(Old) Getting caught off-guard n the MMP

I guess we all have those times when all of a sudden, you realize a deadline, an event, an appointment, something is bearing down and you lost track. My most recent example was this past weekend realizing that Thanksgiving is a week sooner than I thought it was! Not a huge crisis, since there will just be 6 or 7 of us for dinner, depending on SIL’s work schedule. And I mostly know what I’m going to prepare. But when I looked at a calendar, there was an OMG moment.

Sorta related, it’s something like 70 days till our Antarctic cruise - it’s really that soon? Well, duh, January…

I’d say it’s time we all take a look at our planners and calendars and get ready! Who’s with me? Helllloooooooo???

Happy Moanday!

I’m still in denial that next week is Thanksgiving. No idea what we’re doing, beyond buying a ham and making it. I need to talk to both Dad and Nephew and see how everyone wants to do things. I don’t mind driving up to get Dad and bring him here, but I don’t know if he’d be up for it. We can’t go there because his dining room table is covered with piles of papers and he would insist on cleaning it up himself before we got there. If Das will let Nephew bring him to his house, and Nephew would be willing, that would be best and easiest. We’ll figure it out.

Regarding planners, I have a tendency to overplanner. I try to keep our shared Google calendar up to date. Then there’s my paper planner book that I update on Sunday’s for the week or month, asking with important To Dos. The fact that I done lol at it for the rest of the week is purely coincidental. :blush: But it does help keep things for the week on my radar. I just wish I were a bit more organized overall to use my tools.

Low key day today. Storytime, calling Dad, trying to get some cleaning done. I’m supposed to have my virtual book club tonight but this month hasn’t been conducive to reading. I’ll see if I get the reading done today or not.

Happy Moanday!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and mostly caffeinated, so no YAWN. 'Tis 56 Amurrkin out and mostly cloudy with a predicted high of 67 and mostly cloudy. A blah day out, so glad that we have no plans to be out and about. Sloth and general overall uselessness is the plan of the day. Sup will be my world famous Eyetalian chikin, baby lima beans, wild rice (as opposed to tame rice?), and rolls. Not real imaginative, but it’ll feed.

There will be sump’n around 10 folks at da cave for turkey day. We shall supply the turkey, dressin’, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce (the schwump kind), and rolls. Other folks are bringin’ the rest of the stuff. Not sure what all that will be, but I am confident it will be good. It does seem so early this year, even though it is the fourth Thursday in November, as always. We do keep a reminder calendar, well, two reminder calendars for doc appointments and such. One is a physical calendar in the laundry room, and the other is (are) calendars on our phones that get all annoyin’ with the pings to remind us of such things.

Now I need to finish caffeinatin’ and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Mornin’ all. Balconated for ~90 minute predawn and been inside now about an hour.

We’ll do our now-standard T-Day, bringing a feast to Daughter’s place to feed her and the Horde. Which Horde numbered 5 kids at last count. With some feast stuff made ahead here and some made or at least finished there. Despite having made a lot of Feastes myself over the decades I mostly get to watch and carry now.

I agree that next Thursday does sound a little soon to me. Obviously the 22nd is the earliest possible date for T-day, with the 28th being the latest possible. So it being the 23rd this year means we’re legitimately at the early end of the spectrum.

My usual error with calendars is forgetting I’ve got a scheduled phone call then being unavailable at the time they call. Although calls go on my calendar just like in-person events do, somehow they don’t occupy the same slot in my mind. Oops.

Good morning.

It’s 47F and showery outside. I expect rain showers this morning with some sunshine during the afternoon hours and a high temp of around 54F.

I have to go to Seattle this morning for an event. Donwanna. There will be a bunch of trompin’ around and probably being a gopher for a VIP or his staff.

I received the agenda yesterday and every single minute is planned; down to three-minute increments.

Sending my best to all. I’m tired due to a lack of sleep. Had a hell of a time falling asleep and before I knew it, it was 3:00 a.m.

G’morning everyone.

My people!!! I have found you!! :smile:

I’ve been caught unawares a few times, but being an overplanner it doesn’t happen often.

