(Old) Getting caught off-guard n the MMP

So I had Shaggy with me in the dumping station. Which meant that one point when there was nothing on the belt, and he was staring slack jawed at the 5 foot tall 6 foot long stack of Next Day Air piled on the catwalk, I had to scream “DUMP THE F***ING BAGS!” at him. Why am I afflicted with him, did the Lord run out of plagues of frogs and locusts? Then I was in Secondary, then over to the 200 Slide, since Senior clerk is taking another week of vacation…then…somebody forgot to unload an Air trailer, so it was headless chicken time for a bit to get it put on the package cars. But that turn a 3.5 hour day into a 7 hour one, so I ain’t complaining. :smiley:
As far as Thanksgiving, I’ll be going to my friend C’s place in The Quay.

Alwys a good thing, especially if it’s on a train route.

Hope you feel better, soon, WetOne.

Translation: Somebody dropped it off a 5 foot catwalk.

Hemming is complete! Two pairs have to be laundered, two were already laundered. I even managed to lift my sewing machine to the shelf in the closet, but I don’t think it’ll live there long - it’s kinda heavy for me to heft up there. I’m thinking closet floor will work.

I also loaded the dishwasher and handwashed a few items. And I wrote down my Turkey Day menu so I can make definite plans. Daughter will do the smashed spuds and MIL said she’d bring her Jello “salad” - cottage cheese, some sort of fruit, and jello all mixed together. I think it might have cool whip in it also - yeah, salad…

Which reminds me - I need to add cool whip to the shopping list for the pumpkin pie.

I think I’ve earned some chillage.

The above quote is from the last MMP thread, which I didn’t see at the time and which had to do with the oatmeal cookie recipe I tried.

They worked great! The low temperature and longer baking time did something magical and the oatmeal cookies were chewy and addicting. I did doctor up the recipe the second time I made them, to make them more “oaty” and to add more walnuts. They were even better with these slight alterations. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know.

I’m a Japanophile, and I saw that a new Japanese market had opened up many miles north of here. So we went there yesterday to check it out, and it was brilliant. It was huge and well-stocked with all the goodies I like. Best of all, they had oodles of pre-made food and a big food court area. And even better than that, they were celebrating their second anniversary with pre-prepared bentos full of fancy sushi for 20% off. I got a wonderful “Hokkaido-don”, which was a rice bowl topped with all shellfish. Mr. brown got an assortment of nigiri sushi. We both agreed that our lunches were just as good as at a quality sushi bar. So now we have to go back and try chicken kara-age or pork miso ramen.

Just got off the phone with the credit union. They said they unblocked my card and that it should be usable in five or ten minutes.

Yaay for unblock! I would have bet you dinner that was not going to happen, and especially not across a weekend.

I can assure you there was nothing fun about the night during and after her breakdown / tantrum. But up to that point it was great. In other related news, Mrs. Lincoln really enjoyed Act I.

As to me: Today was breakfast out at a nearby corner deli, then a smidgen of shopping, & now home.

Tonight we’re going to the same place where we did Latin dancing last Tue for their Country night. Her Ladyship was in college in AZ during the heyday of country rock, so has some experience with this stuff. I was in college but in Los Angeles where Country was anathema. We’ll see how it goes.

I’d meant to mention this a couple days ago, but I kept forgetting. While we were Xmas tchotchke shopping at Hobby Lobby I saw a non-Xmas coffee mug that seemed tailor-made for several of the MMP folks:

Forget sleeping like a BABY
I want to sleep like my HUSBAND

I’ll try it when I get my hair cut today.

My niece L posted a suicide note on facebook attached to a tic toc post with monkeys. She says that she was addicted to Fentanyl and was trying to quit but the withdrawal was just too much to bear.

Aw shit. That’s a bad one. I’m sorry Hippie. Hugs for everyone on a somber gray day. Even if the sun is shining where you are.

what an asshole …although in a thread I made about bad holiday dinners a while ago there was one like that but they were having hamburger helper on Christmas because no one needed anything fancy since it was just another day …

My nephew came from the physical rehab place he’d been sent to after with a doctor-prescribed fentanyl patch…it was horrible … the minute it ran out it was like a wolverine was in his body and then when did get a new one it was such a wave of relief …the first thing the doc at UCLA did was get him off of that but it took months of tapering off slowly …its something you cant quit “cold turkey” someone failed to tell her that …

Just back from Food Lion. I won’t be getting my car till tomorrow, so I took my list and the truck with the iffy brakes and that’s done. All I need for t-day dinner is some fresh broccoli, and I’ll get that next week.

