Belgian pee-based video game, maybe coming soon to a bar near you!
I bet the guys behind the Wii are pissed that they didn’t think of it first!
[groucho marx]And the guys in front of the wee don’t like it too much, either![/groucho marx]
Belgian pee-based video game, maybe coming soon to a bar near you!
I bet the guys behind the Wii are pissed that they didn’t think of it first!
[groucho marx]And the guys in front of the wee don’t like it too much, either![/groucho marx]
I lived in Belgium for a while, and trust me, everything about this makes so much sense.
ETA–actually the “at urinals” part is news and throws me for a loop. Must be a government-sponsored educational campaign.
Awww… How Nice.
But you know some dork is going to show up with a knotted piece of surgical rubber tubing filled with warm water and blow away the top score because he can keep playing for so long.
This sounds like a job for… Manneken Pis!
Reminds me of that online flash game where you were drunk and had to see how far you could wobble using the arrow keys. Anyone else remember that?
Yeah, I can’t dig it up now because I’m at work, but if it’s the one I’m thinking of it was kind of really easy. I got bored and stopped playing before I fell over. Was the one you’re thinking of really easy, too?
I loved that one. If anything ever needed to be transferred to the Wii…
Here’s the kinda thing I mean – the Water Weenie
Bring one of these into the bathroom and you can outlast the big guy who just downed a liter of Belgian beer, and really rack up the points.
I have been to Brussels and seen the 'mannikin Piss". what is the history of this thing? Did the boy put out a fire or something? anyway, i remember souvineer shops sell all kinds of junk with the little boy whizzing on it!
Perhaps one of this year’s ThinkGeek April fool’s jokes is not far from reality:
(ever so slightly crude link)
I remember it, too. It’s called Wagenschenke. It looks like they’ve added a couple of new games to the site since I visited it last.
Excellent idea - but surely instead of having a separate booth, they should fit this system in pub toilets? It would certainly beat the usual game of see-how-far-you-can-blast-the-cigarette-end-along-the-trough…