Example: the long-awaited eye surgery is scheduled in a few days, so I’ll be “out of service” for a while. But everything’s done, lawn, spa chems, boat securing (for winter), vehicles are full, and everything else on my prep list is complete – two days early. I even did a test-run to the hospital to determine best route and timing. I’m just sitting around, twiddling my thumbs and deciding between Netflix or Prime on TV.

Been caught off guard a few times but in weird ways. I’m an inveterate early riser, and once awoke to get ready as normal. Went through entire routine while Mizpullin slept, and drove to work marveling at the light traffic. Only after turning into an empty parking lot did I realize it was Sunday.

As to Thanksgiving. It’s the only holiday I look forward to anymore. The only prep involves the grocery store for a good meal. No decorations, no presents, no stupid lights on the house – nothing but sloth and good food. This year (as said above) I’ll be offline and unable to lift anything heavier than a beer, so it’s even better. The docs have issued strict prohibitions against any type of deep bending (over), so things like the dishwasher are even off limits. All I gotta do is sit in my recliner with the remote and contemplate the great mysteries of the universe: (How do they actually make Doritos? How many Naugas were killed to cover this chair with their hide?)

Seriously, all the food’s bought, one kiddo is coming to help out, and I think it will be a relaxing and fun Thanksgiving this year.

Hope everyone has a good week! I promise to wait until the anesthesia is completely gone before posting anything later (Og knows what I might say…)

Okayokayokay. . .I’m up. The cat has been pestering us for the past two hours; I’m guessing her dish was empty. Fed the cat, then cleaned up the barf that ensued. She gets excited and bolts her food. What fun!

Wait. . .WHAT?!

My Thanksgiving plans got derailed, so I’m not sure what I’ll be doing. Maybe I’ll go up to my niece’s, maybe I’ll stay home and eat pizza. :stuck_out_tongue:

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted and killing some time before getting sheveled to pick up some prescriptions, drop a couple of cards in the mail and go to the urologist. Joy!

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

I, on the other hand, can’t wait until next week but, not because of Thanksgiving; because I’m getting puppies! PUPPIES!!!

As to the day itself, I’ve never really been a fan. I spent my teenage years out of town for Thanksgiving, and I’m just not a turkey fan anyway.

I have no clue what I’m going to do this year; maybe a bird, maybe something else. Ham is…okay, but not really on my list of favorites. I’m sure we’ll do something, even if it’s just me, my husband, and my son. Not sure if my mother will be there or not.

Christmas will certainly be different without my daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids present. I almost don’t see the point in decorating, but my son will be there, so I’ll make the effort.

Someone asked in last week’s MMP what I was going to name the pups. I think I’ll probably wait until I see their personalities. I had some ideas for names, but we’ll see.

@swampbear post mentioning Turkey, stuffing and giblet gravy reminded me of this;

My father in law was a very fussy and picky eater. Meat and potatoes. When I met my wife she had never eaten pizza at home because frank thought it was gross.

Among the things my father in law would eat was roast turkey with some of the usual trimmings. The first year we were married I invited my in laws for Thanksgiving. The meal was going well. Frank was enjoying the food. He was on his third helping of stuffing smothered in gravy. My mother in law asked how I did the stuffing and keep it moist. I told her that I cooked it inside the turkey as it was roasting and that the smoked oysters helped a lot with the moisture. My father in law came to a dead stop and stared at the forkful of stuffing he was about to eat with a look of horror on his face. Then my mother in law asked what I did to give the gravy so much flavor. I told her it was just plain giblet gravy. She asked “What’s a giblet?” Halfway through that answer, Frank dropped his fork and headed for the bathroom. Five minutes later he came out and said “Come on Florene, we’re going home.” He never ate another bite of any food I cooked.

That sounds like an impossible dream to me.

I was sure my SS was to be deposited today. Nope, next week. Fourth week, as usual. I just can’t brain these days…

Possible good news regarding BIL - he said there’s supposed to be a hearing on Weds to determine if he should go into a more controlled environment, i.e. a home or shelter. Fingers crossed… That would be the best news for all concerned.

For now, I’m showered, dressed, and about to pull out my sewing machine and hem jeans. My inseam used to be 30-31", now it’s 29" and even that’s a tad longer than I’d like. I’m shrinking!!!

i am very much looking forward to the 4 days off. i have lots of " i could do s" planned. i don’t expect much of it to get done.

