(Old) The Apocalyptic MMP

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 55 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 80 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Not much shakin’ here today. OYKW has a doc appointment at eight-thirty. Well, it’s a wellness visit, so not like a real one, but ‘tis done yearly nonetheless. Outside of that we shall be our usual slothful selves. Sup shall be majik intartoobz pizza and sallit due to a gnawin’ and a cravin’.

OK, so today is the apocalypse. I suppose we should be cowerin’ in fear or some such, but based on past apocalypse predictions, it’ll be pretty much a bust. I mean, we were in the path of totality for the eclipse in 2017 and we got nuttin’. Maybe that was a slacker solar eclipse and maybe this one will have a work ethic and actually bring about The Eldritch Horrors, or whatever it’s supposed to do. Who knows, maybe next week’s MMP will be started from The Void.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the Apocalypse, or day, dependin’ on which comes first! Rah.

Happy Moanday/Apocalypse Y’all!

As I googled and posted on FB, There are two to five solar eclipses each year, with a total eclipse taking place every 18 months or so. But apparently they don’t count unless totality crosses the US, right? :roll_eyes:

I’m getting sick of hearing about it over and over and over on the news. Yeah, it’s an interesting phenomenon, but isn’t there anything else going on in the world?? Do I have to hear over and over about how bad the traffic will be in Dallas??

< deep cleansing breath >

All righty, then. It should be a fairly decent day today. I’m going to pick up the branches that the last storm caused to plummet into our yard. Then I shall do the year’s first mowage, and if I have any energy left, I’ll stick some seeds in planters since the ones I started inside have chosen to die, dammit.

FCD has already left for the dentist. Critters have been tended. Ice maker is making ice. MIL is sleeping. It’s my beloved quiet time!! Bliss. And so it begins.

Happy Moanday!!

Up, caffeinated, an sheveled. On vacation. It’s 39 degrees ferret height outside.

The worst part about being wrong about the Apocalypse is having to return all the stuff I looted. Again.

I’m up, I’m up!

I’m sneaking in a little quiet time in the hotel breakfast room before I join in the great fuss about getting in the damn car to drive an hour or two. My beloved spouse always acts like it’s going to take me as long to get up and going as it takes him, and I’m opting out of the regular hurry-up-and-wait routine.

swampy, I’ve never seen an apocalypse! :crossed_fingers:

FCM, I’m ready for this interesting but over-hyped solar phenomenon to be over. I suppose it’s better than election coverage?

sari, I’ve got nothing but sympathy for the sciatica! Mowing is definitely out when it’s slamming you.

I’ll be spending a lot of time crammed in a car with the people I love best today. Maybe we’ll be able to stop talking about weather by the time we get back.

Good morning.

My mom and I have to drive up to Canton for a doctors appointment this morning. I’d like to go up to my dad’s apartment after that (since NO ONE HAS RETURNED MY CALL!!!) but, we’d have to cross through Akron which is eclipse central around here today. So, I’m not sure what else we’re going to do.

I hope everyone has a good day!

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s currently 13c/55f with no predicted change, and cloudy. Weather app says “The sun is fucking hiding. Ollie, ollie, oxen free, fucker!” Clearly weather app is quite giddy about the apocaclipse. Now that I’m back home, I am out of danger since we’re unlikely to see anything here, but I’ll be watching out for other ominous happenings, like the corpse flower blooming!

The 2017 apocalypse missed my house by a mile and a half. This one is about an hour away. Which means we get none of the fun, all of the traffic.

2017 I traveled a bit to actually see the real deal. This time I have too many things to do. Like my job. And packing, because we decided to move our of our “starter” home after 19 years.

Its cloudy up here in Mentor, Ohio. I’d like to go to the grocery store but worried about gridlock. Its just an eclipse people!

Off to Wilmington. And in the event of Apocalypse, We’ll Meet Again.

Technically we’re the mutants roaming the post-Apocalyptic wasteland after the asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs. :t_rex: :comet:

I thought I’d be clever and make a snarky comment about the Alpacalypse, but apparently it’s been thought of already and it looks like it’s a video game or something. I didn’t care enough to click on all the links…

But, really, people are losing their minds over a shadow??

I’m in the 92-95% totality range. I have my glasses ready. But before the world goes dark, I have the chiro, the gym, pickup at the tack store and probably Trader Joe’s which is next to the tack store. Tonight is dinner with a friend (really, not a dinner with a stranger???) who I haven’t seen in a few years.

