(Old) Whatcha want on your MMP...izza?

Do you add veggies, or go all meats? How do you feel about anchovies?

And of course, the biggie, the kahuna question … where do you fall on the Great Pineapple Debate?

Me? I make weird pizzas for my personal snacks and breaks - my co-workers call 'em Franken-Pizzas.
I like onions, bacon … I keep forgetting we have tomatoes, those go well with garlic. (Sadly, my current place of work does not offer basil or pesto, or I’d blow through that, maybe with a bit of chicken.)

I made myself an anchovy-garlic monstrosity several weeks ago - and apologized to the entire kitchen in advance when I shoved that sumbitch into the oven - but man, was it good. Stank to high heaven (hence the apology - “Are you making cat food for dinner or something??”) and scared off any local vampires while simultaneously melting my teeth, but to this weirdo, it was delishush.

Tomorrow is my Blessed Day Off, but I work Tuesday. What can I make for you, hun?

I prefer pepperoni/sausage/olive/mushroom/extra cheese, light on the sauce, creamy garlic preferred over marinara. I’ve been known to enjoy anchovies as a side add-on, but the texture gets a touch weird if they’re baked into the pizza (I do have mild texture sensitivity issues with food)

DH likes either Hawaiian or a half pepperoni / half Hawaiian. He can deal with my fondness for adding olives and mushrooms, but generally thinks the sausage used on pizza is overly seasoned (no, I cannot rationally explain his position on that).

May I ask, what does he consider Hawaiian?

It pretty much always involves ham and pineapple, but I’ve had people ask specifically for onions, and others recoil (in one case, visibly and a bit rudely, to my face) upon my suggestion.
A few people at least, each week, consider briefly, and are like, “Oh, yeah, that too!” so I’m not not gonna offer.

A couple of folks have asked for corn (again, not an offered topping - a bit frustrating when they’re standing directly in front of our menu) so I am curious what my Mumpers have to say.

… and also about their kids, grandkids, jobs, aches’n’pains, pets, financial ups & downs, random food info, lawn care updates, and of course, the weather from across this globe.

ETA: not to be outdone, it started raining as I posted. While sitting outside.

Ham/Canadian bacon (depends on what it’s called on the menu) and pineapple. He’s not fond of onions on pizza (neither am I).

I fail to see a point in asking for ingredients that are not listed on the menu. If it’s not listed, the restaurant probably doesn’t have it on hand, people!

I’m a pushover for thin crust. And thick crust is wonderful, too.

Easy on the sauce, and please no overbearing sweetness in the sauce. Double sausage that’s not too salty. Lots of cheese, of course. Conversely, pepperoni is great. Or half sausage half pepperoni. And lots of cheese. Did I say cheese?

No pineapple. That’s effrontery. (My son prefers pineapple. Not in this house. Go buy it someplace else. We’ve had it, though, with great sighs, when he visits, to be hospitable, but I don’t eat any.)

Mushrooms, I forgot them. Add some mushrooms.

The best, though is made by Racilia, my wife. White pizza. No sauce. Only lotsa of cheese, olive oil and her version of Italian seasoning. And especially onions. Gotta have onions on white pizza.

And once in a while, toss in pepperoni balls. A half dozen will do. We’ll have the rest of them tomorrow. For lunch. With the rest of the cold pizza.

Never heard of these before. Details, please?

Dough, wrapped around sliced pepperoni, then baked to golden brown. In the shape of a ball a couple inches in diameter.

And then there is pepperoni bread. Same deal. Eat it sliced and buttered.

Pepperoni is an essential food group.

Now, back to pizza.

Pepperoni with 4-cheese mix.

I’m not averse to pineapple and ham, but pepperoni is my go-to.

Morning all. Last day of the mid year (short) vacation, will see the USS Yorktown this morning and then off to Myrtle Beach to fly on home. Sore and sunburned but still enjoyed getting away from Ali-bama and the routine for a bit.

Call me weird, call me Un-American, call me Ishmael…but I don;t eat pizza. Never have, just don’t care for it.

