Oh, wow. Deja vu. Anybody want to hire a geek?

In the Twin Cities, that is. After five months on a two-month contract, I just found out my time is likely up soon. The contracting company that hired me doesn’t have a bench, so if they can’t find a contract for me in the next week and a half, I’m unemployed again. So, on the off chance they can’t find me anything, or some of the Twin Cities dopers know of something better…

I’m a computer geek. I’ve been working with PC’s since disks were floppy. Big, too. Windows, primarily; I’ve done stuff in Solaris and Unix, but just at the command line. I’ve been a WebSphere admin, network admin, varying levels of help desk, technical support, installer, software rollout. I can spell Mac. Currently I’m being a WebTrends admin. My email address should be in my profile, and I can send you a resume if you need one.

Oh, and my timing sucks, too.

As a fellow contractor, you have my sympathy - but I don’t live in your area, so I’m not privy to the opportunities thereof.

I’ll keep my legs crossed for you… fingers too.

I too am nowhere near the twin cities, otherwise I’d be on the phone right now on your behalf. I think most of us have been there before and I certainly wish you the very best of luck and quick success.

You know I’m a geek too. Send me your resume, or bring it to next Friday’s dope lunch. I still know a few folks in this city. Sadly, as a fellow Saint Paulite, I must point out that most of the geek jobs are in the Minnetonka area. The commute sucks, but you can wave at me on the Crosstown each morning. Hell. We could open our windows and have a detailed conversation on the state of Sino/American relations, and be moving onto other Pacific rim countries until we had to take our foot off the brakes and pull ahead another ten feet.

You take the right lane, I’ll take the left.

Bah. I’m from the Bay Area. If it’s less than 45 minutes, it’s practically walking distance.