A Tad Late, but Still the MMP....

Well, folks, I wracked my brains for something, anything to post. Even my mundanity has become too stultifying (a word that I thought meant boring beyond comprehension but I find just means silly or unsound. Poop) to express here without putting myself to sleep, much less MMPers. So, I fall back on that reliable chestnut, humor. This is far from my favorite joke, but I figured it would stir up discussion (or not). Sorry I am late, but I overslept this morning. Oh, and it was my plan to completely MMP this holiday-so no mentions of the esteemed (and he is, very) Dr King…


Tonight I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment.

Conversation wasn’t flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk.

He agreed but he kept quiet and absent. I asked him what was wrong; he said nothing. I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry. He might be tired after all that golfing today, but that never makes him silent, so I just don’t know.

On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving.

I can’t explain his behavior. I don’t know why he didn’t say I love you too. When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing
to do with me anymore. He just sat there and watched T.V. He seemed distant and absent.

Finally, I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed, and to my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still felt that he was distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don’t know what to do.

I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.


I shot the worst round of golf in my life today, but at least I got laid.

Yea, I’m first! Whoo Hoo!

Am I first?

Damn you, Sean! Aargh!

And rigs this is just another example of how women and nem are really two different species of animals. Nicely done.

It’s Monday, I’m at work, I’m bored. 'Nuff said.

Nice bit of humour, last time I saw the same joke it was something to do with our local footie team getting the usual drubbing.

Caffeine. I’m sure caffeine would help.

It’s a holiday, so everyone’s allowed to oversleep. Well, except those who don’t have the day off and were supposed to be up and at 'em already.

Funny joke, rigs. Reminds me of my grandparents’ relationship (checks position of apostrophe in case gigi is reading).

I was up till after 2:00 a.m. due to overcaffeination and having gone out to catch a late (for me) movie.

I need to go take a shower and then obtain some caffeine.

Back later.


What BooFae said, only I’m trying to cut down on the caffeine.

The sun’s out after a very, very grey weekend. Temperatures are what I’d expect for winter in this area (lows just below zero C or just above, highs below 10C); last week it was warm enough to be considered spring in many parts of Spain, not right at all.

yawn Can I go home yet? This “subcontractor paid by the hour” deal should include being able to leave if you want to, so long as the work gets done and you don’t overbill.

Eww, it’s Monday. Oh well, at least we have rigs here to keep us chuckling. Good work. :slight_smile:

I’m mostly past the funk I was in yesterday. Thank you all for the kind words. Forcing myself to do work yesterday helped. Sort of like, “And that was some words from our sponsors, and now back to my regularly scheduled life.” This week is going to be one of those gauntlet weeks. Two homework sets due at exactly the same time: this Friday at 4 pm. Add to that the TAing - the first real lab - and it starts to get rough. Fortunately, I already have half of one of the homeworks done. So maybe I can crash land into Friday with only a mild concussion. :dubious:

I am tired, I have work to do and I’ll get lots done with no kiddies in school today.

And I’m hoarse from screaming at Da Bears game yesterday.

I had a minor homework blunder…don’t tell swampy…I brought my paper into work to print it out and when I opened it from the flash key, I realised I’d forgotten to save it in a 'doze friendly format! Luckily I emailed my tutor and explained that I’d done it on a Linux machine and forgot to make a W-compatible version to print. It’s slightly better than “the cat ate my homework”!

Just checking in to say hi.
The damn dog got me up early to eat and go out, so I’m already on my second round of caffienating.

The kid is home (what better way to celebrate MLK, Jr.'s life than by kicking the kids outta school so they can sleep late and play Nintendo all day :rolleyes: ), and I have some job applications to work on.

Be back later!

Rigs, :smiley: Men are from Mars, ya know.

Happy MLK Day! I have to work today. :frowning: It’s not even one of my real jobs. It’s just a fill-in every-once-in-a-while thing. I’d rather stay home, but I could use a little extra money, so I’m going. But I need coffee first. And breakfast.

