(Old) It is getting cold in the MMP

Normal heaving this morning. It’s getting colder, but no snow. Here is the story about the tornado yesterday.

One year(1986?) we got let out early because it started flurry-ing, it stopped before we were all on the buses, and everything had melted by the time I got off the bus.


No indoor malls by me, which is sad because I loved going to the mall. The weather here is not quite Christmas/winter. It’s in the mid 30s and dreary. I think we’ll hit low 40s later this week. Sssssshhhhh….don’t tell Ursala Kitteh but we are going to the v.e.t. later this morning for her arthritis shot and nail trim. Then I’m finishing Christmas cards so soon the lucky 3 will have theirs.

Morning all. It is cold (30F right now), but heading to about 50F, and should be approaching 60F for the high by the end of the week. Late January/ early February is usually the time we get any snow that N. Ali-bama is alloted by the Weather Wizards.

Like yanker, haven’t been in an indoor mall in years, they tore down the one nearest my place and replaced it with a bunch of outlets, restaurants, and condos/apartments. The only other indoor mall is 15 miles away and not worth the drive. There is a nice outdoor mall closer, but not really my thing to go walking there in 40F weather…

And Yanker, congrats on the perfect eyesight! May it continue for a long time.

Shoe, I do not drool on my pillow…that’s what the sheets are for… And love your stories of the shop and glad JtC’s cookies were such a hit. As for directions, I learned the same ‘look for the landmarks’ method of directions from my Mom, even with all the new-fangled gadgets now I still look for my special spots. And {{ }} for you and your crewmate.

Only major things on my list for the week is a Braunschweiger run on Tuesday and the Plumbers on Wednesday (and who knows after that). Other than that I’ll make it up as I go along. Shopping-Sammich-Swimming-Sauna are the go-to’s for today.

Take care all and have a good week.

Mornin’ all! Happy new MMP! Now about 2 hours post-sunrise with high clouds, 67/19 outside with the high planned for 74/23. Got a bunch cooler overnight vs yesterday.

Last night’s musical doin’s were great, but got late and then I stopped at another venue. Which was fun, but ensured everything got later & stupider. So went to bed too late, slept in some, but not nearly enough. A nap will be in order once Her Ladyship vacates the bed.

From the last of last week:

Lists are like that. Always have been, always will be. Doesn’t mean it’s not frustrating though. For sure as you get settled and the excess stuff cleared out it’ll get easier every day.

It is excellent to hear you’re sleeping lots. You were waaay deprived for waay too many months.

From shady’s subversive counter-MMP :slight_smile:

Semi-serious question: what’s stopping you? Maybe you can find a way to do what makes you happy for a change, not what others want you to do to make them happy.

Sorry all this is difficult. Finding the balance of conforming to other’s expectations and your own is tough for everyone. Me too. The trick IMO is to avoid the bad habit of converting their expectations into your obligations. There is a difference.

For me, we do the holidays pretty lightly. We have a tree with ornaments. We don’t have presents. Her Ladyship’s son & fiancé come down from Chicago & stay with us. In the past it’s been 1 or 2 nights due to their over-busy lives. This year it might be 5 or 6. And we all go visit Daughter and Horde a lot while they’re here. Otherwise low-key.

For this MMP:
I’ll minimize yakking about how cold it isn’t getting; that seems the only polite thing to do. But I was out til 11pm last night in shorts with the top down on the car. Although it did sprinkle for a couple of minutes, so both I and the car interior got a bit wet. Oh well.

I always enjoy going to malls around now. Since I’m not buying anything, there’s none of the pressure to find something, anything today for Aunt Jane or whoever. IMO the decorations are pretty, the crowds are energized, and it’s generally fun to participate in vicariously.

Her Ladyship and I went shoe shopping for her a few days ago. Our local mall was busy, but not frenzied. We hit the various department stores which had lots of customers, lots of stock, and lots of clerks. I might get back to that mall, or to a more distant mega-mall before the season finale. If so I’ll be sure to report back.


One year for work (mid-1990s?) I was stuck in far suburban Chicago from late morning on the 24th to early on the 26th. A big mall was just down the big boulevard from the hotel. It was cold: snow & slush on the ground, gray & blah in the sky. But at least it was windy. Before the advent of the internet, entertaining yourself on these long stays in dull places took some imagination and sacrifice. So for lack of a better option I bundled up & walked to the mall. Got there just after noon with big signs saying they closed early at 6pm.

Wow. The whole place looked picked over by locusts. Frenzied women dragging tired wailing toddlers while pushing a stroller filled with packages. The fear of retail failure was written on every customers’ face. The staff all looked haggard and beat, sustained only by the knowledge that in a few hours they’d be done with this BS for the year.

