Official Simpsons 12/14 Thread

All in all, I thought it was a very good episode, certainly one of the best in recent years. Could this be a sign of good episodes to come? I hope so, as I want the show to end on a good note, unlike the tired and unfunny Friends.

I thought it was the best one in quite a while.

“Im jealous of girls because they get to wear dresses”

“Ah, that Mr. McGrew! He’s always confusing something with something!”

I thought that this was a very funny one. A very simple story, but the way it was played and gagged made it a winner. This one basically parodied famous Christmas stories and specials, which the show (surprisingly) hasn’t done until now. (The Ghosts of Christmas showing up on old Family Matters and Star Trek episodes was one of many highlights.)

“This is offensive to Christians and prunes!”

Moe’s broken-legged carolling. Priceless.

Yeah - that’s twice this season - that Moe has been on a suicide bender. I think he ought to get back into smuggling endangered species.

The TV vignettes were the best in a long time. I can forgive Bart flipping on a TV in the Simpson’s kitchen (!) for the Star Trek bit and Marge’s “That last one looked pretty good” (paraphrased).

Mr. Burns a) going to Church b) giving up his wallet (and no Smithers!) was great too.

The Simpsons have a DVD Player!

Heh heh, Magnum PI with commentary by John Hillerman (Carl: That time living in Hawaii wasn’t so bad!)

Don’t like the Mick!

:runs away:

:kicks self: :smack:

like = lick :wally:

good Quimby lines
another spoof on Charlie Brown
I didn’t get the couch gag (Marge with feathers?)

I believe this week’s couch gag had the Simpsons as characters from Japanese amine TV shows. (I don’t know what character Marge was supposed to be, though.)

Excuse me, that should be anime.

Funny, funny episode. Might be the best in the past two years.

A few really memorable gags. I loved the Homer-as-Grinch moment…

Marge was Princess from Battle of the Planets

Homer: Ultraman
Bart: Astroboy
Lisa: Sailor Moon
Maggie: Pokemon
This was the best Simpsons episode in quite a while and had several laugh-out-loud moments.

Did it bug anyone else that in the holiday message they watched with Krusty and Sideshow Mel showed Itchy and Scratchy as “real”? In the Simpson universe I & S are fisctional characters…[/geek rant] :slight_smile:

Scotty: “The ghost showed me in the future! I’m so FAT!”

heh :slight_smile:

Oh, yeah? Then how did they hold a square during Springfield Squares (which of course has no similarity to tic-tac-toe).

The Flanders angle was somewhat reminiscent of the earlier “hepped up on goofballs” episode, though I did chuckle at the “How can you afford this on a widower’s salary?” line.

Best episode since the opening Treehouse of Horror episode- so they are 2 for 2 on the special episodes. A very strong episode all the way through.


Another pointless yet enthusiastic post of agreement here. :slight_smile:

Great stuff, I was sooooo happy there were no guest voices. Gimmicks can be good but save them for once in a while.

[Nelson Muntz]Ha, ha! Your position has been usurped!

Now Santa was in a terrible pickle. Hippies had given drugs to all the reindeer and they were up to no darn good. So Santa placed a call to Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird…

Godammit . . . I should have taped it while I was watching Angels in America over on another channel.

Has the show gotten a huge budget increase or something? Did they actually make all those TV clips just for this show? Claymation is, to the best of my knowledge, expensive and time-consuming.

Pretty funny, but it seemed like they were trying to spoof too much in one episode. Just off the top of my head:

Anime, the California Raisins and other “Hollywood” Christmas specials, A Christmas Carol, Star Trek, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and themselves (Homer and Ned competing).

[Nelson Muntz]Ha, ha! You’re sad on Christmas!