Yawn Yep, it’s morning. The dogs were more than happy to see me get up, since the parental units went away overnight and left me to dogsit. Lucky for them, I’m way cheaper than a kennel, and also happy to do it! I left the bedroom door open last night (in case Rusty decided to get anxious about something, the weather’s changing) and when I went to sleep I had two snoozing pups on the floor and when I woke up, I had one. Yay for sleeping pups! Then they got up and told me in no uncertain terms that they needed to go out, get their meds, and get fed. Now they’re snoozing again. Such good boys they are!

Don’t ask me about men. I’ll never get them. I may like them, but understand? Nope! I’m taking a break from them anyway, not that I have a history of lots of them, but what with the recent breakup, I think I need some time on my own.

I have no plans to speak of today except that I have to get a new heater for my new betta’s tank. (I feel horrible about the previous fishy. I accidentally left him in the car on a freezing night on my way up here. So long, Spike…) But this one has a nice three-gallon tank and I’m sure he’ll just love it.

I do seem animal-obsessed, don’t I? Well, until the other humans get here, it’s me and the critters, so why not?

Morning, everybody! I’m up bright and kind of early to begin the job hunt. Roomie has finally recovered from her virus, and things are back to normal. Except for the part where I’m making my first post to the MMP in my jammies, of course.

I stayed up too late last night. And I didn’t even mean to. I was in bed at 11. But I didn’t fall asleep till 4. That was bad. But I can take a nap later.

Man, my life’s boring when I don’t work.

I’m at work today too. We don’t get a lot of holidays here. But we get 4 weeks of PTO (vacation or sick time, use it how ever you want) so that makes up for it.

Our sick kitty (who back in Nov was diagnosed tentatively with kidney failure) is getting sicker. She’s caught a cold (that I think the other kitty picked up at the vet and then passed on) and where the other kitty could knock the cold pretty easily, Nikita (the sick kitty) is having lots of trouble with it. Poor baby. She doesn’t seem to be in pain yet though so we’re just letting her live out her days and feeding her whatever she’ll eat. Which isn’t much, having tried, liked and then after a few days rejected human-grade salmon, homemade chicken baby food (but store-bought jar baby food is still her favorite thing), shredded pork, ground beef stuff, and who knows what else at this point. (All of the human foods were mixed with vitamins and supplements to make them kitty-friendly.) All because she stopped eating cat food completely a couple months ago. Ugh.

Over the weekend we decided that when she goes, we’re getting a hamster.

No, that’s really not a joke. I’ve always wanted a small animal, but my parents never were in to them. And then I was going to get one on my own, but somehow ended up with two kitties instead. So now it looks like it’s a good time to have a little furry thing for a while.

Back to work. Busy busy here again this week! Wee!

Happy MLK Day to the Amurrkin cool kids. Happy Monday to the rest. Howzat?

I’ve been an busy bear today. Since I have my men’s group comin’ over tonight, I needed to tidy up da cave. It’s all tidy now. I need to make a salad at some point today, but other than that, heatin’ up the company smashed N.O.T. and baking the biscuits (frozen kind cuz I’m lazy), I’m all ready. Oh and grilling the sausages, but that’ll happen after folks arrive so they’ll be nice and hot. They don’t take long. It’ll be a nice couple hours hangin’ out. I always enjoy it.

A nap is a definite possibility. After all, a host should be well rested so that he can be bright and cheerful while entertaining guests. I’m sure that’s in some etiquette book somewhere. :smiley:

Sorry about your kitty, taxi. :frowning: How much longer does the vet think she has?

We haven’t taken her back to the vet since the initial diagnosis in November. The vet didn’t think she had long at that point so who knows. A big part of the reason we let her eat whatever she wanted was that we thought she was near the end. Might as well let her have what she wants if she’s not going to live long, right? Except that weeks have turned in to months and now we’re worried that she’s not getting the nutrients she needs (despite the supplements we’ve added). And she won’t eat cat food. :smack:

swampy being the food expert you are, I’m sure you know to rip the lettuce for your salad, not cut it.

It’s pretty damn warm here today. It’s expected to get up into the 70s today, and then start a quick decline into thge 40s (and maybe even into the 20s) before the end of the week.*

*All temperatures are degrees Fahrenheit. Not valid outside of the United States. Your miles may vary under actual driving conditions. Do not taunt the Happy Fun Ball.