(Old) A Head For The Hills MMP

A quiet day at Casa del Cocinera. Checked the plants for water and then. . .nada. Tomorrow we head across the border for a get-together with the offspring and their bairn.

Most of the labels and such merely wanted you to use their product, not necessarily the whole package. Or the weight was also specified. There’s a Kroger “Chunky Tomato Basil Soup” that is actually really good, and quite healthy too, and the recipe on the bigger and smaller cans allows for the size of the container.

Today I went to a family reunion It is usually held in September but for a lot of reasons this year it’s early. Part of the gathering was a graveside memorial for a cousin of my mother, and his son, my second cousin, arranged for a catered lunch after a morning church service. I remember being one of the young kids running around, now I’m one of the oldest of the second generation. Doesn’t seem right. The country cemetery where the graveside service was held is also where I will be interred, although I’ll be the only one with my surname, as it was my dad who married into the group. I’ll be right next to a great grandmother.

Moooooom, I rarely buy any ice cream that isn’t one of the little 3-4 oz. ones or a box of ice cream sandwiches for home, because, like metal mouse, I have no self control. I will get a scoop or cone when I’m out (and at the really good ice cream places, a scoop will run ~$4), but keeping it at home is just too tempting.

Happy birthday to St. Patrick’s Parish swampy!

Got the Sunday chores done, then slothed for the rest of the day. I did order a new desk chair, given that my regular one has now completed the process of falling apart and the back up has triggered sciatica (the reason that it’s the back up). It should be here by next weekend (it hasn’t shipped yet, so I don’t have tracking info). I don’t look forward to assembly (that always involves a lot of cursing).

Actually I think he meant the birthday of the church over all, as today was the festival of Pentecost. That’s right up there with Christmas and Easter. But hey, with a name like St. Patrick’s, I think they fest a lot, and the one time I met them they were really nice people.

Dishvasher is sloshing away. Multiple loads of laundry done. I think I’ll proceed to do nothing, 'cept perhaps fold clean stuff. I oughtta mow the lawn, but there’s always tomorrow.

red like CupCakes said, today is the birthday of the Church, not St. Parick’s in particular. My church was actually “founded” in 1960 when a group of parishoners was sent out from the local “Mother Church” by the Bishop to start a mission in the northwest part of town. The first meeting was in the home of one of those parishoners on July 4th, 1960. My how time flies!

In related church news since I am on a roll it seems, remember how we have an ELCA Lutheran church as a part of our congregation? Well Our Savior, the name of the church, has made a decision to disband after around seventy years. There will be a service of Holy Closure on June 18th, at which time Our Savior Lutheran Church will no longer exist. Sad, but given that that congregation has dwindled over time and no longer feels it can sustain itself, it will happen. Our Lutherans will, however, have an opportunity to remain at St. Patrick’s or transfer to another ELCA church, of which there are none close by. Some may choose to be received into the Episcopal church, some may leave, and some may choose to remain Lutheran while worshipping with us, which is perfectly fine, as the Episcopal Church and ELCA have a concordant (Called to Common Mission) that allows for such things as that, the sharing of Ministers, and so forth.

Thus concludes today’s ecclesiastical lesson.

I know what swampbear is talking about. I grew up Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, the eased over into the ELCA. Then joined an Episcopal congregation when my own was embarassed by having it’s pastor singled out by the WBC, to the point of being physically attacked by those jerks. When COVID started Kansas diocese made no provision for the sacrament and I’ve gone back to ELCA, Ironically our name is Our Saviors Lutheran Church. I’m sorry for the group that’s disbanding, it’s gotta hurt.

While at the Episcopal church we had an ELCA pastor as an assisting minister. For many many years he was a military chaplain, and a West Point graduate. That guy grew up Serbian Orthodox, and when he became a Lutheran his father disowned him but thankfully they reconciled later.

And a good late afternoon to you all. Watched soccer (it was the last weekend of the English Premier league this season, so was flipping between 4 channels) and then pedaled off about half the calories from my Fettuchini Lunch. Will shortly add those calories back into the mix for dinner. Will probably do my mowing tomorrow, the gym closes at 4pm for Memorial Day, so may not be able to make it. Which reminds me, need to do the weekly planning sheet today.

