What’s a guy to do when he turns 37 (come June 9th, please don’t splurge on the gifts, really, I mean it), is recently divorced and going through a very delayed adolescence? Why, get a tattoo, of course!
So I head on over to Yea Oldde Tattoo Shoppe and Bodie Piercing Emporium (I’d rather have Prince Albert in a can than in the more traditional place for a Prince Albert - just the thought of it boggles my mind) to pick out an appropriate work of art to adorn my body. My, my, my - look at all the art. Hmmm, what to get. Heart with a dagger? Nah, too cliched (not to mention I’m not really the dagger type, you know what I mean?). Not religious so all of that iconography is out. My dauther’s name? Nope, that ain’t it either. Ahhh, here we go. I’m not particularly into astrology, but I do have some very pronounced Gemini traits (lucky for me I happen to be a Gemini), the biggest being that I have a split personality. There’s what I call the Suit Self (conservative cut suit, straight arrow, no nonense, a bit rigid, someone called me “unapproachable”) and then there’s the Other Me (hedonist, sensualist, consumer of various spirits and pharmaceuticals, all around liver of life). Why not get my astrological sign permanently affixed?
I’m now the proud wearer of “II” (that’s the sign for Gemini)about 1.5 inches square in the very center of my back, about an inch above my belt line. It isn’t much, but I know its there. My SO loves it, BTW. “Its very ‘you’,” she said, right before bent to give it a soothing kiss.
That’s cool. I got a tattoo on my back a couple of weeks ago too. Mine’s a rune, perth, between my shoulderblades. It’s about 2 inches tall and one inch wide.
I still haven’t had occasion for anyone to kiss mine. But I did show it off to a friend last weekend.
I got my tattoo at the tender age of 20. Damn near passed out it hurt so much!
Ten years later, I haven’t ever regretted it, and I work in a pretty buttoned-down environment.
It’s affectionately known as Zeke the Electric Stunt Slinky, and it is on my inside left ankle. Drilled permanently into my ankle bone. FYI, this is a STUPID place for a tattoo.
Congrats on your first tattoo! Watch out, it can be addictive, and next thing you know, you’ll want another one once you’ve forgotten the pain.
I had my first tattoo when I was 22–a green celtic knot on my left arm (up by the shoulder). It didn’t hurt that much, since it was done on a pretty fleshy part of my body.
Saturday, I got my second tattoo–on my left leg, just above the ankle, I now have a bunch of grapes with vines and leaves working themselves halfway around my leg. Most of the work is centered, right on top of my shinbone, and all I have to say is: OOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!
It’s healing up, and it itches right now. But, it looks really cool.
Congrats on your first tattoo! Watch out, it can be addictive, and next thing you know, you’ll want another one once you’ve forgotten the pain.
I had my first tattoo when I was 22–a green celtic knot on my left arm (up by the shoulder). It didn’t hurt that much, since it was done on a pretty fleshy part of my body.
Saturday, I got my second tattoo–on my left leg, just above the ankle, I now have a bunch of grapes with vines and leaves working themselves halfway around my leg. Most of the work is centered, right on top of my shinbone, and all I have to say is: OOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!
It’s healing up, and it itches right now. But, it looks really cool.