I dreamed that I was making apple almond bread for a bunch of friends. I also made yeast bread because my son can’t eat almonds. (They’re a migraine trigger, though how that matters when he gets 6 migraines a week, I don’t know.) Anyway, the apple bead turned out well, but everyone got high because someone added either cannabis or psilocybin to the dough. Somehow, we were stuck at an airport because you can’t drive in that state.

What does it mean when you dream you’re high?

No eclipse viewing here, as we only get 20%, and it’s cloudy. FCM, I read that this he reason today’s eclipse is such a big deal is that the path of totality is usually really small and often turns out to be in the ocean or Antarctica. This will be the most-watched eclipse in history because so many cities will be in the path of totality. This will probably be the last total eclipse viewable in the doggio, happ fUS during my lifetime

We used to yell that when playing hide-and-seek. My dad said he thought it probably started as, “All in free!” I have no idea whether he was right, but I figure someone who majored in Brit Lit at Harvard is as trustworthy as anyone.

Fun random fact: My paternal grandfather was born during the Civil War.

doggio, were you able to sleep in today?

Here’s one for you: Apocalypse (character) - Wikipedia

Morning all. Was in bed until 8:45am today, I guess the active weekend caught up with me, but do need to do the shopping and maybe hit the gym, and without the rain we’ll have a soccer practice.

It’s pretty cloudy here in N. Ali-bama, and we’ll get about 86% totality, so not planning on driving anywhere, I trust the astronomers and physics way more than the doom-sayers. The rain promised for today is a no-show, temperatures will be in the mid-70’s again, but rain is due tomorrow and Thursday/Friday, so next weekend’s soccer may be a rainout.

IL, JtC, hope the travels are worth it.

fachverwirrt, sounds like you’ll be close enough, and congrats on the new place (presuming you have a new place…)

wet one, enjoy the eclipse and see your friend.

OK, I’m behind schedule, so need to find some appropriate clothing and head off to the Jersey Mikes for the usual #3 and chips. Have a good week all.

This is too weird not to share. MIL and I were talking about the expense of owning a boat, and she compared it to women who get multiple plastic surgeries. My head still hurts trying to make the connection. She may not have dementia (yet) but her thought process ain’t quite right.

We do have a new place. I have a tendency to catastrophize, so I keep thinking that something will go horribly wrong, but everything seems on track. Financing looks like the only hurdle, and since they ran our pre-approval though the underwriting team, it seems unlikely that they’ll suddenly decide we can’t actually afford what they pre-approved us for. Now it’s just busy-ness and logistics; since we’re doing the closings for both houses on the same day, the actual move is more complicated than last time, when we had a month overlap between our closing and lease expiration.

As for the eclipse, I saw totality in 2017, and I’ve seen partiality before. No matter how close to totality you are, the difference between them is literally night and day.

Very expensive, and not necessary for survival? They’re both financial outlays you explicitly opt into by choice.

Also, the results are (usually) visible to passing strangers … unless your boat is invisible?

I never thought of it that way, but you’re absolutely right!

We will only be 51% apocalyptic here, so it won’t even be noticeable. In 2017, where I lived was 80%, and you still couldn’t tell anything was going on unless you put on the special glasses to see the little crescent shape in the sky. Which I did, and, well, it was kind of meh. So for those of you in the path of totality, enjoy what ought to be a neat phenomenon to witness. For the rest of us, it’s just another day.

Mrs W’s birthday weekend was very nice. We ended up doing two big fancy dinners. On Friday we were able to get a last-minute table at Catch, which we’ve always wanted to try, and had some fantastic sushi. Saturday afternoon was Meow Wolf, which was really cool, but I thought the one in Santa Fe was better. Dinner at Giada’s was absolutely amazing. Afterward, Mrs W was in a very rare drinking and gambling mood, and we stayed up late playing penny slots and downing free vodka/sodas. We didn’t win, but it took us a long time to lose not too much money, and we were entertained. A very fun little getaway.

Cranky Old Man Alert: One thing I couldn’t help noticing was how many very young people there were at these fancy expensive restaurants. There was a party of six at Giada’s waiting to be seated that looked to be between 21 and 25, all dressed to the nines. A nearby table of three twentysomething girls were getting their entrees as we were perusing the menu, and we identified their dishes as the ones that cost $77 each. When I was that age, I would never have been able (or even wanted) to go to a place like that, let alone order the most expensive thing on the menu. We’ve worked all our lives to be able to splurge on a meal like this every once in a while, and to these kids it seemed like nothing.