Other than that, sloth is in the offing.

swampy, I think my Brother is Missouri Synod (most conservative Lutheran branch) and the one time last Xmas I was there it was a pretty thin (and elderly) crowd. I do wonder about Churches these days and how attendance is, albeit the folks around here seem to fill the local places up pretty good on Sundays. So Happy Birthday Church!

red, hope ‘some assembly required’ isn’t too stressful…can still remember putting mine together… :face_with_spiral_eyes: :astonished: :astonished:

Cupcakes, age creeps up so gradually on us that we’re constantly surprised how old we are. Don’t plan on getting planted anytime soon, we kinda like having you around.


FCM, hope the Montessori price isn’t too extreme, it seems to have done well by Roxy.

quietly, I get the same thing from soccer players I coached years ago. Always recognize their faces, names not so much. Says something about you that you are remembered.

Taters, sounds like a pretty good time was had, despite the plague of homeless; it is something our nation has never handled particularly well, IMHO (Ok, no more editorializing). Glad you and Sis had such a great time together.

Sensei, glad the kids are doing things, but yeah, Uber-Dad is something millions of parents (and grand-parents) share with you.

OK, it’s 5pm here so that’s late enough for a light dinner (sammiches). If I don;t get back here tonight, all y’all have a great time and I’ll catch you on the next MMP.

I’m very impressed with the place, and I don’t think it’s much more $$ than daycare - tho not the $60/week I paid when my daughter was in daycare. Tobias needs to hang with kids his age. Now, if I was a nervy type, I’d set up a GoFundMe. Because everyone should want the best for my grandson!!! :wink:

I dozed while reading, then Alexa woke me with a reminder to feed Higgs. FCD is up from his nap. We’re watching TV and surfing, each on our own device. Max chillage mode.

swampy and baker, thanks for the reminder of my Catholic school education concerning Pentecost. I haven’t been a churchgoer for many years and sometimes forget these things. I’m sorry about the Lutheran church’s disbanding. I’m glad that St. Pat’s is prepared to step in where necessary.

Mowage achieved. The push mower was behaving like me. Needed a rest and a little alcohol (dry gas).

Krogered and now up to 1056 fuel points for May meaning that we’ll get $1 off per gallon when we gas up in June. Paid the VISA bill. Used the power trimmer to trim one of the evergreen bushes adjacent to the driveway since it was encroaching then mowed the front yard. Went to Fitness Center and only had time to do about 5/6 of my normal workout on the NuStep as I had to use the lockerroom to change workout clothes for church clothes. Then went to mass. Hubs made dinner while I was at mass; he went to 12:30 mass-first time he’s been in at least a month or so. We had salmon, coleslaw and taters. I had a sweet tater, Hubs had a redskin tater. Then I had 4 chocolate chip cookies with milk.

Wanted to have a fire in the firepit but it’s getting nigh on 9pm so perhaps I’ll do so tomorrow. Night all. See you in the new week’s MMP.

All the time. And then I finally can put it down/get busy with something else, and I end up with about 30 projects partially finished. The biggest one at the moment is getting my CDs/DVDs out of their cases and into the boxes and bins. Now that I have the summer, maybe I’ll attack it again. The Klingon recipe book sounds really interesting!

The desserts have been my problem a lot of the time, though lately I’ve had less of a desire to eat as many sweet things. I also love dim sum, though finding a good dim sum restaurant in Nashville hasn’t been the easiest. With the communities around here, tapas might be a bit easier.

I haven’t yet. I’ve barely been able to do much of anything with the computer thanks to keeping busy with everything else. I’ll have to get it downloaded. I’m not as big into PVP, or spending lots of money on virtual gear. It’s strange, micro-transactions in a lot of my phone games drag me in, but spending bigger bucks for other games… just never been my thing.

flyboy, the potting bench looks really great! I wouldn’t have known it was a first try without you telling me.

metal mouse, there will be some chauffeuring still happening - there are definitely appointments and the like throughout the summer, but at least it’s more an occasional thing instead of daily. And Sonics shakes are fantastic! My biggest problem is always trying to decide which one to have. BtY is always easy - hot chocolate shake. CtE usually goes with Oreo Cheesecake, but has been known to branch. Mine goes everywhere from banana to peanut butter oreo and everywhere in between and beyond.

doggio, is it just pistachios or all nuts? I’d be ok with the pistachio allergy until it was time for ice cream. I do love pistachio ice cream.