And on that note, need to pack for my travels. Take care all.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 73 Amurrkin out and foggy with a predicted high of 91 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. No biggie plans for the day except that tonight is men’s night over to the church house, so we will head over a little early to do set up. Sloth and nappage will rule the day otherwise.

We like pepperoni, Eyetalian snausage, ‘shrooms, onions, bell peppers, green and black olives, and marinara sauce on our pizza. Thick crust is preferred as well. I’ll eat other types of pizza however. No anchovies though. I don’t mind eatin’ anchovies but like Nettie said, they are a weird taste/texture feelin’ on a pizza.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

MUSHROOMS!! But only if they’re fresh. Canned 'shrooms are an abomination! There are a couple of places where I refuse to get pizza because of that. Sometimes I like spinach. And while I’m not a NEVER-PINEAPPLE person, that’s firmly a meh topping to me.

I like pepperoni, but it’s too greasy. Generally, I’d rather have beef on my pizza - either ground beef or “steak” - think thin strips of minute steaks. I’ve had a cheese steak pizza that’s pretty good. I’m OK with onions as long as they’ve been cooked before they go on - I like my onions well-done and they don’t cook long enough on a pizza.

When I was in Sicily, peas were a common topping, and I rather enjoyed that. My grands like corn on theirs, and the MOD Pizza place has corn, and lots of other options.

As for crust, I love pan pizzas but generally I order hand-tossed. I don’t like the super-thin ones. So, bottom line, mushrooms, maybe some beef, some extra cheese, and I’m happy.

Sweetie, you need serious help. That’s just wrong on sooooo many levels! And you seemed so nice and normal when we met. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

It rained overnight, and there’s a good chance it will continue on and off till afternoon. I’ll try to get some weeding done at the school, but I’m not going to mess with planting today.

Which reminds me (from the last MMP) - shoe (and anyone else) - what’s a low-maintenance, attractive perennial that can tolerate full afternoon sun? I was going to donate some hostas but I fear they’ll burn up. I’ve got tons of day lilies that need dividing - at least their greenery looks nice most of the time. I think the liriope will be OK. Maybe just stick some plastic stuff in there and be done?? :rofl:

Had a pretty decent sleep last night. I have to wonder, once Higgs goes to her puggy reward, will I still feel compelled to get up around 5 or 6? I hate to think of her trapped in her crate needing to pee in the morning, so I get up to let her out. I suppose I’ll have a partial answer on our cruise - will I laze around in bed every morning?

Apart from the weeding at school, I have no plans. I should do some roll-suckage. I guess we shall see.

Happy Moanday!!

I’m in the “NEVER” camp on pineapple, since I dislike combining sweet flavors with meat. This has been known to result in DH and me resorting to his-and-hers pizzas.

Me too. Although certain combos of non-meat pizzas can have pineapple. But in general sweet and pizza are non-overlapping categories for me.

Real quick gotta run:

Got bugged last night for irk. Up at 4am, now gobbling breakfast at airport & soon to start irking. Easy day today, long day tomorrow and home in time for drinks & bed.

We have pizza night here about once a month where I get pizza crusts and then make all the toppings. Then everyone just makes their pizza the way they want it.

My ideal pizza is medium crust with olive oil, marinara, shredded Parmesan, Italian sausage, pepperoni, Canadian bacon, cremini mushrooms, bell peppers, sweet onion, black olives, anchovies and shredded mozzarella.

My opinion on pineapple is live and let live. Put it on a pizza if you like but I won’t eat it. None of my family like it so I don’t include it as an ingredient choice.

My usual pizza is a thick crust with onions, black olives, and meat (beef, sausage or bacon). My favourite pizza is quattro stagioni, which I ordered almost every time we went out to eat in Italy. Haven’t seen it anywhere in the states, though. :frowning:

Lady SCAdian loves Hawaiian pizza (no onions). I can take it or leave it.

Good morning.

It’s 57F and clear with an expected high of 71F and RAIN, glorious rain. The rain is supposed to start around 9:00 am, but I already smell the moisture in the air. I went to get some more coffee and looked outside; a pinkish/reddish tinge in the sky this morning, so sailors take warning.

