(Old) There are icebergs in my MMP!

It’s been warm enough that it’s all melted from last week but the rain. I would love a N.O.S. day that i can take to sit on the porch and read, maybe paint my nails and turn on the pretty lights. It shouldn’t be too much to ask!

I need to do the same. We came out to the van the other morning to find a small crack on the upper driver’s side. We’re pretty sure that the guys that were fixing up the upstairs apartment threw something down and hit it but we’ve got no way to prove it. Thankfully, we’ve got the coverage to get it taken care of.

And yay on getting rid of the old POS for the new P.O.S.!

I think the world would be a much better place if more people realized this when incompatibility makes itself known. I’m glad that you were able to realize that this wasn’t making you happy and that you’re able to move on.

Hey, discordant is our jam!

Been there, done that, glad that’s all it was on her end!

I wonder what late to bed, early to rose would make me…

As a fun-sized individual myself, this is very important. A slanted line that works like a clothesline? Step-stools? More acrobatic workers?

Yay! Glad you’re settling in nicely!

He probably knows this is a more permanent move and that you’re happier where you are.

Your place looks wonderfully cozy!

Never feel bad about kvetching. It’s a valid way of processing and really good for the mental health.

Things on my end are finally turning around. After a big scare where I was calling family in to say good-bye, Dad’s turned the corner for the better. I think my sister coming down helped more than anything else. But instead of thinking about cremation arrangements, we’re talking about getting him moved to the step-down unit and removing many of the tubes. I’m not sure what they’ll be doing about his back and he’s been told that he’s not going to be able to go home unless there’s help there so a rehab facility is in his future. But he’s in good spirits which makes me in good spirits.

Having my sister and BIL here for a couple of days was nice. We haven’t seen each other in over 6 years. We talk on the phone but it’s not quite the same. Last night, we went to one of my favorite taprooms for dinner and beer. It’s been a bit of a respite for me.

Friday I’ll finally have the MRI done. Hopefully that will mean the back and hand issues will be able to be resolved. I’ve been using my came far too often and dropping things everywhere. It’ll be nice for all of that to go away.

I did do a thing last week that is making me feel better. I colored my hair.

I’ve gotten lots of compliments on it so I’m not writing about being too old for the look. Next up, probably in Match, is my tattoo.

Not much else to report from here. Just doing my best to keep one foot in front of the other.

Already shared with the OP on her FB post, but…

Official confirmation that I are a idiot: Last night I put on water to boil for linguini. My cousin called, so I turned down the stove to Simmer and stuck a lid on it. I’d just hung up from a long conversation with her when my brother called. His wife is the one who’s lost vision in one eye, so he really needed to talk. Then I smelled something burning. The water had simmered out of the pan. I stuck the pan outside and opened windows, and turned on the exhaust fan. I’m sure my neighbors were delighted.

Agreed. Very well said! I saw it pretty much like shoe right up until the point where HL said she didn’t want a trace of you around. I know you were civil toward each other, but that struck me as a pretty hostile remark. However, it seems like this is going to be a relatively smooth divorce–clear skies, only light chop.

That’s your second leer of the day, Cap’n. In the words of Todd Rundgren…

FCM, icebergs! So cool! (Ha.) I’m so happy you’re seeing so many of them!

They must be very small icebergs. Are they cube-shaped? :slight_smile:

BooFae, that is one, uh, intriguing weather forecast.

shoe, fingers crossed for the move to the 21st century! And now I’m curious about your IT background. If you’d rather not share, no problem. I admire people who are more computer-savvy than I.

This cracked me up. :joy:

I loooooove the hair - 'tis beautiful!

What kind of tattoo are you getting?

And it’s afternoon already here in N. Ali-bama. Shopping is complete and I ate my Jersey Mike’s sammich at their place instead of hauling it home, so worked out my puzzles while I ate. In about an hour or so I’ll head for the gym. Weather is about 45F, which is not my favorite, it’s really too cool for a lightweight jacket but too warm for the winter heavyweights. And gloves can either be on or off but neither feels quite right. First-world problems, I guess.

Pilot, haven’t been to Iceland yet, but friends recommend it and I’ve seen the Southern Cross and would like to add the Northern Lights to my list. Hmmm…still haven’t decided on any travels for 2024 yet…

boo fae, just make the forms (1) Easy to understand and (2) providing useful information. It you can do that, you are a genius.

talkie, glad the medication is doing you well. And hope you friends organs settle down, gallbladder pain is the worst hurting I can remember. Happy temporary fostering, if it comes to that.