BtY has a lot of texture issues as well. As time’s gone on, he’s gotten better about eating more things, but there are still some textures he just can’t even try. I can’t bite into things, but that’s more because I have nothing to bite with than because of texture.

Mundanity is a wonderful thing to read. I need more of it in my life. And I should read To Kill a Mockingbird as well. I’ve never read it either. Maybe I’ll make that my summer reading requirement. CtE has to read The Importance of Being Earnest for their Senior Honors English class and BtY has to read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian for his Freshman Honors English class. I figure I can set a summer reading goal for me and Hubby as well.

yank, I’m glad that your doctor is doing this the right way. Even if it’s frustrating having to wait, it’s so much better to have a doctor that’s willing to wait until the conditions are much more ideal than jumping in to fix things now. Hopefully you won’t have to wait until mid-July, but good on ya for trying to get back to normal. Gradually pushing the envelope is a good way to go!

sensei, no worries about being busy. It’s the time of year for busy, methinks!

Hubby transitioned into online tutoring a few years back and it was a bit of a change for him to get used to. He’s had in person ADHD/ASD students that he’s tutored (usually older than your two newest), but not online yet. Good on you for taking on the challenge that online teaching a younger ADHD student is. There are a lot of teachers that wouldn’t even give it a try!

Temporary insanity? True insanity? The Karen-gene taking over?

And I second metal mouse on writing for NAR.

I hate nights like this. It’s almost like you’re so tired that you can’t sleep. I hope you’ve gotten better sleep since.

flyboy, I’m glad you were able to get the refund on the chainsaw. Being out $40 and not having it work would have been the complete suck.

FCM, I’m whipped just reading the things that you’ve been doing! I don’t know how you keep up that pace and stay sane!

rc, all that sorting sounds like what I did before the move. Though I really need to do a second sort. Somehow, I’m overflowing again with clothes. And I really don’t buy a lot. I suspect some of it is things that I gave to CtE to own and forgot that I’d passed along so they ended up back in my closet.

swampy, every time I’ve tried making cheesecake, it’s come out very badly. I need to find cheesecake making friends so I can trade my cookie-and-cake-making output with their cheesecake output.

VanGo, I’ve never had pizza cooked on the grill. It sounds like it would be delicious.

red, resting is a good thing. This is a perfect weekend for resting, IMHO.

This would make a very interesting story to write up. It’s the lesbian witch coven that’s getting me.

JtC, I love the Cthulu needlework swag! Personally, I think it means great things for future generations. They are both crafty and willing to show their Old One love along with their craftiness.

It’s the opposite in our house - Hubby does the cooking. CtE and BtY do the clean up after dinner (or are supposed to). I probably could be a good cook but I don’t care for it. Let me bake and I’m a happy woman but cooking… no thank you!

Taters, of course we missed you! No worries on anything you missed - we’re prolific! :smiley: An it sounds like you had a really great week, especially the visiting with your sister. I don’t blame you for being exhausted when you got home, though! Even enjoyable things can be exhausting.

That reminds me of my latest frustration with BtY. Someone left a desk chair at the dumpster near our apartment. BtY has decided that he needs this rolling chair to have all the fun in the world with. He’s been “riding” it back and forth on the sidewalk, bringing it into our porch and just generally keeping it around. Every single time we tell him to put it back near the trash (since we really don’t need anything more in this house), he’ll do so for about 15 minutes then sneak back to get it again when our backs are turned.

It’s been an… interesting… couple of days. Friday, I took BtY for his math placement test. It came back with him needing to take Integrated Math I again - even though he got all A’s and B’s through the class. He was very wiggly and had to be put into a room by himself so as to not disturb the other kids. We forgot to give him his meds and I suspect that might be the largest reason for why he was having problems. I’m going to check with the teacher to see if we can retry the exam after his orientation day. The kid is smart, he just needs to have the meds to keep him focused. Hubby got out of work early and he and I went shopping at Kroger. I’m loving their 4 times fuel points on Friday. It definitely helps.

