I hearby claim the title of the oldest Doper (chronologicaly). Can anyone top 50? Also who is the youngest? It might be interesting to get our average age but,alas, probably not possible.
I hearby claim the title of the oldest Doper (chronologicaly). Can anyone top 50? Also who is the youngest? It might be interesting to get our average age but,alas, probably not possible.
Well, I’m pretty sure I’m not the youngest, but just for the record, I’m nineteen.
“human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust; we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” - albert einstein
55 in March.
Now just wait, somebody’ll claim 108 and this’ll be another contest I won’t win.
If they do, make 'em prove it. Ask 'em how to do the Lindy, or give us a recipe using lard or fatback.
Well, as it happens, I turned 108 just last month. Sorry about that, better luck next time.
An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.
I’m a fetus.
57 last Thanksgiving
Do I get a prize?
You’re a fetus? Well, I’m a zygote.
(I like the word zygote.)
“Anger is what makes America great.”
Democritus, you misspelled fetid.
NanoByte is reportedly in his late 60’s.
fLoWeRcHiLdGenerationY (or something like that) claims to be 15. WIU Wozman also seems to be a highschooler.
I can do the Lindy. I’m 28.
Teeming Millions: http://fathom.org/teemingmillions
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t
*Kyla: You’re a fetus? Well, I’m a zygote. *
<font color="#900000">Oh yeah? Well, I’m a sperm!</font>
Judges 14:9 - So [Samson] scraped the honey into his hands and went on, eating as he went. When he came to his father and mother, he gave some to them and they ate it; but he did not tell them that he had scraped the honey out of the body of the lion.
I’m sorry, Opal, you’re just not my type!
Eldest Son is registered and has posted occasionally, and he will be 15 in March. Middle (11 1/2) and Youngest (10 in April) Sons are registered, but more so that no one else took those names than because they post. Middle Son looks here occasionally (at selected threads while Hubby or I are around to supervise); Youngest Son does not.
AWB, I hate to do this to you, but I’m just a twinkle in my daddy’s eye. Beat that.
I’m 45. Can I claim the title of ‘most middle-aged poster’?
Buses stop at bus stations; trains stop at train stations.
There’s a work station on my desk.
I think every poster should be able to stake their claim to some sort of “____est poster on the SDMB.” I feel pretty safe in saying that I win the prize for Tallest poster.
Autographs are available, fees are minimal.
My sig line is currently unavailable. Please check this post in 1 hour when we resume our broadcast day.
17 years, five feet zero. I’m not youngest, but can I claim shortest poster?
Or shortest semi-adult poster?
I dunno…
Question authority–just not mine.
When I posted this, I did not give my age. I only asked if anyone could top 50. Born 4/19/37, I’ll be 63 in April. But, it looks like I’m not the farthest over the hill! thanx for your replies…Carl
My grandfather hasn’t even been born yet…
40 YOA, 5’11’’, Brown hair, hazel eyes.
I’ve got dibs on “dullest” and “most mediocre”!
Neidhart: Wrong! Compared to my posts, yours are Zesty, Fresh, and full of Uncommon Insight.