(Old) A Head For The Hills MMP

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 72 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 81 with rain/tstorms/apocalypse predicted for later this mornin’ through tomorrow. Hence the reason for the name of this MMP. TWPTB are predictin’ heavy rains and the weather service has issued a flood watch from this afternoon through tomorrow. The teevee weather guessers will be in a tizzy I just know. They tend to do that. I know that severe weather can be life threatenin’, cause significant damage, and so forth, but seriously the local weather guessers carry on like the sky is about to fall and the apocalypse is happenin’ in real time as they speak.

So, here’s a Moanday mornin’ question for y’all. Do you think your local weather guessers act this way? Do you sometimes see it as kinda comical the way they seem to be in panic mode? Should I find a better source of entertainment perhaps?

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Mornin’ everyone. I think I’m supposed to claim “First” here, but still uncertain of the strange customs surrounding the MMP tribe.

Been a long strange trip since I was here last. After much urging from no less than 3 docs, I went and got cataracted. Been a week now, and the vision in my eye is absolutely amazing. Colors, in focus, incredible success.

But note the singular above – “eye”. The other eye is useless. I can only detect light and dark, and if they both ended up like this I would literally be blind, and unable to navigate my own house without feeling my way along the walls. I don’t know what went wrong, but the boffins say I moved somehow during the procedure. I don’t remember anything, was under anesthesia, but everyone’s pissed at me anyway. So for the next weeks they’ll monitor my non-working eye and decide what to do. There’s a sort of consensus among the medicants that it will get better on its own, but we’re a week now with no improvement. So I guess I’ll wait on them to decide what’s next.

I can cook and wander around, so today’s plans are to continue binge-watching Netflix stuff, and wander into the kitchen and whip up something involving eggs, cheese, salsa, and maybe potatoes. And coffee. Lotsa coffee.

Hope everyone has a good week, I’ll try and return frequently to whine and bore everyone.

believe it or not for about 30 years or so the most popular weatherman in LA was also a stand-up comedian and a somewhat well-known one as that but when fritz coleman retired in 2020 from the knbc ch4 news viewership dropped significantly

he mainly did comedy for kids’ cancer charities and things like that … and I did see him in a school trip at the la kids’ Museum it was an act about the weather and well the puns and dad jokes …but hey we were 10 so we laughed

His Wikipedia entry is very modest and doesn’t list half of what he’s known for

Certainly, any mention of snow gets our local weather folk all wound up. Once the first couple of flakes fall, the flakes behind the wheel lose their freekin’ minds! Reaction to rain isn’t quite that over-the-top, but when the rare hurricane-related event moves thru, that can be exciting.

Our county is frequently getting coastal flood warnings, partly because we have coasts all around us - the Potomac on one side, the Patuxent on the other, and the Chesapeake Bay at the end. Much water from inland flows eventually into our creeks and rivers on the way to the bay, causing occasional flooding of low-lying roads or properties along the water.

We sit on high enough ground that should flooding threaten us, it’d be after the animals had been marched in two-by-two. :rofl:

Just woke FCD - he’s got a dentist appt this morning. When he’s done in the shower, I’ll get cleaned up and dressed, then pack the cleaning gear I need to attack MIL’s old apartment. It shouldn’t be too awful, but she did warn me that the stove is a mess. I can’t imagine it’ll take more than a couple of hours to do it all. Then I’ll go to the new apt and set up the smart plugs for a couple of her lamps. With luck, it’ll all be done before lunch. Then, who knows??

Happy Moanday!!

Mornin’ troops! Fall in and be accounted for!

Q’itih has been awakening us by not covering her poop. The stench creeps out of the bathroom and tries to strangle us, until one of us wakes up and goes in to cover it up. Any ideas why she’s doing this? Truly gross.

Otherwise, slept like the proverbial dead tree. Must have been the walk I took yesterday. Looks like the Canadian fires are sending more smoke our way today. Seems like as good a reason as any to stay inside.

WHAT? Did this just happen? I’m so sorry pullin. Hope they get it sorted out.

This really sounds like you need a lawyer.

Jesus FUCK how terrifying! Chiming in to agree: lawyer up.

That sounds like a recipe for eyestrain … { worried face }

How do you pronounce the one in the middle?

I’d hafta take a half-week off work to accomplish half that, and I’d be struttin’ my shit at the achievement.

I’ve read that for some cats, it’s a dominance thing; the top cat in a colony doesn’t have to cover anything up. That’s for { waves paw dismissively } the peons.

If she’s your only cat, then my fallback answer in general is, cute & lovable though they may be, cats have an asshole streak.

Just heard the trash truck come rumblin’ by, so eventually I’ll hafta put on pants - or at least a bathrobe, cuz yeah, I’m that neighbor now - and retrieve the bin.

Also gotta order mom’s birthday gift - I wanna send her one of those fruit-cut-to-look-like-flowers bouquets.

… after I return to bed & get some more sleep.

Oh, and …

You’re gettin’ it; you’re gettin’ it!

swampy points out that 'tis good to be juvenile, and as always, he’s absolutely correct.

I don’t think I need to just yet. Everyone’s trying to fix it, with multiple exams/procedures planned already (at their expense, no less). Currently 4 visits already scheduled. The surgeon says he’s seen it before and it will usually sort itself out given time, and might require additional lasering (again, on their dime). I’m just exasperated because it’s ignoring their timeline so far and hasn’t changed at all in a week. My old eye-doc (saw him too) said it was too soon to worry, and these things can take as long as 3-4 weeks to clear up. But I would’ve expected at least some tiny improvement after the first week, and I’m worried. Plus I’m probably over-reacting, but it seemed like everyone was annoyed at me and I figure being under anesthesia should remove some responsibility from the patient - yanno?

