Oh when will this ever end! (when a sms sent to the wrong person results in questions


Long story short a friend asks me via sms (short message service, txting) if another friend is with me and is she pissed off at him.

I say she’s not with me and why would she be pisssed?

He says he said some things… cut to later at work… she turns up… says he told her he loves her and the only reason he’s been nice to her is because he wants to have sex with her.

I get pissed off because this guy knows how I feel about her and I thought he had given up the goat, and was on my side. I say something along the lines of I can’t tell her how I feel because it’s gonna look the same. I run out of space so I send another message…

“which is not true. I want her companionship. You want to fuck her. Big diff”

Only guess who I sent it to!

At first I am oblivious to the mistake I made. I leave the room to go to the bathroom. I come back and I swear I detect a minisqule change in the atmosphere in the room.

Then she goes out of the room (believe me that happens a lot) so I idle-ly re-read the dialog of text messages. Whereupon I discover the actual recipient of the message. Shit! I send one to her immediately saying “oh shit. That was meant for . oh shit oh shit”

She walks back in the room with a grin on her face saying “It’s so funny when that happens” I know what she means so I smile at her. She persists with something like a repeat of the same… “so funny” I say “what?”

she says “when people send messages to the wrong people”

I smile again.

On the plus side I don’t detect any discomfort whatsoever. I think she has always known I have been fond of her.

I now have to put her at ease though and tell her that I know she does not see me that way and I am absolutely fine with that, and suspected it, and would love to be her friend indefinately… and I love being her friend! And this whole episode has brought us closer together as friends.

You’re just smacking your head against the desk now, aren’t you?

In all seriousness, it’s good that you got this off your chest at least, and I’m glad she hasn’t turned her back on you. Good luck with the sitch with the other guy. :wink:

Actually no. For reasons I cannot fathom I am pleased.

Was that a mis-type or is ‘sitch’ a real word? Did you mean to say ‘stich’? If so. The guy has the thickest skin (figuratively) of anyone I’ve ever known. I’m sure that he and I will be on good terms the next time we meet in person.

Why jump to the conclusion she isn’t interested? If she was totally grossed out by you, she probably wouldn’t be smiling about the situation. It seems like she is, at the very least, flattered by it, so this would probably be a good time to ask her if she would be interested in going out and seeing what develops.

Good guess, but sitch is a sort-of cutesy abbreviation for ‘situation’. :wink:

Seconded what lavenderviolent said.

Damn that Kim Possible.

Oh, I gotta know how this turns out. :smiley:

This is the online version of the dude explaining to his friend how much he loves so and so and that so and so magically appears behind him in a doorway.

It’s fate, baby and I hope this turns out to be one of the best mistakes in your life.

Lobsang, you’ll probably end up making things wonderful between your thick-skinned friend and the woman you love, while you sit out in the rain, drunk.

We’ll see. Before I sent the message me and her had had quite a good conversation about the events of the night before…(and about stuff in general) I don’t know if I mentioned but I’ve done her a big favour which has taken a huge weight off her mind and has brought us closer as friends. Anyway, I know that she would never in a million years sleep with this guy. She was trying to get my advice on how to deal with what he told her in a way that can re-establish their friendship.

Oh and me and the guy are on good terms as I knew we would be. I not long ago sent him an sms apologising for the way I reacted yesterday.

Oh, by the way… The reason I think I can’t now ask her out and try to develop her is because I think it would look like I only did her the favour to get into her pants. I did the favour because I am extremely fond of her and care about her. The events of thursday have reinforced the necesity take it very slowly. And like I said… I love being her friend.

(I just hate hate hate not being with her… pining for her… losing sleep thinking about her)

Oh, by the way… The reason I think I can’t now ask her out and try to develop her is because I think it would look like I only did her the favour to get into her pants. I did the favour because I am extremely fond of her and care about her. The events of thursday have reinforced the necesity take it very slowly. And like I said… I love being her friend.

(I just hate hate hate not being with her… pining for her… losing sleep thinking about her)

‘develop her’ ? WTF does that mean?

'twas meant to be ‘develop the relationship’. I had a good laugh when I re-read that.

Dude. You’re at your best when you’re not even trying. She knows (accidentally) what you’re about now. Reverse the situation for a second, what would you do if she had sent YOU the message? OK, besides that.