See my reponse in the pit for the real story… Just look for Daemon as thread starter
See my reponse in the pit for the real story… Just look for Daemon as thread starter
Again, learn how to post.
I don’t see anything there where he says he wants to kill you or WILL kill you.
Again, show me some proof.
Ever heard of a joke?
So far, all I see is multiple violations of the SBMD rules - primarily the one which goes “don’t be a jerk”.
I take them seriously…
It’s not a threat. If I started a thread asking “Could I smoke crack through my anus and produce gekko-shaped clouds from my nostrils?” it doesn’t mean I have an interest in doing so. Just that I would like to know how it is possible.
My questions were purely hypothetical, but ML must have taken them seriously.
He is the ignoramus, not us!
Why doesn’t anyone understand that?
So, no one else is allowed to have hypothetical posts?
You are above us all? You are the only one allowed to have a hypothetical post? Did you ever think that ML’s thread was hypothetical?
Thanks for the insult, calling me a dumbass is all the proof I need that ML was making threats!
I’ve gone as far as you can go, what with Cecil answering my question and all.
What more is there to accomplish here?
You’re acting like you married the guy. Stop milking the cow of “1.7 seconds of fame” long enough to look down and make note that it’s actually a bull.
Oh, and nice cop out to elude the fact that you have no evidence. I still haven’t forgotten.
Another case of, “I’ve been proven wrong and I’ll be damned if anyone notices it”.
Welcome to the SDMB, and thank you for posting your comment.
Please include a link to Cecil’s column if it’s on the Straight Dope web site.
To include a link, it can be as simple as including the web page location in your post (make sure there is a space before and after the text of the URL).
Cecil’s column can be found on-line at: Does civet come from tortured cats? Does kopi luwak coffee come from pre-eaten beans?
Daemon, ML’s question was a play on your own thread. It was not, in any way, a serious threat. Quit starting new threads. And, in the future, if you have a problem like this, you might want to email a mod/admin instead of just starting threads. I check my mail far more often than I check each forum of the message board.
For the Straight Dope