On the plus side, I signed up for a few new streaming services, so I’ve got more choices while I’m sentenced to couch-duty (can’t lift or do anything strenuous until further notice). And Audible too. :sunglasses:

Only when I try to read, dammit. But across the room (like the TV) works fine.

Good to hear pullin. Good luck.

Thank you! I’ll keep your earlier suggestion on standby. :slight_smile:

I have a sibling who’s had only one eye their entire life, and they manage OK. So I probably should settle down and not worry so much. I can just drive like my sibling, navigating between all the honking sounds. :nerd_face: (Seriously – it’s terrifying to ride with him, but no bad accidents so far).

damn, pullin. That sounds scary!

My Monday is already finished. There just aren’t enough hours in the day! Too much to do!

I’ll try to check in tomorrow.

Good morning one and all!

It’s currently about 51 degrees, dark and cloudy outside. The high temp will be around 63 and the day will be mostly cloudy, both here and at my destination today near Stevenson, WA.

pullin, I’m very sorry to read about the eye complications. I hope it clears up!

The weekend was jam-packed. It turns out my daughter and granddaughter had bad coughs yesterday, so we are going to see them, my grandson and son-in-law, next weekend. It was my call, but I didn’t want to catch something and be away from home. My son came up, though, and we had a nice time. My birthday gift was a self-watering raised planter box, so now I can buy even more dirt and flowers. I am looking forward to filling it. My son will also be coming up next weekend.

I’ll be driving straight from Skamania to Portland on Thursday to meet up with my baby sister, who flew up from Texas. I can’t wait to see her. I plan to spend the night (maybe two) in Portland and then head home. I am very much looking forward to hanging out with C. Now, I need to figure out what hotel I should book, and I am debating staying in Vancouver versus staying in Portland.

I am still…unenthusiastic…about this meeting. I will pack up my suitcase later this morning and then hit the road. I guess the plus is that I can leave from home. I’ll work a bit in my home office, vacuum out my rig, change clothes, pack, and hit the road. I’ll stop for gas on the way out and should be there around 2:30, maybe three o’clock, depending on whether I stop to grab some lunch.

Alright, time to finish my coffee and face the day!

Hubby’s got a cold, which means both of us didn’t get much sleep the last two nights. Both of the meds we had in our home pharmacy are nearly empty and replacing them is not so easy - both are out of stock with no information about when they’ll be in stock again.

Managed to get substitutions, but really wasn’t expecting that.

And the plumber’s coming this afternoon to replace the shower wand. Hopefully they can navigate the front walk which is all torn up for the great building project.

Weather forecasters prone to panicking? Yep, we got that, especially with rain. That said, the country south of us is currently dealing with horrific flooding and an erupting volcano.

Crossing fingers for @pullin’s eye. Hopefully you’ll see some improvement soon.

I, uh, see what you did there.

Mornin, all! I’m in the shop awaiting a package from da jungle. Then I can get on with the current project. I’m making an insert for a display that’s supposed to look like molten metal. We think some chasing lights under painted polycarbonate will do it, so, I’m waiting for the lights.

Have a great week errybody!

G’mornin’, kids! I get my weather off an app or a website, so I have no observations on the character of my local meteorologists. I’m a news/politics/current events junkie and consume way more than is healthy for me, but it’s all text - I can’t stand video news. Same goes for YouTube, TikTok, or anything else of that nature. Now that I think of it, I hardly ever watch nonfiction video of any kind - documentary, true crime, all that, I can take it or leave it. I guess I feel like if the primary goal is to communicate factual information, I can absorb that information way faster by reading it than by waiting for some talking head to get their tortured sentences out.

The custodians finally got that shelf moved for me, so today I’m re-loading it. Then it’s on to the second of four. I’m gonna feel like a real putz if I do all this and then the new study stations don’t even get used.

Pullin, that is very alarming and I hope it resolves soon!

Have a safe drive, Taters!

(Hurrah, hurrah!)

Morning. Welp, exam week is this week, which means school is almost over for me. It seems relatively calm for me, as I only have 3 actual exams, with the rest being projects I’ve completed for the past few weeks. I have a meeting with my academic advisor for college to sign up for classes tonight too, so that should be fun.

Yank, I Hope you don’t end up needing legal representation. But as the old saying goes, better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I’d get a lawyer locked and loaded just in case.

Meanwhile, I’m still hangin’ out in lovely Spokane. Not much to say about it; I spent 52 hours counting inventory last week, with more of the same coming this week. Down time is relatively uneventful. At least there’s hockey to watch. (Go Knights!) And I think I’ll go see the local Minor League baseball team on Wednesday night.

I’m sure the MMP will get away from me again, so have a good week, all!

Yanker, that is definitely not the way to start a week. Was in local or general anesthesia? Either way I’d be skeptical about their explanation. Do have fingers crossed that it corrects itself, or they can get it corrected.

Wheelie, sounds like you have a job you’re comfortable with and good at. When are you heading home?

God Bod, good luck with the tests and projects.

Taters, glad you’re getting to see family and hope the meeting isn;t as bad as you think.

Stayed in bed until nearly 8am today, a nice change from the 6am wakeups I’ve been getting. Shoppin-n-Sammich-n-Swimming-n-Sauna and a little bit of soccer are on the agenda today.

Don’t watch the local weather folks much here (rely on Weather Underground on-line), but during tornado season they all will interrupt broadcasts to fill us in on where the tornadoes might be hiding and any rumors they hear, backed by nice big screens of bright radar colors. Given that we’ve had bad tornadoes in the past I can’t blame them, but they do seem to do it even when the threat is not very great. Ah well, better safe than sorry, I guess.

OK, onward into the week. All y’all take care now.