Niner, nice pics and glad all are settling in the new life. As for:

I will forego making the obvious comments and hope they owners follow through as they promised. If it gets too close on the budget, PM me and I’ll see if I can help.

Spicy, take care.

A Zombie? (well, it does for me…)

But good news on the Dad front, Real Fish. And nice hair!

nellie, I suspect more than one of us has had a ‘dumbth’ moment with boiling things.

OK, need to finish up here and get the gym bag packed for my swimming time. Take care all.

great job on the interior design! it looks wonderful and your roomie looks like there is approval.

truepisces, great hair! i hope your dad continues to improve.

i had a bit of a lunch incident. i tried to pour liquid out of a can without a straigner. it did not go well. a sad lunch was eaten.

Good morning to all you good Mumpers! I’ve lurked around the MMP threads for a good few weeks now, but they move so fast I’ve been a little shy about jumping in.

FCM, it’s awesome (in the literal sense) that you get to see Antarctica! That’s a trip I’d love to make one day.

LSLGuy, I’m sorry to hear about your troubles, but it sounds like you have things well in hand. My daughter and I just helped a close friend of hers move into an apartment preparatory to filing for divorce. It’s a hard process, and it sounds like you’re dealing with it in a really good way.

purplehorsehoe, I hope your POS experience goes as smoothly as it can! Once it’s settled in a bit, it’s bound to be miles better than handwritten paper tickets.

All you folks who are struggling through actual winter, I’m sending you warm thoughts. It’s supposed to get into the 60s here in Albuquerque this week, and while I’m not complaining about having some warmth, it makes me nervous. I’ve got a cherry tree that gets irrationally exuberant about early warm spells, and I’m scared it’s going to decide that Mid-February is a great time to start blooming.

I saw someone in a newbie thread saying all are welcome in the MMP, so I’m taking you at your word. If you see me walking around on the good rug with my shoes on or sitting in Dad’s chair, I hope someone will let me know! (Aaaand I see that the number of posts has doubled since I started typing this, but I don’t mean to ignore anyone!)

Apologies if I missed it said elsewhere Real Fish, but what’s the tattoo plan? I’m so jazzed to have new tattoo money in the forseeable future, plus proximity to big cities fulla tattooists.

That’s super kind of you, Metal Mouse. I have pals who will probably be able to loan me a few bucks if needed, but I will keep you in mind. <3²

Well crap. I forgot to change glasses when I left the shop, so I’m stuck with no bifocals until tomorrow. Makes using the phone difficult. But I can see the computer.

Went to Costco for butter, bacon and bleach - you know, the 3 Bs - and came back $200 poorer. We now have a slab of sockeye salmon the size of Shamu and are trying to wheedle relatives to come over to help eat it. Getting my eldest and his family over here is like wrestling alligators; their schedule is so hectic, I don’t know how they have time to breathe.

On top of everything else going on with them, his stepdaughter is having a C-section this week. This will make step-great-grandchild #2 for me. No blood grandchildren have yet to reproduce, as most of them are still too young (in theory) and the others don’t seem to be in a hurry to procreate.

Of course you are welcome, just be sure to use a coaster when FCM is around!

I’m worried about the fruit trees here in central Arizona as well. The mesquite trees are starting to bud out and my pomegranate is turning green.

You have a lovely kitty Niner, I’m happy everyone is settling in well.

You are a good and kind person.

If family won’t come over, I’m available!

Pilot, I’m glad your move is going well and that you are feeling better.

GG just reached up and hit the enter button, better finish before I time out on the edit.

Started Typing: 12:36 PM ET
Clicked Reply: 2:28 PM ET

I tried to start typing this post at 11:30am…work was supposed to be quiet today, darnit! :wink:

It’s currently 44°F and partly cloudy here 12 miles west of the White House, and quite breezy (with winds out of the NW gusting at 21 mph). It’s dry, though, so I’ll take it!

Yesterday I swapped out my home computer’s keyboard and mouse, and I’m still adjusting to the new mouse: it tracks much faster – including much faster than the mouse I use for my work computers. I know I could adjust the settings, but I actually like the new tracking; just gotta get used to it. In the meantime I’m a little all over the place with my scrolling and clicking, and I feel like a newbie! :joy:

Some catching up from the old thread before diving into this one…

Ack, I totally missed the “get your s*** out right the f*** now” part. Yeah, not great.

