haha… from that title this thread could go anywhere…
But I’m talking about the show on TV. I tried to avoid it, I really did. It just had to be stupid, I mean it’s Charlie freakin Sheen! But my “friend” dvr’d the 4 shows last monday, and I was bored Sunday night so I watched them. I laughed, but figured maybe they just found the four funniest episodes and played them all in one night. It couldn’t really be funny.
But then today (im working from home) and on my lunch time I watched this past Monday’s show, and again, I am laughing my ass off. The whole damn cast is funny, and that kid just cracks me up!!
Please tell me I am not sick, that i’m not suffering from strange brain malady… but that this show is actually funny. Someone help me!
Oh, I love that show! Yes, I gave it up for Dancing with the Stars, but now that’s over and I am looking forward to watching “new to me” episodes this summer. It’s so funny and just filthy, dirty!
I watched a whole season in a short time and thought the show was great. I looked up some threads on this board and everyone else seemed to hate it.
I think you get a lot more out of a show if you can watch multiple episodes in a short time. I have not found this show quite as funny now that I watch new episodes as they come out.
This season the two part show were Allan’s ex gets married was really funny. Also Allan’s second ex-wife is the hottest lady I have seen on TV in some time.
I’m SURE that I’ve never watched it for more than 5 consecutive minutes.
But, I’ve seen a few funny things. It seems like a lot of the jokes are dirty and/or abusive , and I’ve always liked that style of humor.
But, I don’t really tune into much TV. The only sitcom I ever watched outside of Thursday night for the last couple years was the occasional King of Queens, so if the time slot is right, I might tune in from time to time.
My feelings are similar to Khadaji’s.
My wife watches it pretty regularly, and I often join her.
I liked it more a year or so ago. I’m not sure if it changed, or if I simply got tired of it.
It is always pretty much about sex, but sometimes they do it in a way that kinda turns me off. Not sure how to explain it.
But the kid can be hysterical. And April Bowlby is H-O-T!
It’s on our Tivo list, so we never miss an episode. I am amazed with what they get away with on that show. Sheen is hilarious, Cryer is funny can be, and the supporting cast is invariably top-notch.
If you can find the episode where Charlie is dating a Satanist, wear a diaper while watching, because you will surely piss yourself with laughter.
I’ve only started watching it lately, and I think it’s a riot. I love the fiction imitating life aspect of it. I think the kid’s got a great dead pan delivery. Granted, it ain’t much of a stretch for Charlie Sheen, but he is perfect for that role. The relationship between the men and their mother is over the top ridiculous, but still it strikes a chord for me.
I think it’s a really funny show, very often has me actually laughing audibly, but as commented above, better watched in bunches than one episode a week format.
I used to really like this show but last season when Charlie had a steady girlfriend and Alan a ridiculously stupid wife ruined it for me for a while. Charlie’s girlfriend was a bitch and Alan’s wife (Candi, not Judith) was too stupid to live. I did begin watching it again this year and it was much better. I still cringe every time Candi is on the screen. Her voice and delivery drive me crazy.
I think it’s funny too, and I have a soft spot for Jon Cryer. Especially because they named him, as the dorkier guy, Alan, which is one of my dear (and dorky) friends.
Some aspects are quite entertaining. Others are painfully awful. For me, the painfully awful bits outweigh the entertaining bits, and so I no longer watch it.
Agreed. It’s not deep, but the do get away with a lot that you may not expect on US mainstream TV and that’s endearing. Oh, and it’s often quite funny, and sometimes really, really, really funny.