Ok, just how many kiwi dopers are there?

I suspect that this has been done before, but I was wondering if we could complie a list of NZ dopers. (What are the chances of a kiwi dopefest?)

To my knowledge there is me, calm kiwi, Ice Wolf, rabid squirrel, manx, Apollyon and Primaflora in exile. (Brisbane is not too bad a place to be exiled to.)

Who else is out there? Who is willing to post and be counted?



I’m from Dunedin. In fact, I’m from a small village called Karitane, which, for some reason, was chosen as a location in the new Gwyneth Paltrow movie.

way to many:D

just kidding…

or am i?:slight_smile:

I’m all for a Dopefest out here in Godzone. The invitation’s a standing one to all Auckland Dopers to meet up with me somewhere in the region – email me with preferences and stuff. I’d love to meet you folk.

Outta town – that’d be an intriguing one. How many are North Island and how many Mainland Dopers?

Oh – and there’s also Banquet Bear. I think he’s from Wellington.

I’ll also mention my good friend Bronze, who’s posted here a couple of times (in GQ) but mainly hangs out over at the G’Dope board. She counts as a Doper.

:::shyly raises hand:::

Kiwi but currently an expat, as I live and work in London. Don’t know if I really qualify as a Doper either, as I lurk almost daily but very rarely post!!

Guess I’m just too much of an Enzedder at heart to not respond to this one though!!



I probably won’t be able to make it if it’s in the North Island.

Who let the riff raff in? :wink:

I think there is a kiwi fruit too.

(Do Jafas count as kiwis? :D)

Hi there, Dharma Bumpkin! Look, to my mind, if you register here, do even one post, and then lurk, you’re a Doper. And you’re certainly a Kiwi Doper, even if you’re wa-a-ay up there in t’other hemisphere. :slight_smile:

Hopefully something could be sorted out, Rabid_Squirrel. Even if we worked out a way to have a meet down there. How’s your hosting skills, fellow Kiwi? :slight_smile:

Err… about good as my oratory skills *Ice Wolf- underused and liable to fall apart any moment. :slight_smile:

On the other hand, I do know where all the good (an inexpensive)restaurants are down here.

Kiwi. That’s some great stuff. I slather it on my shoes, buff it clean. Keeps my shoes nice and shiny!

They still sell Kiwi Shoe Polish over there, Chicago Faucet? Wow! Did you know that stuff was manufactured by an Englishman, prior to World War 1, who named it in honour of his New Zealand-born wife? It’s the reason why “Kiwi” became so popular as a nickname for us NZers, especially after that war, and the obiquitousness of the polish amongst the troops.

So – when you cut into your kiwifruit, folks, you’re eating something with an etymology that includes boot polish. Eh. Ain’t pop culture just cool, sometimes? :slight_smile:

I haven’t been to Christchurch since I was 6, Rabid_Squirrel. I wouldn’t be able to make a trip down to the South Island much before the end of next year – but it’s darn tempting, seriously. If anyone else from up here had a mind to travel to your corner, I’d ask if I could hitch a ride. :slight_smile:

If you want to get in touch anyway, about anything, my email’s in the profile.

Well, the numbers are slowly rising. But we sure are spread out. Ice Wolf, I’m an orklinder – at least I am for three more weeks. After that I’ll be joining rabid squirrel down in CHCH. Might even bump into him on campus – that is if I decide to do some more papers.

What’s the quorum for a dopefest?

Not to interrupt too much or anything, but I’m looking for some info on NZ. I started a thread over here: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=225063 If anyone feeling benevolent wants to help out a poor little amercan college student it would be greatly appreciated.

We now return you to your previously scheduled posting.

Another one here. :slight_smile:

Might take you up on that invitation someday, Ice Wolf. It’d be nice to have a mini-Downunder DopeFest.

I happen to be one too, though I vary my location some. Currently in Christchurch, so not likely to make it to an Auckland gathering.

Oh and I’m only a lurker here

Now we have:
calm kiwi
Ice Wolf
Dharma Bumpkin

and I found c42
as well as ** capnfutile **who’s a 'mercan gone south.

Any more?

I could swear there was a kiwi fruit