Needing nothing, I got a coffee & settled in to watch these silly people torture themselves. IMO that’s doing the holidays wrong. There’s nothing like a big steaming mug of smug to warm your heart on a cold afternoon. :crazy_face: :coffee:

I love your customer stories. And that you got a break running supplies. Playing dough-catch with your face works.

You are a sweet angel. Your disguise is definitely slipping.

I stayed nearby there for work many times over the years. And have wandered that mall a lot too. I think you and I have talked about that before. Last time I was there was probably 3 years ago, and not at the holidays. The demographic there then was sort of teetering on the edge. Ouch!, that unfortunate old lady. But it sounds like she encountered an insane person, not a criminal. Yes, the assault makes the crazy person into a criminal, but there is a difference.

Blessed too are the cheese-receivers for they shall have great noshing.

Tres pretty. St. Louis had a lot of that. An inch or 3 that lasted a couple days before melting. Except for one or two week-long subfreezing intervals in Jan-Feb.

It’s not grumpy to disdain added stress and complexity. “Hostess with the mostest” whether he or she can be fun right up to the point it gets stressful. But not beyond.

Congrats again on the major eye success! And cheap quick glasses to boot! Yaay!!! As Teela said, it made my morning too.

It’s cold and it’s getting colder
It’s gray and white and winter all around
And, oh, I must be getting older
And all this snow is tryin’ to get me down

In actuality, it’s quite warm right now. 45º Ferret Height. Due to El Niño, it may be warmer and wetter this year.

G’morning, kids! 17 degrees out this morning, and all the roads glazed with ice. Ereshkigal the Camaro and I nevertheless successfully avoided winding up in a ditch, knock on wood.

I adore malls at xmastime, I really do. I do most of my shopping online, but I still have to visit at least one and just vibe in the decorations and music and festivity.

Hoping very much that they get back to me about my offer today - he said “early [this] week.” I really want to put in my resignation and my vacate notice and start planning the move, but I can’t really do that until I know how much (if any) money I have to work with.

pullin, I’m surprised you had trouble getting your 'scrip… I usually get my eye exams at Target or Walmart and most of the time they don’t even ask, they just hand it to me.

I’ve always been curious - how much extra is “extra?” Double? 50%?

You have a Sumerian car? (Or is it Akkadian?)

45F now, with a predicted high of 46 and low of 27 – just what we need after all this rain we’ve ben getting the last few days. Glad I won’t have to to drive anywhere tonight or in the morning… But the rain is supposed to stop today (it seems to have done so already, in fact), and the forecast says no more rain through Sunday.

Lady SCAdian bought me a cane after my last fall. It’s mostly used for something to brace myself on when trying to get out of bed. :slight_smile: I’ve recovered from all the damage caused by faceplanting in the neighbour’s driveway has, and the hole in my ankle from when I tripped over the file box back in September has finally healed, too.

As a friend says, it’s weird being the same age as old people!

Two MMPs have been merged. There might be some weird interleaving of posts.

We don’t go to malls or other overcrowded places if we can avoid them. One reason is that we don’t do gift exchanges with anybody. We write a large check late every year to those we care about, and that’s it. And we haven’t exchanged gifts with each other in at least 20 years. There is nothing we need or want (other than maybe a Gibson Les Paul :laughing:), and no room for much of anything.

We’ve had some colder days of late, but still very little in the way of snow. The main roads are all clear, with some slippery conditions on back streets. I think we’re going to see 40s again later this week and clear skies at least until the 20th. Makes Christmas travel easier, at least.

She’s just dark and sexy and has poor visibility, so I named her after a (yes, Sumerian) death-goddess. :stuck_out_tongue:

The not so smart ones can be so much fun during the daytime!

It’s very sweet that you made a card for your young crew member, sometimes the young’uns need a little extra love.

I love quilling, some folks are so very creative with it!

I’m so glad everyone liked the cookies. Young’uns need to be confused on a regular basis, it keeps them alert. I’d be proud to be your grandma, failing that maybe I’ll start a new tradition of sending you cookies every year :slight_smile:

I haven’t heard of any assaults at the local malls, but the holidays are so stressful for some people that it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

We will probably drive by the mall sometime this week just to point and make fun, but I can’t remember the last time either of us was in one. Besides online shopping, we both like to support local merchants and they usually can’t afford the rent at the malls.

Moving just sucks no matter when it happens, trying to get everything done over the holidays is a lesson in frustration. Camping isn’t that pricey, I say you should go for it!

But at least she will be a beautiful big girl!

I’m sorry about the potluck, I’ve stopped doing fancy dishes for them. Once they have been covered and transported and sat on the table for at least half an hour before everyone starts eating all of the fancy will have evaporated right out of them. BBQ ribs travel and wait very well. But oh well, it is over and done.

