(Old) Laundry Day in the MMP

Morning, mumpers! It’s currently 16c/61f with a predicted high of 18c/65f and mostly cloudy. Weather app says “It’s fucking mint outside, which is great, unless you’re a cat. Cats fucking hate that shit.”

Monday again, traditionally it was laundry day for a lot of people. In honour of that, I have a load of dirties getting clean in the washing machine. Do you have any Monday traditions?

Being one of 5 kids, making a household of 7, laundry day was pretty much every day except Sunday - my mom still won’t do much in the way of manual labor on Sunday. As for me, I don’t think I have any Moanday traditions. I’ll rollsuck today and maybe mow the ditch, but that’s not so much tradition as necessity.

But I’m up so there’s that!

Happy Moanday!!

Video of inflating the Duck that I saw yesterday. I have to say, tho, I was kinda disappointed that it didn’t actually float, nor could it - it had blowers keeping it inflated all day. Oh well, another illusion shot…

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 73 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 96 and N.O.S. for the day. We had some large and in charge storms roll through durin’ the night. One woke me up around oneish with lots of earth shatterin’ kabooms! Plus a hard rain. Anywho, ‘tis all wet out as I post. No biggie plans for the day other than maybe a little yahd irk involvin’ the weed whacker. Mowage is needed but definitely out this mornin’. That may be a thing for tomorrow bear to do. So, sloth and general overall uselessness shall mostly rule the day. Sup shall be leftovers from yestiddy.

Like MOOOOOOM, I was one of five kids, so a household of seven. Laundry was pretty much continuous. I have no Moanday cleanin’ traditions. Laundry day is usually Tuesday cause that’s how it worked out after we became retired drains on society. Tuesday is also change the sheets day, which pretty much involves washin’ ‘em and puttin’ the same ones back on the bed. Durin’ my irklife laundry was a do as needed thing and usually took place in the evenin’s.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Up and atom! Sheveled, off to the shop soon. No Monday traditions in casa Paint. Tis 69 heading for low 80s with t-storms all day. Like swampy I need to mow, but that is unlikely to happen today.

Now must feed and get to the rest of the day.

Stay safe, y’all!

Around noon-ish, I’m heading to Daughter’s school to pick up her and her spawn and take all of us to the wilds of Harford County, MD to my mom’s house. We’ll spend the night, then go to the Aquarium tomorrow.

I’m not sure I’ll be able to do the ditch - it rained overnight and it’s pretty wet out there - not suitable for mowage, especially going across a slope. But I’ve cleaned the critter fountain (should have done it Saturday) and I’m gathering the garbage for a trek to the convenience center when they open at 9:30. Before then, I’ll rollsuck for sure and tidy the kitchen. Oh, yeah, and I need to pack. That will pretty much fill my morning.

Well, that sounds like a unique weather app I might want to acquire. LOL

Replying to the last of Sunday …

Assuming you want to keep using TD Ameritrade … Open two identical accounts. Give her the info for one of them. Once the transfer from the estate hits that account, you transfer the money to the other one and close the one she had info on.

Or, if you already have accounts elsewhere you want to keep using, just do the same idea. Once the money hits TD Ameritrade, arrange to transfer it to your existing account at Brand XYZ that niece has no info on. Then close TD Ameritrade.

Easy peasy.

Brokerages are totally used to this account churn. Happens every time an estate gets settled. And lots of other times. e.g. I’m about to retire and will need to open 2 IRAs at the brokerage where my employer keeps our 401ks. They’ll have money in them for a week at most before the money migrates to my existing IRAs at my own brokerage. Then the new IRAs will be closed. Happens thousands of times every day. TD Ameritrade won’t hate you for life.


Yaay!! That is so exciting!!. And glad to hear SariSon is going along willingly, if a bit sullenly. Yes, closing and moving are major PITAs. But you wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t an improvement overall. AyyAAYYY!!!1!!!

Mine too some days. We’re rejiggering things how??!? WTF??/!/??

As to me, Sunday irk, and up to now …
All’s well that ends well sorta. Got to MIA, launched the later work a mere 90 minutes late just as the sun was setting, a rainshower had just passed over washing everything thoroughly, and the sky was all scrubbed bright & lovely. Yaay. We had a very light load, 30 people for 180 seats. But would be full coming back.