Then it occurred to me that times probably haven’t changed all that much. There’ve always been overprivileged kids out spending family money; I just never ran across them, since I was too busy watching every penny when I was that young. As were/are the vast majority of younger folks. I don’t regret the life I’ve had, but there’s so much unfairness in the world.
Okay, curmudgeonly rant over.

Was able to move my eyeball appointment to tomorrow - I get paid tonight, so this works better for $$ reasons - so since it’s a bright-ass sunny day and I think I’m reasonably close to totality? (dunno, and can’t be arsed to look - it’ll be where it’ll be) guess I’ll wander on outside this afternoon.
I don’t have the fancy glasses and it’s way too late now, though as a kid I remember my mother making homemade eclipse glasses by smudging the hell out of some glass plates over a sooty candle.
Probably not the best idea (though my mother believes anything home-done as in Ye Olde Country is always best) and I remember her bitching about having to clean all the soot off later.

Anyway, I’m far more interested in the shadows on the ground. The last time, tree leaves made the most fascinating camera obscura and as I took pictures, you can see in the series the movement of the disc as time passed.

Pretty cool to see it that way.

As for the apocalypse thing, I woke to find my power AND internet completely off. Since I knew I wasn’t that far behind on paying either account, for a brief while, there really WAS a minipocalypse at Casa Del Shoe!

I had to poop (normally, thankyouverymuch) without derping on my phone, like some medieval peasant!! Sat & stared at the wall, like it was the 90s or something.

Still need to get on that whole “taxes” nonsense, and I don’t need no stinkin’ lip from nuny’all about being so far behind on adulting.

The place I went to last year is close by, so imma pop by and make an appointment, soon-ish, so as to be safely off the streets before the world burns wait, if the world is ending, do I still gotta pay taxes?!?

Hey, @Kitten_Mitten how was your lakeshore mini-vacation? How’s hubster doing?

Sigh. I dreamed I was trying to apologize to my dad, but he wouldn’t look at me & I could tell he was crying.

Gee, I wonder what on earth that dream could mean?

Started Typing: 11:56 AM ET
Clicked Reply: 12:56 PM ET

Swampy, I love you, but I’m slightly disappointed that the thread title isn’t “Total Eclipse of the MMP.” :grin:

I haven’t been aware of any apocalypse talk/fear; in fact, reading the thread title was the first I heard that some folks are freaking out about the eclipse. I’m not surprised, though.

Like Metal Mouse my location is only expecting 86-88% coverage, but it’s mostly sunny here: I have no strong feelings about the event, but I’ve read that even a partial eclipse might be kind of interesting to see – despite Wheelz’s testimony to the contrary :stuck_out_tongue: – so I plan to grab my 2017 eclipse-viewing glasses and step out front at the peak (~3:20pm). I won’t spend more than a minute or two on it, and worst case it’ll be a break from sitting at my desk.

My personal trainer asked if we could move our usual Tuesday evening session to this evening; I said sure. He didn’t give a reason in his text message, but he’s Muslim and I’m willing to bet it has something to do with Ramadan ending at sundown tomorrow: we talked about it on Saturday and he said he’d be taking Wednesday and Thursday off (for the Eid al Fitr holiday/celebration/recovery), but I’m guessing he realized/decided that he’d like to be home at sundown. It’s fine with me this week; in a way, it will be nice to have a little more of a “break” before my next workout.

In other news, I’ve decided that the organization I volunteer with will not be having a table/tent at a local music festival in two months. It’s an all-day thing, close to home, and was actually pretty cool last year, but this year’s organizer is giving me red flags. I had to remind her to follow up with me 1.5 weeks after she said she’d be reaching out “soon,” and then her one email this weekend was condescending and a bit snippy (she heard that we set up late last year – totally not true – and proceeded to lecture me about how rude that is, basically said “you can come if you promise to behave,” and didn’t even commit to giving us a space). I have a super bad feeling now; I fear that she’ll only get more difficult to work with. Even though it’s a great event it’s a lot of work (arranging for enough volunteers, losing an entire Saturday during an already-busy month, etc.), so…nope!! :grin: I’m still too annoyed to respond to the email she sent me; I actually might not bother. I’ll notify our president and my committee members that we’re not participating this year (no one will cry), and then I’m leaning toward just ignoring her. I doubt she’ll follow up, but if she does I’ll make up a sudden conflict on that date and apologize for not letting her know sooner. I might still buy a ticket and go to the event, but I don’t get paid enough to deal with b****es.

The U.S. Botanic Garden in D.C. has one of those: from what I can find online, it hasn’t bloomed since last year. It’s always quite the local news story when it does.
