Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

The illustrious Commodore was already noted here. My bad, I should have introduced him here in the omnibus thread. Not clear yet if this is a permanent condition or if he’s just off his meds.

Naah, he’s been trolling pretty muchfrom the get-go (note the use of “Abos” in that first post). So that’s 3 months of sustained trollery, nice going there.

Is “Abos” a rude bit of slang? I figured it was short for aborigines, but I wouldn’t know if that is rude or just informal slang, like Brits.

Granted, everything else about this guy is pure bonkers.

AFAIK, it’s a derogatory slur. **Commodore **was moderated by **tomndebb **in the above linked thread for his usage.

Strangely, his use of"half-breed"and “half-cast” (sic) don’t appear to be considered as slurs by TPTB.

Not familiar to me, but “abo” is defined in the online free dictionary as “offensive slang” … Used as a disparaging term for an Australian Aborigine … “completely unacceptable”. Defined in the Urban Dictionary as equivalent to “Australian nigger”.

All in all, a fine first post for the Commodore, which goes on to call for “death to degenerates”. An excellent preview of what could be expected in the days and weeks to come, and indeed, as noted above, the Commodore has delivered.

Ah, well, I always defer to Urban Dictionary, because it kind of scares me. Thanks for filling me in.

The Commodore delivers! I wish we could buy that tag for him.

But in his favor, he does throw out adorable phrases like “nil avoid.” I’m sure intense purposes will show up soon.

Judging from what I’ve read just in this thread, he should be placed under arrest for sentence abuse.

You’re not trying to “in slave” him are you? (See Merneith’s quote)

Here’s her latest contribution in the category of “Posts That Are Completely Unsurprising.”

There aren’t enough eyerolls for that.

OTOH, there should be bonus points awarded for such a precisely accurate user name.

I guess some recently banned troll has returned.

Good catch. Sounds eerily familiar.

Looks like one of the brighter ones that is capable of operating the “Shift” key. Which is more than you can say about this one that just recently began to grace us with its lowercase gibbering, mostly one-liners sprinkled with emoticons.

First, I note the passing of JohnClay. I never was entirely sure if he was trolling or not, but either way, he’s gone.

Second, there’s this gem from iLemming. It’s a bit of a puzzler. Join date 2013 and the language is technically English. I wouldn’t call it coherent English though.

[thread=801487]Has pathological greed destroyed the Occident?[/thread]

aliensshow. Here’s some of the nuggets of wisdom he’s currently pelting us with:

Every single post of his is a nasty little jab, usually political, but sometimes sexual. The poisonous little shit has yet to actually contribute anything of worth to any thread he has posted in.

Linked in post 332. :slight_smile:

Oh look, now a ‘men’s rights activist’ has popped up. He even put it in his user name.

I’m guessing this latest batch is one or more banned posters?

Fuck. There are enough misogynists on this board as it is. I’m beginning to worry the joke about the reddit subthread being closed is not a joke.