The turnaround on the island was quick because 30 people get off quickly and make relatively little mess, so the between-flight cleaning goes quickly. Launch back for home just an hour behind. Which means we get to MIA about when our primary customs closes, and our stragglers might not make it through. Oops.

So time for standard backup plan Q: we park at a different terminal where all the random international airlines park, and use their customs which is open 24/7. The good news is MIA’s control center was on top of this and they pre-arranged it so I didn’t have to remind them. Zig in, park, offload, customs, and then comes the extra half-mile walk outdoors to where my car is parked about 50 feet from our usual exit from the usual terminal. It was a nearly-ideal parking spot 3 days ago and now it’s nearly the worst possible. Oh well. C’est la guerre.

Start the car just before midnight, pay the exorbitant parking fee, and onto the lightly loaded freeway. ZOOM!! Her Ladyship will still be long up when I walk in around 1230am. Yaay impending smooches & cuddles!!

Got about halfway home and signs say “freeway closed 2 miles ahead at [exit]. Use detour.” Great. Lotta construction on this freeway, and late night closures are not unusual. Me being on that freeway at that hour is thankfully rare though. Oh bother.

Yep, we all get funneled off an offramp. With no signs at the top about what to do next, or where we can later rejoin the freeway. Gee thanks, FDOT. This is not my part of town, but I know the general layout of the major arteries, and SoFL is 99% a grid, so it doesn’t take a navigational genius to asses the alternatives.

Head 3 miles inland to the parallel freeway, join that, and ZOOM. Walk in right at 1245 to be met by a fierce smooch attack. Put down my crap, eat a snack, do my minimum pre-bed prep, and off to bed ASAP = 1:05am. She’ll be along in another hour or two when she gets sleepy.

Now at 7am I’m up, caffinatin’, and doing what of my post-trip cleanup & reset I can do while she’s still sleeping. The rest will come later. My next big task is writing up the reports about the hotel SNAFU and lost irk-day.

Today’s an off day, and I’m back on call on Tue. Next!!

As to Mondays.

As a kid I don’t recall any specific day-of-week stuff. Dad was a pilot too, so days of the week have always been kinda theoretical to me. When I was about 8 Mom went back to irk full time, so Mondays were the first day the cleaner / babysitter showed up of five. That’s about it.

Nowadays I try to make Mondays my extra body maintenance day. If I’m on the road, it slides to the next home day. So that’s shampoo hair, soak / wash hearing aid components to dewax them, wash all my spectacles, etc. Her Ladyship likes to change bedsheets and towels on Sun. When I was doing all the homemaking with late first wife Sat was the day for that, with Sunday as backup.

Now I’m not allowed to touch sheets or towels, lest I mess something up. You go girl! [Sigh. Good thing she’s cute!]

Morning all. 75F outside and clear right now, but a good chance for rain in the afternoon; indeed rain is predicted every day this week, so soccer may get off to a slow start. My Moanday routine lately has been picking up some weekly stuff at the store (bananas, milk) and eating First Meal at Jersey Mike’s, then doing some swimming and sauna at the gym. But it’s only been that way for about 2 years, before that I don’t think I had any Moanday must-do’s. As for laundry, it’s usually when I run out of either shirts or underwear, then it becomes laundry day, so it varies.

FCM, enjoy the day (and night) out.

Sari, I like Pilot’s idea, if the level of mistrust is such that you want to be safe. (ETA, looks like JtC had a similar thought in last week’s MMP.

Pilot, glad you made it home to smooches, MIA can be a lot of walking.

OK, finish up the morning internetting and get ready for the Moanday shop-n-sammich run. Have a good week all.

Household trash gathered and loaded in the car. Rollsuck done - how can one cat shed more than two??? Sheesh!

Still too wet for mowage - guess I’ll have to give it a shot later in the week. Dammit. So I guess I should shower and dress. And pack. By then, the convenience center should be open.

Good times!! At least the carpets are cleaner.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. I didn’t get a lot of sleep because. A. My body was ready for heaving. B. I had a weird dream where work was at a hospital, so I kept getting injured. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: C. A certain tuxedo-ed young man kept waking me up for cuddles: “Oh, you’re still here? Rub my butt.” Anyways, I’m gonna run to Tar-Jay today, and oh look, one of my favorite breweries is right in front of it. Weird coincedence, huh?

