Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

The company is a hat company. Stetson hats announced they were pulling their products from the company’s shelves. All of a sudden, the hat company is all sorry.

Off-topic fun fact: The “magen david” ( מָגֵן דָּוִד‎ ) (loosely pronounced like “muggin duvvid”, mostly in Yiddish) is generally translated in English as “Star of David”. I have it from a native Israeli that it literally means “Shield of David”. (Wikipedia agrees.) The word “magen” meaning “shield” also appears in the names of some insurance companies.

They already own a red MAGA hat that will work. And we already naturally steer clear of them so it seems a natural fit.

I object to fluorescent orange because that is the internati9nal color for “I’m a human, don’t shoot me”. Because, reasons.

Multiple hat companies have announced they will no longer distribute through HatWRKS.

But that’s what they’re saying. “Don’t shoot me (with a vaccine)!”

Stupid AND evil. Not a good combination, even for a fledgling serial killer.

Not if you wear them backwards.

Was it “stupid” though? Nothing in that story suggests that the murderer was trying to avoid being caught. Actually, it establishes to me that he clearly wanted to be.

Fucci was arrested the following day, and allegedly made several “admissions” of guilt.

After Bailey’s death, Fucci allegedly posted a taunting selfie from the back of a squad car. In the photo, he was displaying a peace sign. The photo was captioned, “Hey guys has anybody seen Tristyn lately?”

Authorities allege that Fucci told friends days before Bailey’s killing that he planned to kill someone.

“He didn’t say who that was,” State Attorney R.J. Larizza told reporters in a news conference last week. “He indicated to witnesses that he was going to kill someone by taking them in the woods and stabbing them.”

A person isn’t “stupid” for getting caught if they intended to be caught. It isn’t rational but neither is stabbing someone 114 times.

You’re right. He’s a fucking mensa candidate. He is not going to enjoy prison life. He looks kinda scrawny. There will be no teenage girls to lord his power of death over and all the fellas will likely outweigh him by at least 50 lbs. The “being kept separate from other inmates” will not be in effect when he is convicted. Guess he didn’t think that part through.

But how is it irrational? Evil, yes, but if killing and causing pain is what you dig.

It’s good that he no longer be a part of society. Too bad he didn’t think to just kill himself. But I guess there’s no fun or notoriety in that. I sure hope that Florida gets rid of the death penalty soon.

And then there’s THIS dickhead.

I’d say the people who he told that he was planning the murder are pretty fucking stupid.

ETA: Also, what are 13 and 14 year olds doing outside at 2 in the goddamn morning? I assume their parents didn’t know, but damn.

Been a while since you were 13, has it?

I was a goddamn saint at that age, and my parents were very strict. So yeah, I’m maybe not the best judge of what’s normal.

And now his mother has been charged with tampering with evidence for washing his bloody jeans.

Aw, she just thought he spilled ketchup all over himself.

Weird: There’s a video from a home surveillance camera of the mother washing those jeans? From that article:

So they have in-home video surveillance of their laundry room?

Pro-tip: When you wash ketchup from your kid’s pants, turn the camera off!

Having surveillance video of every room in your house for every minute of the last month, except for a 10 minute gap in the laundry room? Hmmm. Mighty suspicious.

Perhaps you’re not old enough to recall a certain 23 minute gap in a certain audio tape?

Heck who am I kidding? I know you’re ~5 years older than I am, and I was in high school when that famous gap was made public.

I think you mean the famous 18-minute gap, that came to be called Rosemary’s Boo-Boo?

You may be confusing this with that other 23-minute gap: