tremble Chuck Norris has a blog on World Net Daily and he’s rabble-rousing the right, hinting that it’s really ok to overthrow the government because it’s been done before. Ok, that’s paraphrased, but he brings up all kinds of examples, and lets people know that…
I love the terrorist nomenclature. Just like that one Republican Texas Congressman who said that the Republicans need to learn how to be insurgents from the Taliban.
They surround us? How scary is that?
He sure does quote a lot of fine American patriots.
Plus, he quotes George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and John Adams:
And of course, they have the Constitution on their side:
And he brings up the Alamo!
Are we lefty, communist/socialist/Marxist/illegal alien-loving pinkos the ones trapped in the Alamo? Which would mean that the conservatives who’ll rise up and conquer us are…brown, Spanish-speaking soldiers? Er, wait, reading that again, they’re in the Alamo? Which means that we’re the Spanish-speaking brown people. Hmmm, no, I’m totally lily-white, and the the only Spanish I know is “supermercado,” “Si,” “gracias,” and “por favor.” And I can count to 10. But, wait, didn’t the Alamo people like, lose? Really badly? So he’s basically telling his readers ‘we’re gonna lose and you’re gonna die, but hey, join up anyway!’ ??
I’m so confused.
But anyway, we ought to be really really scared. I mean, cells of rabid, drooling, angry right-wingers. With guns. shiver
Oh! And by the way, after followers wipe up the drool and cumstains after reading his blog…
So it was all just an advertisement. Well.
What kind of drugs are these people on? And is it FDA approved?
Chuck Norris can bite my biscuits. He complains about the “bastardization” of the First Amendment, then uses his First Amendment rights to basically call for secession and the violent overthrow of the duly-elected government.
Where was this concern about Republicans when you were out kicking ass for Huckabee, Tough Guy?
I guess my big problem with Chuckie’s insignificant screed promoting Yahoo Conservatism (as well as his products and promotions) is that enough people might take this brand of bullshit seriously enough to where they actually try to “do something” to “Take America Back”. Living in South Carolina, I hear this crap on the streets and on the radio stations every day. Most of it comes from politicians and entertainers pandering to a small audience of cranks, but one day a group of these unbalanced crackers is gonna conduct an armed siege of the statehouse, and then this shit won’t be so funny anymore.
Wikipedia lists the Texans (Texians?) at 180-260, with 182-257 killed. So Chuck’s facts are wrong and also internally inconsistent, the way they’re worded. But who needs facts when you’re being jingoistically divisive?