Plus…you can see. And that has got to be the best thing ever!

Usually folks pick landmarks they are familiar with. I probably wouldn’t use a church as a landmark, but assume everyone knows were all of the libraries are and always use them as a landmark. I said all of that to say that I was snickering at Sweet Manager using a pot store as a landmark :slight_smile:

Ummm…this is the MMP, there are always weird interleaving of posts, LOL!!! Thanks for merging both threads for us, we do appreciate your behind the scenes work.

It’s almost 60F outside so I need to get out and water my sticks in the ground, they aren’t old enough to go the winter without water yet. I also need to check the pomegranate fruit, I think they are almost ready to pick.

The wintering woodpecker is causing problems. GG has grown long hair between his toes and doesn’t corner on laminate as well as he used to. He doesn’t understand why he’d doing the same things he did before and sliding into walls now, so isn’t trying to do anything different. When he hears the woodpecker chirping at the suet feeder, he runs down the hall and tries to drift and turn into the bedroom, bounces off the wall and then tries to launch himself across the room to the viewing table. Last night he hit the back of my chair so hard he made me spill my beer which is totally unacceptable.

I should wait until he goes to sleep and then trim the hair on the bottom of his feets, but watching him slide around is so entertaining.

Not in a million years! Online shopping is my preference. I’ve finally gotten almost all of the shopping done my family. I just need to get BtY to tell me what he wants to get his dad. And, well, wrap everything. And get the tree up. And decorated. And make cookies. But most of that wouldn’t involve the mall anyway.

December has been an incredibly busy month. ,Between shopping and my best friend visiting and trying to deal with my kids and upcoming exams. I’ve started PT for my back and will be doing the same for my hands soon. The doctor thinks that, instead of carpal, I’ve got pinched nerves in my thoracic tunnel or some such thing. So let’s hope that works and I can stop dropping shit everywhere.

Things with Partner are still going well-ish. Dates have been a bit hard to come by, between him getting sick and then his car having problems with the hybrid system. But we were able to spend time together on Saturday watching Doctor Who, then a little time on Sunday for Sunday Assembly. I’m really hoping that things slow down for both of us after the holidays.

I was lucky with the bad weather coming through on Saturday. We got a lot of wind and rain here but no tornados. Unfortunately one did touchdown over by my dad. He was fine but my bonus sister lost everything. Luckily no one was hurt but still…

Now I’d better start thinking about making cookies. I’m doing 4 kinda as holiday gifts this year - one each day for the next four days. Thankfully Hubby will actually be in the office 3 days this week so I’ll have plenty of time to focus on it.

I’m sooo tired. I took a day off and just have done nothing. Awoke to snow, just an inch or so.

I went to the dentist this morning. He agreed with me that the pain I was having last week was from getting a bit of turkey stuck. I’ve been rinsing with Listerine and peroxide and it doesn’t hurt anymore. He said to keep doing what I’m doing. He wants to replace the implant I got in 2006, but he wants to consult with the implant clinic first.

I put the Michael’s gift card into the 16 x 20 frame and wrapped it with Christmas wrap. I suspect the dialogue will go like this: ‘I know you wanted a frame for the art your patient drew, so I got you one.’ ‘Thank you, but it won’t fit. The frame is too small.’ ‘Oh, I’m pretty sure it will fit. Turn it over and look at the front to make sure.’

I’m about to finish off the turkey, in two flautas. (Actually, they’re the size of chimichangas.)

Morning, all.

If I can’t get it on Amazon or make it myself, it doesn’t get given. I hate shopping for anything but groceries. Malls are the very epitome of Hell.

So, this weekend was devoted to baking. Got ginger snaps made, along with the first batch of fudge. More of both will get made this week and delivered as I see people. Cumin-cured olives are quick, so the last batch will get made Wednesday night for delivery Thursday.

Stay warm, fly low and try not to murder people over parking spaces or tastes in Christmas music.:notes:

We had our snow and cold last weekend. Now we’ve got our own atmospheric river with warmer temperatures. The combination of the melting snow and additional rain means lots of flooding.

Extra sauce for a large means another half-scoopful. It makes for a very “schloopy” pizza.

Extra cheese means it gets made as usual, and then, more cheese on top of whatever toppings.

It’s kinda done by eye.

Note: all of the above is valid only for the particular location of the franchise where I work. Not valid for Domino, Hut, Papa John, or anybody else.

Started Typing: 3:17 PM ET
Clicked Reply: 4:59 PM ET

It rained all day yesterday, then it snowed in the early hours. I woke up to my favorite kind of snow event: a dusting on the grass, cars, roofs, etc., but paved surfaces were only wet (and not slippery). The dusting was all melted by early afternoon, but it was kind of pretty while it lasted.