So huzzah!

Howdy Y’all! We were slothful all day as is our wont. Had a gnawin’ and a cravin’ for a Bloody Mary, so that was the day drink of the day. Sup got made and et up and the kitchen is all cleanded up. Time for some Netflix and chill.

Pilot HEE! Now I have to play with the heart giblet and maybe chase OYKW around the house with it. Then again, his career was in home health, so I really don’t think I could squick him out. Still, I must play with the heart now.

FlyBoy yay for unlocked card!

Nellie yay for DIL, even though that means they will be farther away.

{{{Hippie}}} that is just so sad!

I did this with the last two pair that I ordered online: the light ones needed a 2" hem and the dark ones 4". I’ve since learned to order women’s petite from that company. I’ve learned a little about which jeans run long from thrift store shopping. Unfortunately, they tend to be the ones that fit best otherwise. I hope that a supervised solution is found for BIL.

Your FIL sounds somewhat limited hippy. More hugs to you and your family.

Yay for DIL nellie. A little extra distance shouldn’t be much of an issue if Amtrack stops there.

Had the appointment with the urologist and go in for more tests next month. We’ll see if we can get to the root of my problems.

Same here, though 99 times out of 100 if there’s a fumble, it’s because Hubby forgot to tell me about something so it never went in.

Which, in my opinion, is an even better thing than Thanksgiving.

I’ll be keeping every possible appendage crossed. Y’all really need things to go your way in this situation.

There are days that I wish I could justify it - when my back is bothering me badly. But then I remember that if I do that, I can’t find goodies on clearance.

CtE is following in Hubby’s footsteps instead of mine and learning to cook. I’ll bake all day long but cooking… still little interest.

{{{hippie and family}}} It’s a shame no one caught that before she took the permanent solution.

Storytime went fairly well. For the first time in a long time, we weren’t at capacity. But the kids were adorable, they had a cute snail craft and I was glad I got out of the house.

Talked to Dad today. He hasn’t heard back from the doctor. If he doesn’t in the morning, I’m going to take my courage in both hands and call for him. I’m really hoping that we get an appointment for this week since next week is going to be short and busy.

I asked Dad about Thanksgiving, if he wanted me to get him and bring him down. The way he’s feeling he said not this time but we’ll do something for Christmas. I’m just trying to keep in mind that this year isn’t last year (when all of this started) and we’re more aware of the situation.

Next week, I’m starting PT for the back problems. I’m hoping that whatever they do helps with the tingling and numbness that flash up. I meant to call them and set something up but… Dad. So here’s hoping they can make progress for me.

Tomorrow will be a full day of no one home but me. I’m going to focus on getting some cleaning done. I’m pretty much accepting the fact that I’m not getting book club reads fine this month. Next month I hope i can focus on getting more reading done.

Have a good night all!

My familes gathering for Thanksgiving will have at least 25 people, but it will be on the Saturday following the day itself. I talked with my sister today, we already had decided dinner will be at her place as it has the most space. She will do a big turkey, I will do a sauerbraten. I’ll also do dinner rolls, and am considering a dessert, a cake I just got the recipe for. All the rest will be the usual things folks bring. I can’t wait, it’s my favorite meal of the year.

Ms. Dog has been SO GOOD about going down stairs slowly and pausing at every step, so it certainly wasn’t her fault that my left (good) leg slipped, and my right leg flexed much more than it’s really able to, and I made ugly noises. II was able to stand and limp on it, so despite the increased swelling, it’s not bad. However, I could not get the dog to pee! I am not getting up at 5:00 a.m., so she’s on her own.

In better news, I can now see 20/25 out of both eyes! Thrilled is an understatement.

red, I hope the tests give a clearer picture of what’s going on. Enough is enough.

Packed with vitamins A and C! Why, you couldn’t afford NOT to have one…or four, depending on how vitamin-deficient you are.

I am SO happy for you, that is so wonderful. Oh hurray!!!

/suddenly can’t see the screen because a dust storm came through/

hippy, I am very sad for you and family. I hope things work out as well as possible.

I forgot to start the Secret Santa. Nayna messaged me and said that she would start it, but I haven’t seen anything yet. I guess I should step up to the plate if she hasn’t started it by morning, but it is so late. At least the USPS isn’t overwhelmed like it was a few years ago. Things should probably arrive about on time. Maybe.

Back when everything was closed, Mom ran out of a few things and being the dutiful daughter I was, I sent her such things as toilet paper, goat milk soap and wine.