Mine is on the fridge, too, but in my case it’s 'cause I’m not likely to forget to grab a protein shake or a Gatorade Zero. :grin:

I also have a desktop whiteboard. I bought it for/used it at my previous job, and now it sits in front of my home computer. My colleagues liked it so much that the company wound up buying one for everyone in our organization! If I hadn’t been such a trailblazer I could have saved $35…ah well. :wink:

Photos on Google are stunning; I can’t imagine what the views are like in person!


Sometimes I like having tasks like that in front of me: nothing too intellectually challenging, but I know they’ll keep me busy for a while (and they need to be done).

OMG: I’ve had “Birdhouse In Your Soul” stuck in my head ever since I heard it on the radio last week, and that’s the part of the lyrics that keeps repeating!! :joy:


Oh thank goodness! *phew*

Oooo, I like it. :slight_smile:

Heh, tomorrow I have tattoo removal session #10. I started the process in May 2022: I knew it would take years (with 2-3 months between sessions), but I’m soooo ready for this tat to just be gone already! It’s super faded, but I definitely still need a few more sessions with the laser. Tomorrow I’ll ask the tech if he can guesstimate how much longer it’ll take; I’d really like to be done by the end of this year. Luckily I paid up front for a “complete removal” package, so I can go as many times as needed without paying any more.


Welcome! :slight_smile: :tada:

As you’ve probably noticed after lurking for a while, Mumpers can be a chatty bunch! :grin:

I … wut?

How did you go from “hamburger face” to “mom thought it was a scrape”?

I’ve seen Midwest casseroles and fish fries, not to mention the pizzas we sling out. Trust me, there’s plenty o’calories … and what’s this “six months” nonsense? Other than the Great Halloween Storm, we haven’t seen jack shit a damn thing until mid January.

I think it’s what Michiganders do for their “summer” (maybe two months, but in their minds it’s extended) that burns off the calories.

I believe our lovely @kayaker can tell you ALL you need to know about where to find tasty refreshments in such a lovely place, but I have zero doubts that the locals can sell you liquid stresslessness.

Ask me again in 72 hours.

Fires up toaster; looks for jar of fruit preserves.

… what?


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve yelled at empty air calmly discussed my day with my cat - because I am NOT turning into a crazy cat lady - and a coupla days later, something fairly straightforward will kinda smack me.

(“Oh. Ohhhh!!! Ohhh, damn. Shit. Okay. Whoops, so there’s my bad. But still … !! That’s where they were bad! But, okay, I shouldn’t have done X, and maybe Y coulda been handled differently … but I’m holding out that Z was a shitty thing for them to do!”)

We all haz a very happy for your family!

I believe one of our own can provide guidance on how best to whack the absolute mess outta anyone who messes with you, your family, or anyone you care about.

I guarantee, if you came through my drive-thru line? I’d blurt out how awesome your hair looks while fumbling through your payment. I love that style and color.

Bleargh. I used to work for a corporation that basically is an umbrella for HOAs. I handled their community websites, where they’d house official documents, post announcements, that kinda stuff; started with about 1,400 sites, scaled it up to over 2,600+ sites by the time I left.
That included domain purchases (easy), setting up email accounts (easy peasy) and transferring domains (FML) plus dealing with micromanaging BODs made up entirely of bored, retired attorneys …

… sometimes, people ask me why I work my current job.

And I think about corporate bullshit. I I read back over my ex’s texts (he still works there, as a Senior Fancy Something-Or-Other making stoopit money, close to 6 figs) telling me new versions of the same. damn. crap. from, what, five friggin’ years ago now? Including some of the same middle-management players?

Hey, in the middle of a Saturday dinner rush, where I’m four hours into being on my feet for nine hours while handling umpteen drunks AND asking what the hell happened to X pizza … oh, my bad, sorry, I meant Y pizza, my mistake … no, nope, that’s definitely Z pizza, check with Teenager I think she was getting that g-- where’s Other Teenager he’s supposed to be on fryer, these clams are BURNT y’all, can someone drop another batch, please - THANK YOU! - I will think to myself …

… this job is STILL more relaxing.

One of us! One of us!

So TWO new MMP ink are forthcoming! These are exciting developments.

I’ve got one on the brain, but it’ll be a ways down the line ($$ plus finalizing what, precisely, I want it to look like - I overthink, but once I’ve decided, I. Have. Decided.) but this part of the process is so much fun!

It’s like redecorating your kitchen, but it’s YOU.

My father had an old joke: “Eyes fine. Arms too short!” (Said while holding a newspaper smartphone as far away as possible in a futule attempt to bring into focus.)

They’ve got a shitload going on.

In their honor, I will graciously step up to eat their share of salmon, if that would relieve your stress.