See here for a similar story from 16(!) years ago.

The girl in question later lived with my late first wife and I for a few months and ate a bunch of my cooking during that time. Mostly without complaint. And had visited us on at least a few T-days or Christmases between then and now. But none of my gravies on those occasions included giblets. Sigh.

I have 2 plans for Thanksgiving, neither of which involve me cooking. I’m going to pick up ham slices from Honey Baked Ham. I will either dine alone or go to Patti and Dave’s.

I am pissy today. My leg hurts. I’m tired of that. On the plus side, I have discovered the wonder of ordering from Target and Walmart online, pulling into the pickup spot, and having someone load the stuff. I would never do this except for the crutch thing.

Have you ever done the pregnant turkey prank?

More adventures in the stupidity of sizing in women’s pants. I ordered 2 pairs of jeans, same size, same style, one in denim, one in black, both ordered from the same site. On pair was an inch longer than the other. I had to hack 2" from one pair and 3" from the other! Which means one had a 33" inseam! These are allegedly “average” length.

I know it’s too much to expect uniformity in sizing, since some companies go for vanity sizes. “I love {brand X} because I can wear a size 4 of their clothes, and I’m a size 10 with everyone else!!!” How pathetic that one’s self-esteem is tied to an arbitrary number sewn/stamped in an article of clothing that’s mass-produced in a 3rd world country.

OK, back to it. These mis-sized jeans won’t shorten themselves. And yes, I should have ordered petite, but that wasn’t an option. And the other 2 pairs came from the thrift store…

Mornin’ all! Up and in the shop.

The good: the board of the museum is meeting later this week, and the director is applying for a grant, so I should know if I’m building a boat soon. Crossed appendages.

The bad: Fedex still doesn’t know where the package that was supposed to arrive Firday is. Grrr…I shake my fist in rage. Update: they didn’t even try to deliver and it’s now being returned to sender.

Have a safe week, y’all!

I do hate me some FedEx. They’ve got a hub in Upper Marlboro, MD that is notoriously unreliable, and that’s where anything we get comes from. And while I claim to live in the boonies, I’m in a neighborhood that is right next to MD5, the main route thru our county. It’s literally less than a quarter of a mile from my house to 5. So we’re not talking farmhouse of a dirt road. But they still can’t be counted on to deliver when they say they will.

We had to sign for something once, so we were stuck home all day since the package was “out for delivery” - and we were stuck at home for 2 more days until they finally got it to us. Good luck trying to raise anyone on the phone or via chat.

We hates them, we do!!!

OK, all of the pants have been cut to size and they’re ready to be sewn. I’m having a bowl of soup before attacking them. Here’s hoping I have thread that’s close enough to the khaki and the burgundy. Blue denim and black are easy. Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for Paul to call.

I got some big news last night. My son and his wife are moving. My DIL got a new job in Portland. She was making good money at her old job and had moved up the ladder, but the hours were insane. The new position pays even more and should be less stressful. I’m happy for them. They’ll be farther away, but Amtrak goes there, so it should be OK.

I definitely got caught off-guard about Thanksgiving. We only decided last night that Sonny Boy and DIL would come here. Then I looked at the calendar. Yikes.

Ms. Dog and I went for a walk this morning. She again saved the world from marauding squirrels and inspected the troops, canine division. You can rest easy now.

In a few minutes, she’s going to be very unhappy. I have to go to PT and the eye doc, so she’ll be shut up in the bathroom with her water bowl, a snack. a blanket, and a toy for as long as 6 hours. :frowning: She should be OK. I hope she doesn’t whine and bother the neighbors.

Taters, good luck in Seattle. And extra wishes for good luck if you’re driving. I can’t wait for the puppies to arrive! Which day are they coming?

VanGo: Fingers crossed for the boat project. SO cool! I hate FedEx because of crap like that and shall add my voice to your curses.

Wet One, I hope your mood and your leg improve.

Hippie, your in-laws sound…limited. Imagine never having heard of a giblet or oyster dressing. The mind boggles.

Time to imprison the pup.

What a fun memory!

Neither of my daughters, both adults now, have never shown even a small interest in learning to cook