I am light on the sauce in the Canadian Bacon and Pineapple camp. BUT, I like some bacon, green pepper uncooked slice tomatoes on there too. If I can’t have that, I need veggies (onions, peppers, etc.) on the pizza; the type of crust depends on how I feel that day. Sometimes I like a nice thick crust, other times, I prefer thin. I also like a white sauce with spinach, basil, cheese, and a drizzle of olive oil.

Good Lord, I must have been exhausted. I slept through all my alarms and didn’t leave bed until 4:45 am. I am irritated because I lost “ease into the workday” time and have very little time left before logging into my work computer. At least I’m working from home.

We had a pleasant visit with the kids, and all shed tears upon their departure yesterday. My eyes became a little moist, but I was trying to hold myself in check because my husband and son were taking it harder than I. I also now have a porch and garden filled with beautiful potted plants that I gave them, so I now have even more plants to water! I made 'tater salad and baby back ribs with a dry rub. It was all delicious.

We may fly out there in October and are making tentative plans with my son, so we all go out together. We’ll miss Zoe’s birthday in September, that’s a tough month for me for work, and I want them to have time to settle in too.

I best finish my coffee and get on with my day.

Chicagoan here so I want thin crust tavern style. Definitely sausage. Mushrooms if I’m in the mood and like mooom they must be fresh. Once in a while olives. I don’t mind eyetalian beef. No to green peppers and anchovies. But whatever I have, put A LOT on it. Don’t not to cheap out and put 3 mushroom pieces on the whole thing. I’ve never had pineapple on pizza.

As you all know, my sister moved Thursday. Yesterday they bought a house. No grass growing under their feet. I have not a whole lot to do today other than physical therapy.

I have long been a fan of salty/sweet, so pepperoni and pineapple is my go-to pie. I also like roasted potatoes and sausage on occasion.

Last in-house PT is today. Intake evaluation for out-patient PT is next week. Sleeping a bit better, but up every two hours to pee, which is annoying. My doc in Portland would have just prescribed Flomax or something, but the GPs out here just love to do referrals, which is a nuisance in many cases. I wonder what sort of cut they get for doing that.

Dawter visit yesterday went well, but everything tires me out. Be glad when this phase of things is over.

My favorite is a mushroom, black olive, and green pepper pizza. That’s what I eat 90% of the time, but I sometimes will have sausage pizza, but that’s usually when I’m helping myself to pizza that someone else ordered and paid for. :smiling_imp:

What I avoid is “weird” pizza like pineapple, chicken, etc. … … Yes, yes, I know; beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so there is no need for anyone to get defensive. LOL

Pineapple belongs on certain pizzas. Anchovies should only be a tiny bit, IMO because so much flavor and salt. Kalamata olives (which I adore) are the same. You don’t need much to flavor the whole pizza. I love Sicilian-style with some good salami. There’s so much umami in salami, and it’s missing from most pepperonis. Try using pesto and additional olive oil as the base instead of a red sauce. Delicious. IMO though, the salami pizza deserves a stellar red sauce. Basil is fabulous. Fresh mushrooms too. Fresh onions. Carmelized onions work well on a Hawaiian. About the only topping I truly don’t like is hamburger. Why use such a bland food?

I worked at a great, local, gourmet pizza place for a couple of months and went through serious withdrawal when I had to quit due to a new day job. That place was heaven for experimenting with new flavors.

Well, got a bunch of stuff moved from storage to apartment in a mere 3-1/2 hours. For unloading, I based myself in the unit and a friend at the security door downstairs. The moving guys did a fantastic job of hauling stuff up the elevator and down the hall. While I waited, I was able to sponge off the undersides of furniture to remove cat hair and spider egg sacs. I only got one box unpacked though, due to being cleanly with other stuff. During the week, I shall commute to apt after work and unpack 4 boxes a night and then head back to base for dinner and bed. So that will be twenty boxes sorted by Saturday without tiring me beyond belief.

I’m also waiting for finances to settle after moving costs to see when I can do it again with more stuff and start posting some items to FB Marketplace. Feels good.

Now I’m jonesing for pizza and can’t do anything about it for a week or so. Or maybe I can, depends on financials. Gotta start the week right, right?