Yesterday was a big emotional day. I had a friend tell me they needed space and kind of cut me off. I’m always a “worst case scenario” kind of person, so of course, yesterday had me convinced that I was never going to hear from him again and this was his cowardly way of cutting me out of his life. So I’d be upset because I was convinced that I’d lost a friend, then get myself under control, then start thinking and crying again. The good thing, though, is that I’m usually good at getting myself past the doom and gloom within a day, so I’m able to be a bit more sanguine about it all, partly by noticing the ways that I haven’t been cut out. I just have to give him the time and space he needs and hope that it all works out in the end.

Hubby was really good at helping keep me distracted. We ran out to do our recycling and dropping off a bunch of stuff at Goodwill, followed by a trip to Ollie’s. I had a 15% coupon for my purchase that was good for this weekend and I was wanting to get better chairs for the porch. Along with getting two chairs, we picked up a bunch of other things we probably didn’t need but were good for my mood (like Hershey’s Nugget Truffles - chocolate makes everything better). I spent a bit of time sitting outside reading, enjoying the new chairs. Then Hubby and I played some board games, followed by watching Bullet Train last night. It’s been on both of our to watch lists for awhile so it was a good way to end the night.

Today has been mostly more board games. We even got CtE to play one with us, which hasn’t happened in awhile. I went out to do my Pokemon Go and pick up more milk (BtY goes through about 1/2 a gallon a day and we only have so much room in the fridge.) We just got done having yummy sketti and sauce with sausage and meatballs, plus some garlic bread and a simple spinach salad. All four of us are kind of off to our separate corners, with me trying to get some computer work done so tomorrow can be another day full of board games.

I did get a package in the mail. I bought a dress from Temu that I was hoping would be similar to one that I’ve had for years and love but can’t find another one of. It’s not exactly what I was wanting, but I really do like it.


I think it looks pretty good on me.

Tomorrow is going to be another day of board games and other fun things. Starting Tuesday, it’ll be “Everyone Cleans!” Whether the kids like it or not. I’ve got to get caught back up on a bunch of things. Plus, I need to get my characters and my plot ready for the gaming convention that I’m participating in at the end of the month.

Have a great night/day/whatever, fellow Mumpers! And hugs to all because I’m feeling like giving (and receiving) hugs.

Wow, Y’all been busy this weekend. 60-some posts since this time last night. Good to catch up on all the progress, and a damn shame about Yanker’s eye but we’ll get it fixed.

My dinner in Nawlin’s ended interestingly. An adjacent table was two 20-something women wearing black sundresses that didn’t match. They were obviously good friends, not SOs but otherwise I paid little attention. Youthfully cute, but not exotic. Very, very white.

Late in the evening they started trying to take pair selfies. And were making an absolute hash of it. They’d have succeeded if they had had 10 foot long arms to hold the camera far enough away. By now the restaurant had largely emptied out. I was watching discreetly when the phone owner asked if I’d mind shooting a couple of pix for them? Evidently I’d passed the “Harmless old fart” test. Sigh.

“Sure!” sez I. So I did. As that was wrapping up I asked what their occasion was. The one had moved here to New Orleans a couple months ago to start a new career and the other was her bestie from the old place come to visit for a few days across the 3-day weekend.

So where on Earth is this old place she used to live? The apartment building down the street from where I live now and where Her Ladyship had rented before she moved in with me. What are the odds? Much squealing ensued.

Got past that, went home, slept well if quickly. and had a mostly nominal day with lovely clear weather. But … Broke the jet on an Caribbean island late today. Were supposed to go straight back then I’d be done and go home. Instead we’re stuck & I’m on the phone to HQ. By a miracle the on-call dude who can fix jets was readily available. He malletizes a couple of computers and all is well. So we launch for home a couple minutes early. Wow, that’s rare. That ought, by rights, have wasted an extra 90 minutes.

