Thankfully it was in Mrs. rundogrun’s possession when it was lost over the weekend, most likely forever. The question is what to do now.
My suggestion was that I hang out with my single friends more. A lifetime of sex-free marriage was offered in return, so clearly, this isn’t the way to go.
But the thought of going out, buying another ring and just slapping in on my finger in the store doesn’t cut it either. There has to be a more creative and fun approach.
My husband still has his original wedding band, but it doesn’t fit, and he replaced it when it took a hit of welding slag and got an unsightly melty spot. He lost his replacement band on one of his many biz trips (go ahead - make snide comments all you want… I’ll wait)
I lost my original when I was pregnant. I’d moved it to my pinky because my fingers were swelling, then lost it while weeding. I’m wearing my replacement band, but it’s kinda sad looking. Neither replacement, mine or his, was done with much ceremony, but then again, neither were the originals. We eloped and didn’t get rings for several months.
I’d like us to get entirely new and different bands for our 20th (we hit 18 years in 2 weeks) but I’m not sure if that will happen. In any event, we’ll prolly just wear 'em home from the store. Not too romantical, but that’s just the way we are…
You know, I lost mine some months ago. I’m still pretty upset because it was also my engagement ring, and it was gorgeous.
But I can think of a gazillion things I’d rather do with the money, so I’m going ringless rather than replace it. It’s not as though members of the opposite sex ever attacked me and pulled my clothes off to have sex with me before I got married–so it’s unlikely I’m in danger of them starting now just because I lack my ring.
Although if any dopers are interested, gosh, let me know.
A lot of us here think Cranky’s the cat’s meow.
As for the replacement, I’d go with a cheaper substitute too. You guys can recite your vows again for fun and to add some symbolism to it but I for one can think of a million things I’d rather spend some coin on now than another expensive ring.
Sorry you lost it but so long as the woman and the love are still there, that’s all that really matters.
I think that if you want to replace it, it should definitely done with some ceremony. Small as you like, but definitely some ceremony. A renewal of vows, a simple family gathering with a few words, something like that.
<<You guys can recite your vows again for fun and to add some symbolism to it but I for one can think of a million things I’d rather spend some coin on now than another expensive ring.>>
Expensive? Last time I priced plain gold bands, they were about $50 each. Or if you happen to be the type of person that loses yours frequently, you can get silver ones for $10. It’s not the rock, it’s the person who gives it to you, after all.
yeah…money’s not really the issue here…it only cost about $150 last time and I’m inclined to try to get the same style, although there’s a good chance it’s been discontinued. I may just end up with something even more basic after all.
My hubby outgrew his ring and I just plain wore mine out. We priced them at the local jewelers and then went to the pawn shop and bought both for $125. These were very nice heavy comfort bands that would have cost much more than that for one alone. Then we took them to the jewelers to be cleaned, polished and engraved with our wedding date.
When we picked them back up we waited until that night and placed them on each other’s fingers while we each said something meaningful to the effect of “here’s to the next 25 years”.
Hubby lost his this summer while diving off a rock cliff into water that was 115 feet deep. I figure there’s little chance of retreiving that one. I guess it’s back to the pawn shop soon.
Just for the record, I see no shame in buying jewelry at the pawn shop. Gold is gold, we would be just as married with no rings at all so why waste your money? I have gotten some fabulous deals at the pawn shop.
[insurance chickie hat on]
Uhh… if your jewellery is insured separately from your personal property policy (What? What do you mean you don’t have a personal property policy???), then odds are there was an appraisal done on the jewellery. A good jeweller can re-create the piece of jewellery from the photo and appraisal description
[insurance chickie hat off]
I lost the engagement ring my son’s father gave me when I was pregnant and swollen and couldn’t wear it. At the time, it bothered me. He refused to replace it; one of the myriad reasons that I replaced him.