I’m definitely not ready for Christmas, but I won’t be going near the local mall any time soon. I live 2 miles from a large/popular mall, and it gets pretty nuts; the main road can back up for miles. Even just trying to drive past it can be tough at times: next week I will likely avoid driving in that direction entirely. I only have to buy for my BFFs and their son (and his girlfriend), but I think 3/4 of those people will be getting gift cards. I usually try to come up with something meaningful for everyone, but so far I’ve only had a good idea for Husband BFF (HBFF). I’m pretty psyched about that one, though: he’s getting a signed edition of the 1989 book Batman and Me, by Bob Kane – Batman co-creator and original artist (HBFF is a fan of both Batman and Kane). It was kind of pricey, but YOLO. I figure the only way HBFF doesn’t happy-cry when he opens it is if he already has it…but he better not already have a signed one! LOL! My brain isn’t working for the others, though. I didn’t even send out holiday cards this year, which is something I usually enjoy doing. Ah, well.

Last week and this past weekend were quite busy: I didn’t visit the Dope at all, let alone read any of the last MMP thread. But the busy-ness was all boring work stuff, so I don’t even have a good story to share. :frowning: Hopefully I didn’t miss any significant news from anyone.

This week will be on the busy side, too:

  • Tonight is my volunteer org’s holiday party, and I also have a ticket to a late set of holiday jazz in DC. At the moment I intend to go to both, but I’ll see how I feel when it’s time to leave the party…i.e., whether the fellow volunteer I have a super-low-key crush on is there/being friendly. :grin:
  • Tomorrow I’m taking the middle of the day off to meet a friend for a long lunch: she lives in NYC but is in the area for a while, and we haven’t had quality time together in ages. It’ll be good to catch up. Then tomorrow afternoon I have my annual review conversation with my boss, and tomorrow evening I’ll go to the gym for a personal training session. On the way home I’ll to go the grocery store for bananas and apples and the usual stuff, and will also get cash for the holiday bonuses for my cleaners.
  • The cleaners come on Wednesday (last cleaning before Christmas), and that afternoon I’ll hold annual review conversations with both of my direct reports – including letting one of them know that she’s kind of on notice, and that the next step will be a formal performance improvement plan.
  • Thursday is my next deadline for the proposal I’m supporting. That’s what I spent most of my time on last week (and a few hours yesterday), and is what I should be working on right now instead of typing this. :wink: And I have a meeting that afternoon to discuss possibly supporting another proposal at the same time. That night I have plans to go to DC for a friend’s holiday jazz show after my personal training session…I’m hoping my resolve to go to the show makes it past showering after the gym. :joy:
  • Friday night I have a ticket for more music in DC. Of the three holiday jazz shows I have tickets for this week, this is the one I’m most likely to actually attend (because there’s no party or personal training session before it).
  • Saturday morning I have an appointment for an oil change, which is only notable because it will be my car’s first time being serviced somewhere other than the dealership. She’s out of warranty, and I’m trying a place near home (recommended by other BMW owners) vs the shop I used to use – which I loved, but is no longer convenient. Fingers crossed that I like this place.
  • Sunday I’ll be going out to lunch and a matinee (of Ragtime) with some friends. I’m looking forward to both.

TL;DR: I’ll check in here when/if I can this week, and will miss y’all in the meantime! :slight_smile:

Afternoon all. Shopping has been done, swimming back-stroked (1650 yards today) and water is on for about 50 minutes just so the pipes get some practice. The King of Burgers will provide the evening repast, then back to using the kitchen for the rest of the week.

Got a nice little gift from the State of Ali-bama, an extra $150, apparently they had tax money from 2021 left over so they are giving it back (according to an article I just read, it is:

Would rather they spent it where it was needed, on Education (we’re still 48th/49th in state rankings for a lot of things), but I’ll find some use for it.

Still got my fingers crossed for you, Niner. And I’ll do my best to trip up Murphy if he appears…

Herald, nice to see you around and doing better, No more injuries!!

JtC, have you ever taken GG to a groomer to have her paws shaved? If you lived about 2000 miles closer to Niagara Falls, I’d suggest taking GG to see the “Girl With the Dogs” groomer (You Tube star and she also grooms cats). Sure GG would be a You Tube sensation… :wink: :dizzy_face: :grinning: :grinning:

Real Fish, sorry to hear about your ‘bonus sister’; hope her insurance was up to date.

Dicey, stay dry.

Oopsie, glad that you could check in, this time of year can be hectic, as you have noted. Good luck on the Xmas gifts.

OK, time to shut the water back off. All y’all take care.

you know i searched to see if there was a new mmp and all the search results showed was last weeks and before…