3 ?

Probably an urban legend… but I thought it was hilarious…

(For those still stumped, imagine looking up into your rear-view mirror at the plate in quesiton…)

(For those who can’t handle spacial manipulations <g>, it spells “Eat Me”, backwards n’ flipped, ambulance style)



“Black holes were created when God divided by 0” ~Wally

In California, there are several different plates you can buy for an extra fee, with the proceeds going to support environmental causes. There is one with a whale’s flukes on it; I gather that the money goes to oceanic conservation. Anyway, I saw one of these plates that said HARPOON. Damn near drove off the road.

A committee is a lifeform with six or more legs and no brain.

Or my brother’s BMW, the plate says “IPODRMS”(IPO Dreams).