Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

To be fair, since Idle Thoughts flounced, I don’t think anyone is using the “friends” feature.

Finally, ITD locked Machinaforce’s love sucks thread. It was on the verge of someone saying, “… in your own words, tell me about … your mother …”.

Just in time for a new Marcus Flavius thread about the things that he hates (this time, it is sex with prostitutes and attempting to form relationships.) They are a tag-team of discontent.

Pickiest of nits: “Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about… your mother.”


Whose trock is BJ? He hops on the board, starts talking about “trolling”, right wing, familiar with the Board. Handsome Harry come to visit maybe?

Hell yes, we need a law. Step 1, read a click bait story somewhere. Step 2, post said story without understanding it. Step 3, put a 50’s spin on it, pulling in imaginary family members as needed. Step 4, moderate original position to 21st century under barrage of posts from people not from the Andy Griffith show.

Fully endorsed, on both counts.

What the hell with that thread? Did he read the other two active threads and decide he had to get some of that hot “addicted to prostitution” action? I don’t remember noticing him much before now, but this thread alone makes me think troll.

Gives me a pretty strong Terr(Okrahoma) type vibe.

That’s it. I knew I was missing someone from our clown car of usual suspects.

Yeah, he has hit the bottom and scraped a bit in that one,

I dunno, I remember Okra having a decent grasp of basic English grammar.

He’s been discussed in this thread before. Topics he has broached is how much he hated college, how much he hates being in the army (I think that was in the college thread), how much he hates carnivory, how much he hates reproducing, and how much he hates life on Earth.

He hit the wood alcohol pretty hard after his last banning.

His grammar is still excellent, but the damage to his eyesight has made it difficult for him to see when he has made a mistake?

I think the appropriate quick summary here would be the following: He hates everything.

He has, however, been able in that college thread to exhibit more self-awareness than most of our trolls and troll-like denizens. I give you here a shining example of that perspicacity, in the form of a direct quote:

  1. I don’t know shit. 2. No one gives a shit.
    We can only bow our head in admiration of its stunning revelatory truth.

You are now ready to leave the Temple of Knowledge and enter the world, Grasshoppah…

I think that Marcus Flavius has graduated from “annoyingly pessimistic” to “piece of shit.”

Yep, he’ll never get a date with that piss-a-tude.

Marcus Flavius = PRR? Similar?

Yep. He’s clinging to his red pill crap like a baby monkey to his mama.


pseudotriton ruber ruber? He was banned a few years back. But if so I’m not really seeing the resemblance.

I can hardly think of a less likely comparison.