Existential dread?

I need mint. And lime. I’m still good on the rum till at least noon.

So you’re gonna take the day off and go fission?

Did you iron them wrong or something?

Because cat hair expands Sorcerer’s Apprentice style when you’re down a cat.

Good morning!

No day-linked traditions. From middle school on, I did my own laundry whenever I was out of clothes. I do water the plants on Monday or Tuesday, and have a weekly injection I take on a consistent day, but that’s all. We also don’t have a date night, movie night, or taco night.

We’re making good headway on the yard–shoulda been the spring cleanup, but not with my lovely wife having hip surgery. Today I may even get to the landscape fabric tasks.

You can find it in the app store, it’s call What The Forecast - just tell it where you are, and what level of profanity you’d like!

Awesome! Installed. Had a heck of a hailstorm last evening–there are still drifts in the landscaping, and I imagine the tomatoes are toast. Caffeinating, exercise with the doggos, the a little irk if my arthritic neck will allow. Ready for that second cortisone shot Friday!

Garbage and recycling have been dispatched. I’ve packed and my stuff is in the car. I think I’m good to go as soon as SIL texts me.

Except I forgot to grab my tablet - can’t be without my time-wasting bedtime games!

Good morning!

It’s 65F and cloudy outside. Late afternoon temps will reach 80F and we’ll have partly cloudy skies.

sari, congrats on the house! I hope all goes smoothly.

It seems like Monday was laundry day when I was little, but when my mother started working, laundry day became whatever days she had off. I started doing my own laundry around 10 years old, but woe betide me if I used the dryer instead of hanging my clothes on the line! My mom was all about pinching those pennies! Since she was pinching pennies, I had to include hers and my sister’s when I washed my clothes.

Now, laundry day is typically Sundays because Saturdays were usually filled with socializing, going places, or chores. So, I started doing laundry on Sundays so everyone started the week with clean clothes and clean sheets.

Time to clean the kitchen! Daylight is a-wastin’ and I have places to be!

Pleased to report that I’m finally getting some solid sleep time the last few days, and without any heavy drugs. Two to three hours at a stretch, which is somewhat miraculous considering the misery I’ve had. Got up feeling pretty frisky, and even made breakfast for the two of us. It was only a bagel with cream cheese, bacon and tomato, but still. . .

Then I took a shower, which took the starch right out of me. I see a nap in the near future. Even so, I’m still happy with this improvement. Time for a walk in the hallway.

Totally unrelated to anything, but I had to let you know that your profile picture reminds me of this meme.

When I was working, Sunday was laundry day so I would have everything ready for the new week. It took about a year but then laundry day moved to Mondays because our housekeeper comes on Tuesdays. Sheets are in the washing machine as I type.

Ferrealz? Do you put it in a bowl with milk, like cereal, or just crunch it dry straight outta the bag?

I ate it straight out of the bag, or I’d put some in a baggie and to stick in my pocket so I could snack as I worked and not need to waste my lunch hour eating. There was reading and smoking to do after all!

If you are thinking about trying it, you will want to add some fresh produce to your diet lest you have some unpleasant bathroom experiences.

I am so happy for you, you can’t heal and recover until you are able to get some good, solid rest. Keep it up!

Afternoon all. Shopping has been completed and sammich is being assimilated. I also finally remembered all the plastic grocery bags I had accumulated and dropped them off at the recycle bins at Wal-Mart. Weather forecast shows more Tunder-Boomers due between 1-3pm, so if I’m going swimming inside I’ll need to try and get there before the rain starts and finish when it ends…we’ll see how well I can work it. Does mean that soccer may get washed out for tonight, but the Summer/Fall divide in N. Ali-bama is usually rainy, hot, and almost impossible to predict. We shall see.

doggio, I’m sure you’ll get the hand of this ‘vacation’ thing soon, and just keep having those coincidences.

3D (Tri=3 + de=D), hope the tomato plants managed to survive. And looking forward to a shot…that’s crazy talk, man!

Cookie, glad you’re normal routine is coming back. Give it time.

OK, just heard what sounds like a rumble of thunder, so may need to re-evaluate my swimming plans…at least I have the Monday NY Times to fill in the gaps. Take care all.