Jesus fucking Christ! I, I’m sure many of you know, bent over backwards giving this fuckwit the benefit of the doubt in this recent thread about the possibility of my bio teacher not believing in evolution (and not having a syllabus prepared, as **susan **feels that’s the far greater crime. )
Anyhow, back on Saturday, he told us he’d email the syllabus, along with a picture of “an ecosystem” that he wanted us to write about. Now, at this point, all he taught us about an ecosystem is “cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, organs make up systems and individuals, individuals make up populations, populations make up ecosystems and ecosystems make up biospheres.” What, exactly, he wanted us to write beyond that was unclear.
Sunday…Monday…Tuesday…Wednesday…no email. So I emailed him last night with a politely worded email that I didn’t know if maybe I wrote down the wrong email address or not, but I still haven’t gotten the syllabus or picture for the homework, and I’d really like to get on it, so if he could maybe sorta DO HIS FUCKING JOB I’d really appreciate it. (okay, I didn’t say that bolded part.)
About an hour ago, I got the following email, as a group email (meaning no, he hadn’t sent it to the wrong email, he just hadn’t done it yet.):
Pl note that there was no mention of, nor attachment of, a syllabus. Just so **susan **knows.
Are ya ready for this? Here’s the picture. (sorry for the size and quality, he sent it as a .pdf and I converted it to a bitmap using ancient PrintShop software. I’m sure there was a better way to do it, but I don’t know how.)
Here’s a rough transcript of my thoughts while looking at the picture:
On first glance, it appears as if it was painted by Napoleon Dynamite, only he left off the unicorn horns. On second glance, one notices the unlikely combination of ripe apple, grapes and roses, and wonders why the brown horse is smelling the white horse’s ass while a lion is half a leap away. On third glance, one might notice the nekkid couple in the mid background, count the animals, make note of their pairedness, and conclude that this is A FUCKING PAINTING OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN!!!
And a rather shitty one at that, to the eye of this non-art history major. I expected to see it signed in the corner by Brandi-with-an-i, only with a little heart instead of a dot over the i. :rolleyes:
What on earth would you write about with this picture? Have fun with it. Help me vent here, since I can’t there.
Here’s my boring, almost snark-free answer, lest anyone think I’m asking for homework help; I hope he doesn’t expect more than two paragraphs, 'cause I don’t know what else to drain out of this corpse: