Yes, this season’s been a disaster. But, the real problem hasn’t been with pitching, it’s been the hitters. Dreadful, from 1-8 in the batting order. Oh yeah, 1-8, that looks like a record. Bah
And, actually, Rolen’s gone either next season sometime, or in 2002 when his contract’s up. There’s no way he’ll resign with the Phils without a new stadium in town, and that’s not going to happen by 2002.
And, Ashby was a waste. The deal when we got him from the Pads last fall was basically Adam Eaton for Ashby, and then Ashby was traded, in turn, for Bruce Chen. In other words, Eaton for Chen. Right now, I’d say that trade’s rather even, and it looks like Chen will make a great #2 or #3 pitcher in a year or two. So, all Ashby did was bide time between the trades. But, he didn’t do that. He stank up the joint, and stank it up badly.
As for Schill. He’ll be back. He’ll come back to Philly next summer, after the D-backs have their inevitable fire sale. I was sad to see him go, but at the time I was glad it was to Arizona, where it seemed like he had a legitimate chance to win this season. (For obvious reasons, I’m glad he didn’t go to the Braves, Mets, or Yankees.) It took a cameo with the Marlins for Dutch Daulton to win a World Series in '97, and at the time it seemed like the same fate was in store for Schill.
It’s been 17 years since the Sixers won in 1983. There have been some close calls (Flyers in '87 and '97), some closer than others (Phils in '93). But, it’s been hard. The lack of championships isn’t as painful as the utter crapiness of the teams.
Riots? Nah. We’re patient enough with our boos.
And, someone will win within three years, I think. Most likely the Flyers, but I still hold out hope it’ll be the Phils. Sixers and Eagles, maybe.
I love my Philly sports.