Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

His two-part motto can now become a charming three-parter:

“1. I don’t know shit. 2. No one gives a shit. 3. I AM a piece of shit.”

He makes some of our other trolls look positively pleasant by comparison. He certainly has a lot to say for someone who is apparently aware that he doesn’t know anything, but I suppose that’s an occupational requirement for a troll.

Interesting. I don’t remember ever noticing that name before while browsing older threads. He had five pit threads–is that a record?

Not even close. Shodan, for example, has 25 (although one of those seems to be defending him).

I count about 29 for Liberal/Libertarian in only about half the time before he left in 2009.

Answered by Colibri. But it’s adorable that you thought that. :smiley:

Bricker has 27, but two of these seem not to be actual pittings. And since one of them is by Shodan, I’m not sure that should count either.:wink:

It was easier back in the day, before constantly resurrected omni-bus pit threads became a bigger thing. Back then each instance of overwhelming offense( or very mild annoyance )could earn you a shiny new pit thread. Ah, but those “good” old days are long gone.

It’s like how no major league pitcher will ever pitch 30+ complete games in a season ever again ;).

Two more newbies show up to ask for advice on personal issues.

1.) If these are legitimate posters, how do they keep googling up this site to be a good source of personal advice?

2.) Speaking of "if they are legitimate posters", don’t these two seem a little similar? I’m thinking of each of them starting with a disclaimer paragraph on top: one has

and the other

Both of them seem to me like they might be legit, but what do I know. At least Marcus Flavius shows up in the first one, just 5 posts in, to provide comic relief.

We all remember Marcus, he who hated college, hated graduating, hates being in the Army, hates children, hates eating meat, and hates life on earth. Marcus shows up in the thread about the guy living at home who can’t find a job, to remind everyone that he, too, hated living at home (natch), and then he left home, and hates that even more. To Marcus, the world would be a terrific improvement if he turned into Joe Btfsplk, the “Li’l Abner” schlemiel who always had a black rain cloud following him around.

Spring break is upon us.
2 new possibilities in IMHO. - Not real hard to find.

Bastard stole that from ME! :mad:

We have a new Love thread, I see.

Hey! This is Luciano700 and I know I am making a bad move. First off, i want to announce that i finally got a possible job with Little Caesars so horray big progress! Now, if i could only be back in somehow. i will share how I am improving as a person in other ways. I know discuss my political and social theories with people in private before posting (or at least I am getting), I have a therapy session again tomorrow and when I had my last session which was the day I was banned she should suggested to write a big quote from somone and find out what it means in your opinion. i really hadn’t done her favor though. I also checked a book about myths of communism debunked and I can say I finally feel a bit more educated. Now i feel smarter than those hardcore whatever whatever. But instead I want to discuss more philosophical stuff cause this is actually what helps know the world better 101. Otherwise if I allowed back in I promise I will stay off political topics for a bit until I can be more aware, but if not I wish to at least stopped being remember as a troll I am like asking nicely as roses. Thanks, although if only I wouldn’t have crapped my reputation oh well!

Trocks ahoy!


Had also a big anxiety attack typing that.

But I wish to stop being thought of as a sock account. Especially from the mods, I want to be back in. Promise I will double check now my threads before posting them. I will even try to gain responsibility and stop using my autism as a out of jail card. Because by that same logic I can use it to murder someone or terrorize a place. I will not, try to just double check what I am posting should help. And besides my autism is controllable anyways.

Darn, I like pizza AND donuts.

Please guys I am being genuine and nice AF, I will even not plargarize anymore.
I mean is philosophy what I kind of want to discuss more, which I just admitted.

If only there was some way for that to not happen . . . I’m just spitballin’ here . . . what about, NOT OPENING SOCK ACCOUNTS!

CMC fnord!

Well at least I got a more original username this time :smiley:

I mean I wish I knew alternate ways to communicate :wink:

Holy crap.

Yeah, this is what I’m dreading. Philosophical discussions are painful, especially when trying to slog through someone else’s angst-y ramblings.

Y’know what mentally healthy people do? They grow out of their neediness, including the need to inflict their inner monologues on total strangers on the internet.

Then, they shut off the internet, go outside and interact with real people.