Once home it’s time for a dinner / snack at the seafood joint across the street: carb cakes for her, gumbo for me. Now catching up w y’all. Will be on-call irking tomorrow at a decent hour, but unlikely to be called. We shall see.

I cleaned, I changed the sheets, i laundered, I napped. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and tossed salad for dinner tonight. And a Wisconsin Old Fashioned. And I still have tomorrow to futz around.

Looked beautiful, and glad you had fun. But “Skamania” sounds like a music festival. :smiley:

Just pistachios. Weird, I know.

And {{{{hugs}}}} about the friend thing.

“She turned me into a newt!” - ambush survivor.

I think it does too. Lucky dress to be worn by you. Looks comfy hoo, a big +.

Me too. {{{{{{{{ all & sundry, 2 and four footed }}}}}}}}

I probably just didn’t know how to use it. There were no printed instructions. At least I got it started twice.

Today was quite the lazy day for me. After I did the stoopid chores, I just lazed around and stitched. I didn’t come to the dope, I didn’t check the news and I didn’t look at Nextdoor. I took my work outside for a while, then the wind kicked up and I didn’t want my canvas to get dusty, so I brought it inside and took my tablet outside so I could play games, but that only lasted for half an hour because I couldn’t leave the bit I was working on unfinished, so the rest of the day was spent stitching. Twas wanderful.

If you know someone with a sewing machine, you can beg them to make a patchwork wall hanging out of them. They make pretty nice throw pillows, too. If Shadow likes to snooze in tents, you can make a dandy kitty tent out of a t-shirt.

I have so many family recipes that I can’t use anymore because they don’t say how much should be in the can or box.

At least they have adjusted for it so you know how many cans to use.

That makes it so very helpful. Many of my family recipes call for “1 can of mushrooms” or that sort of thing. I actually sent most of the hand written cards to a niece who foolishly said she would like to scrapbook them into the family tree project she has going on.


That sounds like quite the trip, I’m so happy you and sis had such a good time.

The homeless issue makes my heart hurt every day, I surely do wish we had a whole lot more money we could donate and give away.

I hope your Pentecost Sunday was wonderful!

Oh, I know and I’m not upset about the scuffs, I’m upset because hubs was serious about it coming like that from the dealer. He’s developing some really concerning memory gaps.

How are your eggs doing? Did you ever say what kind of birds they are?

I thought it was very thoughtful and was seriously verklempt by them doing this while their world is still pretty upside down.

The image is really disturbing though. It’s just so very wrong in so many ways that I want to laugh/cry every time I look at it.

Bless their hearts.

PVP isn’t all there is. You start with the standard small village beset by evil and get a story as you explore and work your way up. However, once you have finished it once, you can’t just move up to nightmare and start over, there is other stuff to do to gain more levels and such…but eventually the only thing left if you want more is PVP and guild raids.

That’s kinda why I was back to playing D1 when my second needlepoint patterns arrived.

I think it does too!

Holy :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: TweedleDumber plus his buddies were all back today AND our bitch of a G.M. was there too (coincidence? doubtful) but she came AT me because, no kidding, I use a checkmark on tickets where part of the order is done, instead of a dot like she prefers, oh and some guy collapsed in our parking lot & hit his head so hard EMT had to be called and TweedleDumber got the guy’s blood all over his hands, and because the night just wasn’t fun enough, the entire block lost power at 11:30 pm (we close at midnight) so we had to cook the last orders, shut down, and clean by phone flashlight and the last customer of the night bitched because we couldn’t take a credit card payment and her pizza wasn’t done enough. I was like, “Honey, we are literally DARK here, look around you!”
Manager refunded her money and told her to take it home and run it under her oven.

I couldn’t help it, I smirked, “If you even have power.”

I was already done with today before I got to work. This was about three week’s worth of b.s. squashed into a couple of hours.

Oh yeah, and when we all went outside for a smoke right after closing, some guy came by asking for food … yeah, no. Then he wanted a cigarette, and everyone circled their wagons. “No, buddy, this is my last one.”
He got super pissy, at a quad of semi-old ladies having a smoke in a dark parking lot, after ^^^^ because we weren’t feeling very friendly.

Good lord.