Recently, I think Google started really upping the number of Invites that they’re giving out to people, so everyone already signed on with the service is starting to actively look for people to give accounts to. At this point, the service can barely be described as exclusive.
Basically, Gmail decided they didn’t want a swarm of people signing up on the same day. Therefore, they decided to only make gmail accounts available through invitations. Gmail bestows invitations upon users, and they decide who they send their invitations to.
I imagine they gave accounts to a few hundred people, to start, and then they eventually gave some of those people invitations. These people sent invitations to those they knew, and those people started accounts. And so on.
And FWIW, I took someone up on the offer of an invite for the simple reason that my Yahoo! account gets several hundred spams and “newsletters” every week, many of which bypass the Bulk folder and clog my inbox. I now have a spam-free account (for now…)
I’m still not seeing the value here? Why does anyone CARE that they have invitations? Is Google giving away some sort of premium with sign ups or what?
Hi. FilmGeek - So despite what we all know about geeks bearing gifts I’d be grateful for one of you Gmail invitations. My email is in my profile. Actually, another kind SDMB member did try to send me one but the e-mail never did arrive, and I figured it woudl have been pretty rude of me to ask again. As for the OP, I reckon it is simply a case of people being helpful - there do seem to be differing opinions as to whther gmail is a Good Thing or not, in terms of privacy concerns, but that amount of storage sounds appealing to me. (And this time I intened to be VERY careful to avoid the ghastly spam that fills up my hotmail acount! Am awfully bored with invitations to augement bodily parts that I don’t even have!