I had this really great article lined up at abcnews.com about how the “Official Condom” supplier to the Olympics has already used it’s allotment of 100k, and is shipping another 20k. I recall that the original allotment allowed for everyone to have about 6. So assuming that when you pair off, however briefly, you have a total of 12 between the two.
Damn… how are they winning medals? I mean, who’s got time with the fine ladies from the Italian Volleyball team at the party?*
*[sub]not to malign the reputation of the fine ladies of the Italian Volleyball team in anyway, I just picked them off the top of my head.[/sub]
You know I swear I read that the number was even higher than 6 each. More like 20.
It is what, 10,000 athletes involved in the Olympics.
That would make it 10 condoms each.
Now, not all of the 10,000 athletes are staying in the Olympic village where the condoms were distributed so that increases the per person condom use even more.
And if we eliminate(and I sure hope they did) all of the minors…
Damn! No wonder these people dream of being an Olympian
I hate to burst your bubble, but most products that are the “Official _____ of the Olympics” are used not only by the athletes, but by the spectators as well. And by the hot dog vendors, TV crews, janitors, etc., etc…
Well, I guess if you’re going to send all of your best athletes <a randy bunch of them too it seems> to a country where prostitution is legal then… well, by all means be protected.
I actually read an article where it said that the prostitution houses have banners up in front of their establishments. Some say things like “Go for the Gold”…“The Official Sex Site of the 2000 Olympics”