Happy New Year!!! Now a bit after 1am on the East coast. Our evening do not go to plan, but it was good.
The plan called for dinner at home 9ish then leave home around 11pm to brave the 50/10-ish chill and walk a couple-few blocks to restaurant row and pick a suitable place for a drink or 2 and give a cheer at midnight with the crowd. Then wander home. That did not happen.
Instead we ate dinner as planned then about 9:30pm Her Ladyship absentmindedly went downstairs to check on the snail-mail. Which of course doesn’t come on Sundays. Oops. And thereby stumbled on a NYE party being thrown by friends of ours in the building’s party room. Cue instant zip back upstairs, slip into a party dress, arrange hair and face, then back down we both go. I was already dressed OK for going out, so just added a sportcoat for style and warmth (the building lurves them some HVAC in the public spaces. Brrr!!)
About 30 people, mostly 30- & 40-somethings, plus a couple of retirees, massive good food, lotta champagne, and plenty of dancing music. Much later we got a big workout ball from the building gym and had our own countdown and ball+girl-drop at midnight followed by mildy drunk group volleyball. Incredibly nothing got broken or spilled and none of the ladies injured an ankle playing impromptu VB in 6" heels. Great fun.
Most folks, us included, wound down around 1am and by then Her Ladyship had danced her feet and legs into jelly. As had many other women. I danced less because my ears were really suffering, but my legs could go all night. It’s soooo much easier without 4"+ heels.
Anyhow, now home, letting stuff settle, and checking in w y’all. Bed’s next. A great start to a new year.
Around here there’s usually massive fireworks going on all evening on most holidays. Tonight we’ve heard some but not much. Color me surprised. Maybe the comparatively chilly evening pushed a few party-hearty types indoors.
Catglove: Enjoy your early parade. Which isn’t so early MI time.
I’ve been to the Rose Parade a few times as a kid & teen, and I’ve visited the after-event the next days where you can tour all the floats in warehouses & parking lots up close and personal before the flowers rot and they’re disassembled. I’ve also been to the Rose Bowl back when I was in college out there and when it was always the Pac-8 or Pac-10 championship game.
I’ve also been to the NYC Macy’s parade with the big balloons. I definitely prefer a SoCal morning in Jan to a NYC morning in Nov. One is cold; the other is frigid.
Never had much interest in parades on TV though. I can watch just a few minutes before the inane commentary drives me off. In person the crowds and the total spectacle are cool. And there’s no inane commentary. Even on a big TV … Meh.
Doggio that’s a fine fez and a fine first drink of the year. Or 12th of the year. Or even 12th of the last day of last year! One thing our party lacked was funny hats. A couple of ladies had the cute tiaras that said 2024 or Happy New Year on them, but that was it. So disappointing. There should have been silly hats.
A special and heartfelt welcome to @Aspenglow. Despite the crabby armored avatar you’re certainly a sweetie.
Good luck with your local Howitzer. Back in the day I spent 3 years on a joint base with USAF and Army. On special occasions like holidays and military ceremonial events the official brass band would play. One of their faves was the William Tell 1812 overture. With modern no-kidding artillery fire for the cannon effects. Set out in the big parade square surrounded by all the office and barracks buildings you could see all the windows flex in and out with each volley. A glorious use of taxpayer funds.
Maybe JtC’s neighbor should leave that cannon-y stuff to the professionals.
Approaching 2am so I'm signing off. G'night all!!.