Thanks. Mine, too … now.

( :wink: )

Yeesh. I’ve got this one tooth that likes to collect food in the gum. Seems like debris gets down there whenever I eat anything stringy… like chicharrones con carne or chicken. I brush, and I floss, I rinse, and still it gets infected. Last night after chicken, I got a meat bit out with floss. This morning after chicharrones, I got a meat bit out when I flossed right after I finished. But it still didn’t feel right. I got one of those little pine-tree pokey brushes… Proxabrush… and guess what? I got another meat bit out! Rinsed with hydrogen peroxide and mouthwash. I guess I’ll have to stop eating stringy food for a few days anyway.

Thank you, all! It wasn’t exactly what i was going for initially (far less berry, far more blue) but I think it came out how it was supposed to. I’m very grateful to my meta for taking not 1 but 2 days to get my hair like this.

And shoe, I went to my sister’s hotel on Saturday and the women behind the desk were talking and looking at me. Finally, one of them apologized for staring but that they really liked my hair. Then a random girl on the elevator at the hospital said the same. I’m getting used to the good compliments!

If I did say it, it was so long ago that I’d forgotten. I need to have it designed but what I want is a polyamory infinity heart but with either the Pisces Fish or the Pisces constellation in the background. I’m also debating having the Pisces Fish as the infinity symbol. I’m going to see what the artist suggests. I’m having it put on my right shoulder blade.

Yeah. That’s about right. I’ve been in zombie mode for so long that I forgot what being a zombie was.

Thanks, all. And for all the hugs, love and support. You guys are among the best there are.

Darn straight you should! Someone get a Mumper name over here, stat! (More seriously, I’m just starting to learn that keeping up with the verbosity of the group isn’t necessary. If you miss something, someone else will probably remark on it and you can have your “oh!” moment then.)

And now, oopsie, I’m going to have that stick in my head for days.

Not that having TMBG stuck in one’s head is a bad thing.

ręce shoe jam Discord

It’s made of the best part of the MMP and absolutely heavenly on toast!

I’m learning that too. I have always taken on far more of the burden than I should when things go south but I’m starting to learn that even when I react in a way I’d rather have not, that doesn’t mean everything was my fault.

As unstable as I’ve been lately, this would end up like a Charlie Chaplin skit and I’d end up on my bountiful behind!

At least I’m not only the only Mumper with a cat that does that! Those capacitive little paw toe beans.

And then there is her languorous meezer tail that likes to turn off my LED reading lamp with the electric eye switch just by casually strolling under it with her tail held high. It’s like Alexa or Siri without any human input. She says: “bah, it amuses me-what are you going to do about it?”.

My work here is done. :grin:

It’s one of my all-time-favorite songs. I even have a:

Apparently I was acting normally and it just never occurred to my mom that I might’ve gotten a very severe concussion. One would’ve assumed, though, that one’s daughter missing approximately half of her face would warrant a certain amount of concern.

In her defense, if there was an accident waiting to happen, that would be me - she once had to spend almost an hour picking gravel out of my backside when I went down a steep gravel driveway on my butt while attempting to skateboard. Of course I was wearing shorts (it was hot!). Me getting in phenomenally stupid accidents was not unusual.

I’m an absolute champ at yapping endlessly!

No problem at all! I’m the Coaster Police in my household, even though our side tables are so old and beat-up it looks more like we’re trying to protect the glassware from them than the other way around.

Congratulations! Your place looks lovely, and having a happy kitty is half the battle of moving. My daughter and son-in-law lived in St. Paul for a few years (more north than south), and it’s a lovely place.

One of the truly wonderful things about them getting older is the birthday parties getting smaller. The whole process always stressed me out - I’ll never forget having to invite 14 preschoolers for a 4th birthday party because I found out my younger one had been telling her classmates “I’m going to invite you to my PARTY” for months before her March birthday. They all came to our 900 square foot house - and it rained that day.

That’s such a relief! We went through this with my father-in-law in 2020, and it just completely wrings you out. I’m glad your family was able and willing to gather round and support you and your dad.

And the hair looks really good!

I did this with my cast-iron frying pan the other day - only I scooped the eggs out of it and went off happily to eat them, only realizing much later when I thought I smelled burning oil that I’d forgotten to turn the burner off. Luckily, the pan apparently doesn’t have any flaws in it, because it’s survived me doing that to it many times. I’ve asked my daughter to choose a good Home for me when she’s had enough.

As for a Mumper name, well, you know anyone who chose a username as dumb as mine can’t possibly be picky about what she’s called!