When I ordered the wine from a local vinery, the nice lady promised me that Mom would be required to show ID and just to be sure, I paid for signature at delivery. Mom got very excited at the idea of being carded for wine so was sure to have her ID handy and to sit in the front room so she could see the delivery truck.

Yeah, FedEx just dropped the package off and marked it “Driver verified”.

Shakes fist with everyone in solidarity.

Fingers crossed.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Will I be playing on the slide, or will I spend the morning heaving? Who knows.

I do not miss the episodes of Attention Deficit Dog. Hope you are not too banged up.

Good luck with the tests, red.

{{{{Hippie}}}} again.

: crosses fingers for the FairyChats :

Can I kill an aunt? I know i ask this about once a week or so but shes in let’s do 50 things at once and then decide to go out for the right and then come home around 2 am and decide to move crap …

I know shes thrown off because of the move and the resultant mess but …

Morning, mumpers! It’s 10c/49f with a predicted high of 12c/53f, and cloudy. In fact, Weather App says it’s “Cloudy as fuck” and refuses to say anything more. I’ve been outside, and that is a pretty accurate representation of the sky.

Red good luck with the tests, I hope they help.

Mooom appendages crossed that BIL does get moved somewhere he’s likely to get proper care and supervision, that will be a weight off everyone’s shoulders.


Taters yay for puppies! I saw the pic in the last MMP, they are proper cute.

nellie congrats to DIL! Portland’s a lovely place, and if Amtrak will take you there it’s even better. Do love a good train ride.

Talking of trains, 'im indoors went up to Scotland yesterday which usually involves two trains to get to Glasgow and then another local train to get to Largs. Everything was delayed, cancelled and late because of our latest named storm (Debi) which has brought high winds and a lot of rain with it. Part of the roof at Preston station was damaged so for a time there were no trains able to go through the station, and power lines at Wigan caught fire so that caused more delays. Naturally, his options for heading north were to change trains at either Wigan, Warrington or Preston…anyway, he made it eventually and will get most of his ticket refunded due to the length of delays.

He’s at his friend’s mother’s funeral this morning, not sure if he’s aiming to get a train back down today or tomorrow. We were supposed to be at a gig tonight so he’d intended to get a train at lunchtime to get back for that, but it’s been cancelled as the singer’s got a chest infection.

As to the subject of the MMP, we don’t celebrate T-Day here so that’s not sneaking up on me. But we are off to a music festival in Troon next week which has left me slightly out of sorts on the organisational front! We have our tix and accommodation voucher which I have stored safely with all our other tix on the kitchen noticeboard. It’s on my personal paper calendar, it’s in our shared google calendar, but it still seems further away than it really is. I will be driving us up there on Wednesday next week, staying over at his mum’s that night, driving from Largs to Troon on Thursday morning, going to see the first couple of bands at the festival on Thursday afternoon so we can exchange tix for wristbands, then back to check in to our accommodation, festivalling until Saturday night, then we have another event on Sunday afternoon before we head back to his mum’s for a couple of nights, and drive home on Tuesday.

Before then, I need to make sure we have enough cat food for a week, for all the mogs, and I need to make sure I have enough meds for Shadow. Plus he could do with having a mani-pedi as his claws are getting too long. And I have to work on campus for two days so I can only really make a vet appointment on a day when I’m not working and can schedule around meetings. Ho hum.

Yesterday he signed voluntary commitment papers, so there won’t be a hearing after all. Here’s hoping he doesn’t realize that he can un-sign, so he stays under care. MIL has already said he can’t live with her any longer - she’s done. Or so she says now - I know this tears her up. Anyway, at least a temporary reprieve.

FCD has to take MIL to her retina doc today. They were also supposed to see her thyroid doc, but he’s sick so that appt has been rescheduled. In further medical adventures, I have to get blood drawn on Moanday, and the next Moanday I see our family practitioner for my semi-annual once-over. At least my blood is being pulled before Thanksgiving, just in case I lose control… :open_mouth: I decided the second dessert would be brownies - oooops!

I’ve had a sore throat for 2 days - pretty sure it’s due to draining sinuses. But I’ll do my best to keep my distance from Tobias. As it’s Tuesday, we’ll frolic in the basement while my laundry goes from dirty to clean! I’ll get the fire going before he gets here so it’ll be nice and warm, especially since today started in the mid-30s. brrrrrrrr

And here’s hoping I finally get my car back today. I suspect yesterday it got lost in the cracks of the schedule. I’m a little miffed, but stuff happens, right?

Happy Tuesday!