It used to be, whenever I rightclicked a hyperlink to “Open in New Window”, my new window would be a full screen window. Now, as a result of some more-evil-than-usual pop up add, the new window is a tiny little square.
My questions:
Do pop up ads have this power to reset my windows explorer default behaviour?
How do I fix it?
Dioptre - try this: Close all IE windows. Open one IE window and resize it to the size you want. Then close the IE window. For me, new windows (including links opened with “Open in new window”) come up to the size of the last window from the previous session. If that doesn’t work, I can’t help you; I’m no expert, and I don’t even use IE regularly.
what normally works for me is making any window the size you want your ‘open in new window’ boxes to be, then using FILE>CLOSE to close the properly sized window.
this method has worked for me in the past more than it hasn’t, I really don’t know what’s up with windows.